Hello everyone and thank you for opening your doors.
I've been gaining information and insight from Nexus for quite some time now and felt it was time to step through the doors and see how it feels and I have to say, it felt like home. This is why I'm here and im hoping, in time, I will be welcomed here in return.
I've been working with and learning from herbs and plants, earth's gifts for quite some time now. I can see their colors, yours too, and can tell when they are happy, sad, have messages, warnings, they even show fear. No different than us, are they. Soul they have, aya shows so beautifully. If only one chooses to listen, to truly learn from them, they have much to teach.
As do all of you, as I have seen. There is a wealth of valuable information to be found here and I deeply and graciously thank all of you for providing what you have.
This is what has drawn me here time and again. It seemed that every time I Google'd my topic of interest, it always landed here. Universal point taken ^_^
I am an old soul that's been around a very long time, but only recently Aya called my name and she led me here. I see why, since it feels as though I know some of you already, deeply.
I look forward greatly to this journey and I look forward greatly to knowing all of you. I hope to be of the help here, that you have given me already.
Feel free always to ask, happy I'll be to help. Thank you again deeply for allowing me in,and, lastly~ Thank you too for reading this embarrassing first introduction
~ Everything happens for a reason ~