Arizer Extreme Q: Sweet spot around 175°C, but the display temp on this unit is always about 20 degress higher than it actually is. So, it's more like 155°C.
Volcano: Harsh combusted taste at 180 and at 170°C. Need to be lower. Probably somewhere in 120-150 range. If I get my hands on a Voclano again, I would have to try lower temps.
Arizer Solo: Its working at the second lowest setting, but still a bit too hot. I don't know what temp it is, but my Solo is not very old, so it will probably be 150°.
VapeXhale Cloud EVO: Effective vaporization at temps dialed above 9 o'clock, sombustion taste at above 10 o clock. According to the guide below, that means 140-160°C for a sweet spot temperature.
All of these vapes have good temperature constol and give off quality consistent heat. The EQ is the least precise and VapeXhale with Volcano the most. Solo is also very precise, but also has some conduction that can toast a layer of your bowl (that could be why it would taste a bit harsh even as low as 150°C)
So, my experience with these 3 vapes leads me to clonclusion taht you want to vape at 145°C plus minus no more than 15°C. You want at least 140°C to make is effective, but also below 160°C (or even 150°C) to not combust.
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