Il start with a few insecurity's, all relating to the interfacing of this site. Is this the proper way to post an experience report? is it considered arrogant on this site to speak of my integrations? Any and all criticism relating to my posting manner are welcome, and you all already know to keep it constructive. Thank you.
The rest of this post is all in reference to SWIM I simply use the term "I" for ease of conveyance.
You'll notice I put I into quotations above, this is a slight. Because I no longer believe in I, i have felt the oneness. I have only had one true breakthrough and I have much MUCH to learn. I have learned that the universe wants us to exist because to exist is beautiful its amazing to be. I have learned its not here to hurt me its here to show me. And I believe you will all show me something as well, I hope through my participation in the nexus I can show you something too.
Il cut it short there because I would not like to waste your time with my selfish findings, this is simply an introduction for me. Nice to meet you DMT nexus I feel we have a long and fruitful relationship with ONE another.