Hello everone,
(english is not my first language, feel free to correct my and i am sorry about the typos)
i have been around here a lot of times reading through articles and extraction methods for years now. as my first extraction is currently happening i decided it is finally time to register and introduce myself and hopefully contribute to this place.
I used to be one of those people who would never take any drugs, but spent their weekend drinking way too much alcohol. At that time i was mostly surrounded by narrow minded people and so was i.
but in my early 20s i moved into a small town and got to know more people and expended my own horizon.
Eventually i started smoking pot and one night i was introduced to shrooms and shpongle.
As i was allway very enthusiastic about music but this combination was something different.
since then i can be found at many psy-trance festivals all over europe.
But I enjoy my entheogenes preferably at home
I would call myself quite exerienced when it comes to shrooms
i had my first DMT expreince about 2 years ago.
Although i always had spice at home since then i only did use it 2 times since then.
it was such a special event i did not want to just use it as a toy. it had to be the perfect moment, and i had the feeling i have to figure some things out in life before i go on another journey.
i would describe myself as an agnostic and rational psychonaut.
also i am a big fan of conspiracy theories. Partially because i am convinced a lot of weird stuff is going on that requires a good explanation and partially because I find a lot of them hilarious. (Ancient Aliens is something i despite and find hilarious at the same time)
i just thought of a few things i could add here...
i may be what some would call a propper nerd, I do work in IT and used to play a lot of video games (because of health problems not so much anymore). I do fractal art, Watch documentaries for recreation and try to suck up as much knowledge as i can.
i love a bunsh educational Youtube channels like vsouce, crash course and CPG Grey
another edit:
(i will try to not make this a habit)
i read through some other introduction essays and it seems first time expreiences are appreciated so i think i should add this:
since i heard of DMT i wanted to try it but i never wanted to do the whole Ayahuasca thing because i consider the whole dient and MAO inhibitor thing way to risky without a professional shaman.
When i got the chanse to try it at a friend of a friends place i did not know what to expect.
i was pretty epxerienced when it comes to shrooms and had one hell of a bad LSD trip with amazing visuals, but nothing could have prepared me for the feeling of the onset of DMT.
The feeling was just sometihng i have never even thought about before and right before me all these patterns started to appear. As I am really into fractal art this alone would have been great.
At That point i think i just fell back on the couch. i do not rembember what i was seeing but i had the feeling of beeing guided throught some weird other dimenson that was always there right next to me, but i could never see before.
The most profound thing though was the feeling of something i can only discribe as the thumb of god resting on my 3rd eye.
when i opened my eyes there were still some visual effects going on, but the dizziness faded quickly. A few moments later i felt like i was born again, full of energy and just happy
feel free to ask me anything
Love and Light