Hi Guys,
First and foremost I have been floating about on here as a non member for a while just doing various research into extractions and also various travelling tales
A little about me - I am a long time smoker and dabbler in enlightening states of mind. I was introduced to spice by an old friend and was never really prepared for the whole experience. Since that evening a few years ago I have been intrigued with the sheer ferocity of all that you know / accept / acknowledge as reality gets ripped away as you visit what can only be described as additional planes / realms to our own.
One of the main reasons for signing up was to simply share my TEK for STB extraction. I am a graduate chemist and after reading some of the TEK on here and trying them for myself, I wanted to share an extraction that took around 4 hours and yielded pretty much 900mg of some of the finest spice I have experienced. No need to further purify as this generated nice white crystals with a slightly yellow hue.
100g MHRB - Powder in a blender until the majority of the bark is powdered - CARE do not open the blender while it appears cloudy (unless wearing a dust mask)
Obtain a 1L vessel with a sealable lid that does not contain rubber - Ideally something with a PTFE lid that seal well !!!
Weigh 100g NaOH - CARE Ensure protective clothing is worn - NaOH burns can cause blindness and it VERY unpleasant.
Measure 300ml distilled water and pour into the 1L vessel
Add the NaOH to the water - CARE Add the pellets slowly as the reaction is exothermic which DOES generate quite a bit of heat ! I tend to add the 100g in roughly 3 portions, swirling to aid the dissolving process. CARE - Ensure the liquid does not splash.
Add the powdered MHRB to the NaOH solution - Should turn a dark purple / black colour.
Add 100ml distilled H2O to the blender / switch on for 30-45 seconds and add to the NaOH solution - This gets the last of the MHRB out of the blender into your extraction vessel.
CARE - Make sure you have protective clothing on at all times !!! Goggles / gloves etc.
Give the jar a good shake and leave somewhere safe for 30-45 mins. This allows sufficient time for the spice to be dissolved into solution.
Add 150 ml of heptane to the jar and seal tightly !
Shake vigorously and set to one side to allow the 2 liquid layers to separate. This should take around 10 minutes - Once separated shake again and again allow the layers to form.
Leave for 15 minutes to ensure the layers have separated.
Pipette off 100ml or as much as you can of the heptane layer and place into a shallow glass dish (I use a pyrex glass oven dish) - CARE do not pipette ANY of the dark aqueous layer as this will contaminate your product and render it unusable ! If you do get some of the dark aqueous layer in the pipette then eject the contents back into the jar and clean the pipette thoroughly !!!! <--------- VERY IMPORTANT !
Once you have as much of the heptane layer put a lid on the glass dish and transfer to a -20C freezer. I always wrap the dish in a carrier bag too to ensure there is no heptane contamination in my freezer.
Leave for 45 - 60 mins.
You should now have white crystals in the cold dish. Quickly tip the heptane into a clean pint glass (you can reuse the same heptane multiple times) - The DMT will be stuck to the glass. Leave the dish somewhere airy and warm and within about 30 minutes the dish should dry.
While waiting for the dish to dry tip the heptane back into the extraction jar and shake vigorously again and then repeat the above process.
Once the dish is dry use a razor blade to scrape and then smoke / store etc...
I repeated the process 3 times in total before I saw a significant decrease in quality and yield so I stopped. Many of the extractions I read take days and I thought about this rationally and chemically speaking it makes no sense. I used to this process i.e. Liquid / liquid extractions over and over in the lab and it takes no more than an hour.
I did 3 extractions
1. 450mg - Ice white xtals
2. 400mg - Yellow hue but no looking xtals
3. 100mg - Darker yellow xtals - More oily
Once finished there is layer of heptane left on top of the NaOH - I simply added lots of washing up liquid shook vigorously and disposed of the entire remaining solution down the toilet. CARE - Do not tip heptane down the toilet untreated - It presents a hazard to aquatic life.
I tried a little 30mg earlier and have to say it is very clean spice indeed.
I really hope this helps and if you have any questions let me know...
Oh finally the whole process took about 4-5 hours.
Stay safe :-)