I'd rather post this to the integration sub forum but...
This is another of my long winded exercises in textual abuse. Some of y'all may have heard part of this story before...
Looking around for publishing resources...
I hope you enjoy and would appreciate feedback! Love you all! (Don't let that stop you from being brutal.) here goes:
The men and women who escaped slavery and risked their lives on the Underground Railroad did so not only to secure freedom for themselves but to ensure that their descendants could one day enjoy it. They put their well being on the line that only in the most extreme circumstances is reflected by our struggle to achieve a change in policy to protect our cognitive liberty; but yet I still draw a comparison to help illustrate the climate under which we endure. The drug war is an extension of the racial subjugation of slavery, so maybe the comparison is not so off after all. For those of us who commit thought crimes we risk everything. We risk our freedom, our livelihoods, our families because we have re-discovered an ancient route to perfect well being hidden by a government afraid of losing control,which through racist and draconian fear based legislation threatens to strip the freedom of anyone who dares to use a plant to engage in deep meaningful conversation with their own inner being. For many who have discovered an effective means in them to defeat debilitating conditions like myself, having found a route out of long term addiction and severe depression, the use of these medicines is not a matter of simply getting high. We have found a way to survive this world and are going to use it.
Beyond the mystical experiences many who ingest psychedelics discover, researchers have long known of, tested and proven the amazing efficacy of these chemicals to treat many pervasive and stubborn modern conditions like PTSD, depression, anxiety and addiction. However the Nixon administrations hysterical reaction to the fact that America was losing a war alongside a cultural revolution in which LSD played a major part doomed ongoing research into ways to put them to practical use. Finally the doors to research on the subject have reopened with several institutions regularly performing well funded research into the therapeutic value of psychedelics as well as discovering how they work. Little is known about the mechanism that creates their profound effects but more is being discovered every day on how the molecules interact with brain chemistry and signal transmission. While that research is being done in laboratories, and we wait for the results to effect change in legal policy and for FDA regulation, for many a route to freedom from their illness is out of reach.
Some like myself have no choice in the matter. Waiting for years while the lab coats and the legislators catch up is not an option, as if it ever was; for some developing an auto didactic practice using psychedelics is equivalent to survival. I come from a place of true self inflicted isolation, inextricably intertwined with severe chronic depression, suicidal ideation, PTSD and addiction that only got worse as I engaged in the only forms of treatment available to me. Accessing 'treatment' first through heroin dependance, the only options available to me were a plethora of 12-step-based treatment programs through county and social service agencies or a pharmacological approach of being prescribed antidepressants-SSRIs, often during a hospitalization for emotional crisis. I found the 12 steps to be intolerably narrow-minded with absolutely no basis in human reality, construed long before we as a species had any real comprehension of how the brain works. Therefore it was entirely ineffective for me. In fact, the repeated failure and my inability to "get it" led to on more than one occasion a serious relapse to drug use out of hopelessness. Every time I was prescribed an SSRI, after taking it for several weeks, I would notice that I would be overtaken by extreme anger and rage that had no circumstantial cause, and when I found out that that was a not very common side effect and that many people had committed murder as well as suicide while being on those things, I threw them away. The inability to find anything that worked as well as being accessible to me as an indigent- status my condition had firmly mired me in- left me with such hopelessness that suicide or to just simply continue to use until I expired seemed to be the only future available to me for a very very long time. At that point in time, had one asked me where I expected to be in a year, I would have confidently answered that I'd either be dead or in prison, now several years after embarking on this path one would get a very different, positive response. Using psychedelics for me in a conscious practice-practical tripping, I call it- has freed me.
The ancient plant medicines have practical applications for me through properties inherent within them, and the ability of them to catalyze experiences of connection to something greater, outside of and yet integral to self being an important one. Allowing one to "stand outside of ourselves", conferring an ability to dispassionately observe oneself unimpaired by emotional or egoistic blinders, grants access to pass through that doorway in which we no longer stand the divine impulse, and through that hole punched through the ego we peer directly into the eternal mysterious source from which we all have originated. The great mystery becomes profoundly understood if even briefly and that is powerful medicine.
I found myself after a deep personal experience that was just as or more real than anything I had ever experienced and after for the first time in a long time comfortable in my own skin – finally home. After one application of 5meo DMT, the effects of which lasted for all of 20 minutes, I was more profoundly healed than through years of "treatment", which I had engaged in to achieve results which I expected to be nowhere near as significant as that which I had just been gifted with. I was renewed, granted a new sense of awareness and purpose. This was several years ago, and the effects still reverberate, and rather than diminishing as the ripples from a pebble thrown into a pond, rather the beneficial effects continue to increase effecting all areas of my life and allowing me to be of better service to others and to my community. When that 20 minutes was over, I had a new purpose in life, which was to make this work by developing a practice of self-care using the experience and the substances as a tool, to spread awareness of this method in its effectiveness, and to become active in changing the policies which keep it out of our hands.
There has been a systematic removal of the experiential awareness of the divine. The term entheogen, meaning 'to manifest the divine within', was coined to address this quality of psychedelic drugs to provide deeply meaningful personal experience to their users and also to separate this style of use from the other culturally loaded greens in use. I argue that the root cause of many of our deepest neuroses; our depressions and addictions, the effects of which range from minor emotional disturbances which nonetheless impair our ability to be at our most functional and effective all the way to debilitating conditions such as where I had found myself to be the result of this disconnect. The modern neuroses which have the effect of paralyzing our happiness and retarding our effectiveness as members of society, are manifestations of a congregate cultural condition of disconnection from what I term here"source". Through a long and systematic removal of the experiential awareness of something far greater than not only ourselves but which from all things emanate it has become accepted that there are only a few – the priest class – who can mediate for us a connection with this and can only do so upon the terms of their specified dogma or religion. These religions have since their inception been responsible for all of the egregious disasters that have befallen humanity since civilization began. The rise and fall of nations and cultures, genocide, wars, brutality, bloody conflicts of man against man all over the definition of the word-God. Therefore, not only have we been cut off from the source by design, but the actions of these established systems have repulsed so many who have any sort of conscience whatsoever and are capable of independent thinking that even the concept of what they connect to has been shut out in revulsion. Religion murdered God.
Only as a way to beg out of conflicts arising from that aversion to anything connected with religious thought, do I delve now into some of my concepts, therefore defining some of the terminology used in this essay. I am trying my best to eschew words like 'spirituality' and 'God' because they are so loaded with cultural connotations in favor of other terms in order to keep the reader engaged here, but I feel that one should have some idea of the meaning of them to be able to fully grok this entire essay. I will try my best not to mire this in terminology that will turn off empiricists, even though I'm under good advisement not to mix the woo with the science.
After I took 5 meo DMT the first time, I experienced what I've seen fairly well described in accounts of near death experiences. Being unfamiliar with the drug but knowing what the psychedelic experience was like, because of the difference in physical effects from classic psychedelics I actually thought that I had poisoned myself and was dying. I had a brief moment of panic, but lying facedown on the floor and having perceived my heart as having stopped and feeling my consciousness slip away into a place beyond time and beyond space I knew that there is nothing I could fight and just let go. Let me point out here that what I did was incredibly reckless and stupid, but I related a little bit of the place where I was when I did this. I actually thought that I had n,n DMT, another powerful tryptamine psychedelic with fast onset and short duration effects but very dis-similar to the one I just ingested, which came to me in the form of a water soluble salt and I injected intravenously a very large dose. I was alone, and any number of things could've happened, resulting in a very real death. Please, don't do this at home kids.
Proceeding to lie there on the floor, I felt as if all that "I" was, my consciousness, not my physical being, begin to build up as pressure inside my skull which was then released through its top and I began to perceive as if I was going through a tunnel of light. As I flowed through this long corridor all that I knew to be me, all the experience, all the memories, thoughts and concepts that made "me" begin to fall away, no longer suited or relevant to where I was going, as if I was shedding off layers of old, dirty, ill fitting clothing. I neared the end of the tunnel and passed through an aperture and was greeted not by some white guy with the beard or a fairy king riding on a cloud but by pure pregnant emptiness. A void full to the point of bursting with nothing and everything; all that ever was is or will be existing simultaneously only as potential before even manifestation into "thought". Samadhi, Eloah v'Daat, many terms have been given for it through the ages by many tried to communicate this experience – the mind of God- the source. It is ineffable, but it is at the core of what it is to be human. A tiny drop of water having just dropped into the ocean of existence and on the verge of dissolving into it, at the edge of the singularity in ecstatic bliss, I was called to "Remember!"
What was there to remember? By even being able to relate the story to you you may discount it's veracity, for who was it that observed this and who was it who can bring back this memory to you? I cannot answer that question, but suddenly I remembered. To breathe, to pull air into a body lying facedown on the floor of a small room somewhere on a small globe of rock and water spinning perfectly hung in the vastness of material space. "Ah!" And with that memory I was pulled back through the same tunnel of light in reverse and squeezed back into a hairy sack of skin. With a deep gasp I rose and utterly amazed and bewildered at what had just happened that I exclaimed loudly "I am home, after 42 years I am finally home!" I put on some music, and began to dance a sort of jig, still feeling a little high. At that point I began to feel nauseous and felt that I was going to vomit. The feeling came on very quickly and I was still not very confident of my footing and didn't want to descend the flight of stairs to the bathroom so decided to just throw up on the floor. I got on my hands and knees and began to retch and felt something coalescing within the very center of my being, concentrated at the center of my body and extending all the way to the tips of my fingers and toes. I begin to feel it take form and enter into my gut and I began to vomit this out. Expecting stomach contents to eject from my mouth I was mortified at witnessing a thick, pitch black boa constrictor slowly emerge from it, curling itself downward and beginning to turn back around to face me. I could see that it was dissolving into spirals and fractal like forms of black smoke which dissolved into the air. I was terrified. This was all of the evil that had ever entered into me through circumstances or my reaction to them, traumas or even passed down epigenetically. All the bad stuff was coming out of me, and I perceived this "ultimate evil" as being unleashed upon the world, powerful with a destructive capability to wreak havoc upon the unsuspecting world unless I retain it. Perhaps that was the last lie of an evil threatened by the end of its own existence, but in a panic I clenched my jaw shut and I felt some of this substantial being remain within me. This to me illustrates the value of an experienced person to be there with one during experience this powerful. I am not one for witchery, but nonetheless a giant black psychic boa is what I was perceiving and had someone been with me who had seen something similar happen before they could've assured me that it was OK and helped me through encouragement to purge myself of that which I was instinctually trying to get rid of. Even though, despite the fact that I feel that the work that night was not "finished", as I said, I felt renewed in a way which I didn't think possible.
I was not instantly "fixed" though, this entire experience was only the catalyst for a long period of work to get myself to a place where I could say I feel like I have fulfillment and happiness in life regardless of whatever is going on around me. It was actually so shattering and filled me with such a sense of urgency to make major life changes, that the lifestyle I had been leading and the ways in which I was supporting myself no longer tenable or tolerable that I ended up homeless. That began a long, several year journey of self discovery and finding the value and worth myself beyond the contents of my pockets but which is also lead to a place where I can see comfort and stability and a long-term vision of moving into the future with deliberation. I don't suggest to anyone that such a thing would help them, in the long term it did teach me many valuable lessons, but I feel this also illustrates the need for guidance on this path. There are as many ways to walk it as there are people who do, and the work must be done alone, but there are communities of people doing it that can help.
I looked around me and reached out into some of those communities online to people doing similar things, knowing that they were here but having no idea how to find the people in my local community. Within the online communities, and one in particular, I found a virtual home full of people burning with love, encouragement and excitement but also tempered by intelligence, ration and reason and from there I was able to begin to make sense of what had just occurred to me. I have found community in many ways to be a linchpin to success in this practice. Surrounding oneself with like-minded yet rational people allows one to avail themselves of those other people's tempering reason. Discussing one's progress with others who are understanding and intelligent allows one to build from a consensus model a workable reality.
Integration is, well, integral to the process. Again, I want to impress upon the reader that the experience or the substances themselves are but a small piece of the entire equation, a good tool but one of many in your toolbox. One does not lay a hammer down next to some nails in a field, walk away and return the next day and expect to find a home built. One must dedicate work, identify their needs and find the tools they can use to achieve them. In this case that can mean many things – for me like I said community has been very valuable. Through this community and through the one of locals I was eventually able to find and make connections face-to-face with, I've learned many adjuncts to add.
Along the lines of substances, I have found long term "bolstering" of my mental/emotional state through the regular use of cannabis and occasional trips for personal insight with LSD and psilocybin mushrooms and exploring more esoteric realms with the help of n,n DMT to be effective for me personally. The psychedelic journeys for me only occur on the order of maybe once or twice a year, for others they may be more or less frequent. I have also found great benefit in "micro dosing" mushrooms. Taking small amounts which are under the threshold to achieve real physical effects "tunes up" my brain and puts me in a state where I feel energetic and creative. More effective at putting thoughts into words and action, my first round inspired me to go back to school after having dropped out of high school at 16, and even though living on the street at the time, managed to complete my first year with a 3.8 grade average. This is not something that I do daily by any means. Only when I feel the need to, when I'm feeling sluggish and burned out I will begin a regimen for maybe several weeks to a month and I'll ingest sub-threshold doses somewhere between twice and four times a week. This is what I have found to be personally effective, your mileage may vary.
There is no roadmap to this, but once one starts on the path they can only move forward. It is taking a long time to begin to integrate the first experience which I described here but as I learn more and more new things out of that experience a long time ago, or as I allow new information to pass through the hole punched in my ego, I feel that I grow and become more effective and compassionate for myself and others as a human being. Placing into my reality a new perception of something greater than myself but of which I am an integral part, gives me something that can't be taken away and which takes precedence over my suffering.
I write this essay and I talk to people about this subject not to glorify my personal experience but to give hope to somebody who may come from a situation similar to mine. A living death, mired in darkness and despair and suffering, only relieved by periodic injections of whatever external form that relief comes from – drugs, sex, food, television, hate... Falling prey to our own egos and driven only by insatiable desires, filled with a bottomless empty hole with a thirst that can never be quenched; this is not hyperbole, this is what kills. I felt after my experience that I remembered something. Not the body I was reminded of while I circled the event horizon of the void, but rather the void itself. I felt like somewhere, somehow a decision was made to leave that void, to become manifest with consciousness able to perceive of something so complex for the express purpose of simply feeling it. That nothing has ever "happened" to me, that I am here by the purpose and design of something not external and foreign to me, but rather myself- to just be. As Jimi Hendrix said in the song 'Manic Depression' in reference to the state which I am trying to escape but which ironically invokes the way to be within peace – "existing-nothing but existing".
I wish you peace on your journey, and I wish you success. I wish you the courage to begin it and the perseverance to continue. Your hard work will be met with beautiful success in whatever that looks like, you will create something beautiful. Go, be good to you and in turn be good to the world. Move in peace, you will encounter understanding and compassion for yourself and only once you have empathy for yourself can you love others. There's so much more to touch upon, from issues related to cognitive liberty, harm reduction, common paradigms and treatment modalities that need to accept this route and on and on and in future essays I intend to explore more. This one only deals with the "spiritual" underpinnings of this practice, but there are much more difficult parts of the journey, and I'd like to think that some of what I've learned can be a value, aiding you in yours.
There is no need to be hopeless.
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
*γνῶθι σεαυτόν*