Hello folks!
I've been researching the psychedelic experience for sometime now and DMT seems to have been calling out to me. A strange notion I'll try to explain. I started my research about five years ago. It should be noted that the only thing I've taken that is even close to the realm of psychedelics is cannabis. Nevertheless, I have had the slightest of glimpses of the ethereal. At this point I'll also mention that all my life, I've had VERY strong cases of deja vu. When it happens it can last for several minutes and it's almost to the point where when it happens I can sense what will happen next.
One evening I had acquired one of the most potent stains of cannabis I had ever come across. I loaded it into my vape and before I knew what I had done, my vision darken and it almost looked like a Alex Gray piece. Not nearly as detailed but the strangest thing wasn't what I was seeing but what I was thinking. My thoughts wandered at a rapid pace, connecting seemingly random events into a masterful tapestry. While that was going on I wasn't aware of myself at all. I felt weightless, almost like flight but not really; a very difficult feeling to describe. This lasted about five minutes or so. When I snapped out of I was bit freaked out. Never had I expected that one or two great lungfuls could do that, especially coming from cannabis.
So I set out that night to figure out what the hell just happened! I furiously typed the experience into google as if looking up symptoms and result after result came back the same. It, for all intents and purposes was a small trip of sorts. At first I scoffed, there was no way. But apparently others, be it a smaller percentage, have had similar experiences.
It was about this time I had also realised that the many cases of deja vu I've experienced over the years seemed to be pushing me into the psychedelic realm. The events that were going on when it happened in the past seem to have always been around feeling a certain way or grasping a particular concept. Almost like a mental conditioning. Almost every case since then has been in some way related to an altered state of consciousness even without taking anything.
Since then I've undertaken the esoteric studies of the psychedelic realm both to understand my past as well as my potential future. I feel as though it's a calling, almost like be beckoned. I apologize if I sound a bit crazy, but it's the feeling I get and I can't give up my research until I know for sure. Perhaps I'll find answers, maybe just more questions, who knows but I feel like it's something I was meant to do.
As I come closer to the actual event I thought it prudent to to join up here. Not only to soak up the vast research already done here but hopefully to provide new insights and experiences so others who may have had similar experiences don't have to look as far as I've had to.
Thank you reading this long, rambling post. And thank you for making this wonderful repository of knowledge.
The beginning is not the beginning, nor is the end the end. All that there is lies in the middle.