Quote:please just let me know if i am doing anything wrong. this is all very new to me and i'm not sure what to do.
Disavow yourself of any notion that there is some morally 'right' or 'wrong' way to do psychedelics. There are certainly ways that are safer, and ways that are riskier, but that's not to say that any way is better. There are a lot of people who will tell you that you need this, that, or some other thing to really 'get' it, but seek things out for yourself. See what works best for you.
As for the familiarity thing, a lot of people say that. One thing that is often reported is how 'familiar' a psychedelic state of consciousness can feel, even to a first time user. The idea of 'coming home' is one that echoes a lot of religious (esp. Christian) dogma. What you do with that feeling is up to you, but you're in good company feeling it.
"There are many paths up the same mountain."