Greetings everyone,
Really glad to be here
First off, huge thank you to everyone that's been involved and contributed to this wonderful website. I have already learned so much since deciding to walk down this path and I owe majority of it to you guys n gals. I also know that its only a small drop in a very large bucket and I have a long road ahead of me.
A little about myself: I have always been interested in the human psyche. In particular my own. It all really started with experimenting with cannabis. Cannabis opened the door to psychedelics. I did Salvia once and had a hand full of experiences with mushrooms and absolutely loved every single one. With mushrooms I have become closer to friends, lost some friends, and learned so much about myself. That kick started my desire for self discovery, enlightenment, spiritual growth, ect.
How I eventually heard about *this* wonderful spice actually started when I was looking into meditation. Meditation led me to sensory deprivation tanks, sensory deprivation tanks led me to Joe Rogan, Joe Rogan led me to DMT, and DMT led me here.
I am very excited to learn and experience everything the future brings.
SWIM is currently undergoing their first attempt at an ACRB extraction.
Looking forward to joining this community and hopefully I can contribute in my own way to this wonderful place.