Hi drown! I really enjoyed your compelling story. Had me rivetted. Could have done with a few more line-breaks, though
You sound like a sensible fellow experiencing serial challenges to their credulity, as established 'wisdom' would have it. That's a test of anyone's sanity. Even when they're right(actually,
especially when they're right), attempting to communicate the perception of such experiences with the people they want to share it with is generally counter-productive. True spirituality is frowned upon in our culture, because it's scary and I have to drive my kid to soccer practice 'bye! One problem seems to be our insufficiency of knowledge about the brain and consciousness. Then there's the unfortunate tendency of people to assume that other people's brains are unreliable, especially young children's, teenagers, adolescents, young adults and old people.
Accordingly, no-one will necessarily believe a word we say unless we're between the ages of 10-12 or 25-30. Big problem, because even those people dream, sometimes seeming so real they're shaken to the core upon awakening. Now, and I think this is the nub, they may be tempted to think: "Well sheet, if my brain came up with that bizarre sideshow last night, what the hell is going on in HIS melon?" It's utterly insurmountable, like explaining an orgasm to a man born without a penis. Until he sprouts one, you have no shared vocabulary on the subject, which is essentially 'tagged' and categorized shared experience.
Personally, I think you're doing exactly the right thing about it. If it enriches your life, enjoy it. If others notice your powerful grace, and ask you how you found such peace, then tell them - they asked for it! Oh, and the prediction thing is real, but it is a magic trick and you're wise not to exploit it. Having said that, I
think I read
somewhere that you get to
properly dice once, just for legitimate experience. First offense and all that. Yes, that's the ticket
"And the dancers were deemed insane by those who could not hear the music"
~ Friederich Nietsche |
meecro's intro