this has been a big ethical question for me for decades.
were an " all girl" ops.
over the yrs , we have had some guy drivers,
or some bodyguards,
but , all the lab rats have been girls.
my policy has always been anyone suspected of being preggo is OUT.
period.( or die), pun intended.
not allowed in my zone.
and that goes also for the guys also who knocked em up.( we have lost drivers like that also)
we just dont hang with kids at all.
i cant have kids, and the maid despises them.
my sister also doesnt like kids,
so it was pretty easy to avoid kids / minors in general.
however, the working lifespan of my lab rats,
wich are captured from the larger population, is always greatly reduced by boys, sex, and kids.
^its a real problem.
on an ethical level, i feel they cant play with us.
to me its simple,
hallucinogens require informed consent.
so im left with total ban, and lab rat turnover.
all that considered, there are lots of liabilities i could list..........
and seriously, ive yet to see any research on all.
so to me its sorta a no brainer.
but, damn its expensive to train lab rats and lose em.
"loph girl incarnate / lab rabbits included"
kids dont try anything annie does at home ,
for for scientific / educational review only.