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Smoking DMT while pregnant Options
#81 Posted : 12/10/2011 3:25:09 PM
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universecannon wrote:
I think many of them, especially the ones doing aya, are well aware that an infants brain is fragile. Its not really a hard thing to figure out. If there were any noticeable negative results from what they did they would probably have stopped doing it thousands of years ago imo

Not if using DMT during pregnancy only would increase the risk of complications. In small populations such a thing could stay unnoticed. Just as the risk of using tobaco, including mapacho.

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#82 Posted : 12/10/2011 3:30:55 PM

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polytrip wrote:

Not if using DMT during pregnancy only would increase the risk of complications. In small populations such a thing could stay unnoticed. Just as the risk of using tobaco, including mapacho.

Well thats essentially what i was just addressing.

Their populations aren't that miniscule, and they've done this for thousands and thousands of years.. I cant speak conclusively, i'm just saying i'd bet they would have realized the those infants tended to have more complications by now. But we don't know 100% of course

As far as i know there is no solid evidence that dmt increases the risk of complications

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#83 Posted : 3/13/2016 3:02:15 AM

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i myself had a question on this subject, weather it be smoking dmt or oral dmt. i would never suggest using any type of drugs if you know you are pregnant but had more of a question regarding early stages of pregnancy.

there are quite a few people who drink alcohol and smoke tobacco before ever finding out they are pregnant, and it can be quite dangerous imo. if one was to be partaking in monthly ayahuasca healing ceremonies and there was a chance of becoming pregnant between, are there any studies or information showing that there is a possibility of defects or increased risk of abnormalities in pregnancy in early stages of the fetus being introduced to dmt? i do not want to take any type of risks if there has been any studies on it. i have searched around and havent seen any conclusive investigations.

what would one do in this situation, abstinence from sex between ceremonies? what are the real risks?

i would also find it almost criminal to purposely introduce a substance to a developing fetus without the research, so what precautions are really necessary? pregnancy tests before the ceremonies? etc. im extra cautious when it comes to children and pregnancy, but i have also seen documentaries where young children take ayahuasca?

just looking for some advice. thank you
#84 Posted : 3/15/2016 5:57:56 AM

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BlackPanDA wrote:
i myself had a question on this subject, weather it be smoking dmt or oral dmt. i would never suggest using any type of drugs if you know you are pregnant but had more of a question regarding early stages of pregnancy.

there are quite a few people who drink alcohol and smoke tobacco before ever finding out they are pregnant, and it can be quite dangerous imo. if one was to be partaking in monthly ayahuasca healing ceremonies and there was a chance of becoming pregnant between, are there any studies or information showing that there is a possibility of defects or increased risk of abnormalities in pregnancy in early stages of the fetus being introduced to dmt? i do not want to take any type of risks if there has been any studies on it. i have searched around and havent seen any conclusive investigations.

what would one do in this situation, abstinence from sex between ceremonies? what are the real risks?

i would also find it almost criminal to purposely introduce a substance to a developing fetus without the research, so what precautions are really necessary? pregnancy tests before the ceremonies? etc. im extra cautious when it comes to children and pregnancy, but i have also seen documentaries where young children take ayahuasca?

just looking for some advice. thank you

I think once someone finds out that are pregnant no matter what was going on before they should carefully consider what they put in their bodies. I know several women who combated nausea from pregnancy with cannabis. Not puffing tough all day but using it when it got bad. Nausea meds are super expensive and have a lot of bad side effects. The kids are smart and healthy. In the Amazon the Aya cleans their systems of parasites so not taking it there might be the unhealthy decision. I think Acolon was right on by abstaining with his lady. A lot of guys don't get that. Especially first time fathers. Be there for the struggle Laughing
Marijuana, LSD, psilocybin, and DMT they all changed the way I see
But love's the only thing that ever saved my life - Sturgill Simpson "Turtles all the Way Down"

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Hiyo Quicksilver
#85 Posted : 3/15/2016 11:14:12 AM

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There is a reason why drug warnings often include the caveat "Do not use if you are pregnant or may become pregnant." If you're having sex without adequate contraception, then you may become pregnant, and that's all that really needs to be said on the subject, afaics... Your own ethical guidelines can take it from there, I'm sure.

If you're looking for some more objective information on the subject, then I would suggest checking out this thread for more information, or using the search function which can be found in the header of this page.

Good luck, and please be safe.
Happy Trails
#86 Posted : 3/15/2016 5:09:05 PM

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There is a study that the country of Brazil did which led to the country legalizing Ayahuasca. They tested and compared a Santo Daime group who uses Ayahuasca during pregnancy and childhood all the way through the rest of their lives against a control group who never used Ayahuasca. This is what they found:

So what did the study find? Ayahuasca users were found to measure significantly lower than the controls on all nine psychopathology scales, including significantly less somatization, depression, anxiety, hostility, paranoid ideation, and phobias. The ayahuasca users scored significantly lower than controls on measures of worry, shyness, and fatigability and weakness. And ayahuasca users scored significantly higher than controls on measures of self-transcendence and spiritual orientation, including on such items as transpersonal identification, self-forgetfulness, sacredness of life, altruism, subjective well-being, and mission in life. “Taken together,” the authors state, “the data point at better general mental health and bio-psycho-social adaptation in the ayahuasca-using group compared to the control subjects.”

Study article here: http://www.singingtotheplants.com/2012/08/new-ayahuasca-study/

I dont think there is any study about smoking DMT, and personally I would avoid that, but I do know tons of children who's mother drank Ayahuasca or San Pedro while pregnant and they are normal children. I know many adults who's mother drank while they were in the womb and who drank as children - totally healthy and normal. The above study seems to suggest that it could even be beneficial. Usually they do it more in the 1st/2nd trimester and not in the 3rd though (people in South America have been using medicine through their pregnancy for ages and ages without issue).

My wife will most certainly sit in ceremony while she is pregnant. Medicine baby.
#87 Posted : 3/15/2016 5:46:53 PM

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skoobysnax wrote:

I think once someone finds out that are pregnant no matter what was going on before they should carefully consider what they put in their bodies.

^^ I agree, and and believe it is even important before conception.

I recall reading in the book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" that certain tribes in Africa traditionally would feed the woman a special diet for I believe about 6 months before conception, and then of course during pregnancy. The children in this tribe were extremely healthy and strong, and this health carried into adulthood. They attributed a lot of it to the special diet. The idea was that the woman can only give the resources to the development of the child that she has. The stocking up was an effective strategy to insure the developing child had what it needed. (I suggest the book for anyone that would like a little different view on health and its relationship with diet.)

I think its easy for many of us to have a knee jerk reaction and say absolutely that "drugs" should be avoided during pregnancy. I think if we look at "drugs" like any other consumable nutrient then it gets easier to see it from a more balanced view point. We know vitamin A is necessary for good health, and definitely needed for a developing child, but too much is toxic. Just like other foods, there maybe benefits and risks associated with many of these substances.

Anything we eat affects our physiology, so to be scared to simply introduce anything that may have an effect is kind of silly.
I think a valid concern is affecting it in an extreme way. Smoking FB DMT would probably have a more extreme effect than drinking aya.

I think if one felt there was a reason that introducing such a substance would be beneficial to their developing child, I wouldn't condemn them for such an act. Parental instincts are not something to underestimate. I would probably suggest that it be consumed and not smoked, for a couple reasons. I would also suggest that it be a smaller amount then what one would normally take under other circumstances.

If one just wanted to work with medicine themselves and just figured it would be ok for the developing child, I would say you should probably just wait.

Just my uneducated, unprofessional, unreasearched, opinion that you should definitely not use as medical advise.
anne halonium
#88 Posted : 3/15/2016 8:28:14 PM

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this has been a big ethical question for me for decades.

were an " all girl" ops.
over the yrs , we have had some guy drivers,
or some bodyguards,
but , all the lab rats have been girls.

my policy has always been anyone suspected of being preggo is OUT.
period.( or die), pun intended.
not allowed in my zone.
and that goes also for the guys also who knocked em up.
( we have lost drivers like that also)
we just dont hang with kids at all.

i cant have kids, and the maid despises them.
my sister also doesnt like kids,
so it was pretty easy to avoid kids / minors in general.

however, the working lifespan of my lab rats,
wich are captured from the larger population,
is always greatly reduced by boys, sex, and kids.

^its a real problem.
on an ethical level, i feel they cant play with us.
to me its simple, hallucinogens require informed consent.
so im left with total ban, and lab rat turnover.

all that considered, there are lots of liabilities i could list..........
and seriously, ive yet to see any research on this.....at all.
so to me its sorta a no brainer.
but, damn its expensive to train lab rats and lose em.

"loph girl incarnate / lab rabbits included"
kids dont try anything annie does at home ,
for for scientific / educational review only.
#89 Posted : 3/19/2016 9:38:20 PM

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thanks for the input and direction to that research. we will for sure keep it safe but was very curious how ayahuasca can impact a baby conceived shortly after an aya experience. from what research there is, the mother can have a much more stable mind and could help in a way but still very dangerous. so we will take more precaution on what happens between our experiences Razz . Always better safe than sorry, but was just curious if there have been such studies since its a touchy subject.

imo it seems more dangerous to drink alcohol and use tobacco if there is a possibility to conceive a child shortly after use of those substances. without large research on the subject, the best thing would to be cautious of your activities to reduce the possibility of conceiving a child while partaking in aya ceremonies.

There for sure would be no use of aya if the mother was aware of being pregnant.

Thanks again Smile
be careful, and travel safe!
#90 Posted : 3/23/2016 9:36:22 AM

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actualfactual wrote:
I don't claim to have a right to tell anyone to raise their child, but I certainly have an opinion Smile

I don't see how using DMT is any different from doing cocaine or morphine during your pregnancy. (which are also natural extracted alkaloids)

What do you think is a good reason to smoke DMT during pregnancy? Also the reason there is no data about DMTs effect on unborn children is because there has never been any testing.

If a mother-to-be gets drunk a few times during her pregnancy and the child comes out alright does that mean alcohol is alright during pregnancy?

It seems to me doing this while pregnant you are opening up the possibility of messing with a childs development simply to experience at altered state of consciousness. You can justify it however you want but thats how it boils down in the end.

Alcohol and especially cocaïne and Morphine are harmful to the fetus. Maybe as you mentionned one can get way with a binge or two but it's not because is a natural alcaloids or terpene that it has the same record of safety.
I don't see DMT nowhere near as harmful as cocaïne or morphine. And here some babies born withdrawals of opiates, synthetic or "natural", and all I can say is, this is wrong, what a poor life start... DMT wound't do that and the user doesn't normally use it everyday. me its like onces every other months at max.
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

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