JohnIce2 wrote:I (unfortunately lol) have alot of experience with Nutmeg. and I can say that visuals increased for me about 2 fold after I smoked a bowl. And sure I would love to hear some of the descriptions. When I smoked on nutmeg I ended up getting visuals where stuff would bend and move around the room (or at least try to) on its own. Comedown on that one was even hard for me. After that trip I didn't take Nutmeg for like a LONG time... Because I was still trippin a little about 3 months later and anytime I smoked a bowl after said experience, it would damn near replicate it.
When I was a youth I ran into some legal troubles (involving drugs) and had to spend 3 years behind bars, any way, I had a friend in the kitchen who had smuggled a plastic glove topped with powdered nutmeg back onto the dorm for me, a ate the whole much can a nitrile glove hold? 20 grams? More? Regardless it was disgusting, every ten minutes I would "burp" up nauseating gas bubbles that tasted like the strongest scent of nutmeg that you could imagine...after I swallowed all the nutmeg I ate 100mgs of seroquil and went to sleep.
...WAKE UP! 4:30 am, the hustle us off the dorm to central dining, I felt stoned! I had been without cannabis for over a year and the only drugs I had done were methylphenidate, adderal, seroquil, basically just the pharmaceutical garbage that people can "cheek" for you (which just means they hide them in their mouth from staff when the meds are given), any way I was incredibly happy, though I felt brain-dead, I could also feel my eyes "being bloodshot", I was definantly intoxicated, no visuals, lots of body discomfort, very marijuana like...
I never tried nutmeg again...
(I read when Malcolm-x was incarcerated he tried nutmeg, which inspired me to do the same, plus in a juvenile correctional facility your options are limited! Though after I got my GED I joined a botany coarse, there was a greenhouse on the prison campus, so I eventually managed to obtain (and was disappointed by) many of the plants described in a "school education drug library" book on psychedelic plants...I obviously could only obtain plants growable in a greenhouse and known in botany as ornamental or food, so of coarse I was growing ipomea vines, Astrophytum asterias cacti, Ariocarpus retusus, Passiflora incarnata vine, things like this, the pseudo-psychedelic ornamental plants that the staff were not yet "hip" too...)
As for the harmala alkaloid and THC combination, I feel I must use too much THC/cannabinoids for it to have anything but mild effect, as for the harmalas, the THC helps with body discomfort, and the co-intoxication feels nice...but aside from feeling mildly intoxicated on harmala alkaloids and stoned on marijuana simultaneously, I couldn't see anything really special about it...
seeing as how THC is not a monoamine (or an amine at all, or even an alkaloid) a mono amine oxidase inhibitor would have no effect on the compound, so it isn't enhancing it in any way, it's just a dual intoxication...
Since I smoke cannabis every day, every time I use a compound it's in combination with cannabis, I guess it's just gotten to the point where I see cannabis intoxication as my baseline mental state...
Cannabis does not get me "high", it just makes me calm, relaxed, happy, and inspired, I have not been able to get more than a ++ (shulgin scale) from cannabis for quite some time...I don't even see it as a real drug, I put it in the same category as coffee.
(I'm not saying cannabis can not be a powerful intoxicant, because it can, it can be just as intense as any other CAN be, but because of my constant use, I'm unable to obtain such effects...
β-myrcene likely acts as a via alpha 2-adrenoceptor stimulated release of endogenous opioid antagonists reverse thus compounds analgesic effects, suggesting this proposed method of action is accurate, when mice are given high doses of myrcene it induces sleep, suggesting sensitive action of this compound.
It's been suggested that "couch-lock" is partially a result of high myrcene, though many cannabinoids and terpeniods and other compounds found in cannabis may also contribute to this effect.
Quote: less well known is that fact that high β-Myrcene levels in cannabis (usually above 0.5%) result in the well known ‘couch lock’ effect of classic Indica strains of cannabis; Sativa strains normally contain less than 0.5% β-Myrcene.
This link is great for information regarding cannabinoids
I've noticed that the smell and taste of cannabis greatly effect the subjective intoxication it produces...
Now, THC and the active cannabinoids are odorless and tasteless, so when a person speculates that the taste and smell effect the experiance, there is actual pharmacological evidence to support this!
Cannabis is fascinating, as a terpenoid hydrocarbon, it's actually very unique chemically in terms of psychedelics, or even psychoactives.
True psychedelics are either tryptamines, phenethylamines, or lysergamides, they all contain carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, they are all alkaloids and amines...
Now, the cannabinoids are terpenoid hydrocarbons, no nitrogen, they are not amines, they are not alkaloids,
and they can not be reacted with acids to form salts.So I enjoy the novel aspects of these compounds from that perspective, but it also makes cannabis and it's compounds a good deal more challenging to learn, as they are unique from.all other psychedelics...
Except the salvinorins...
Salvinorin-a is trans-neoclerodane diterpenoid hydrocarbon, it even shares a similar three ring structure to cannabinoid compounds, however salvinorin-a is a kappa opioid receptor agonist, making this compound unique even from THC, as its the first non-alkaloid known to be an agonist at the kappa opioid receptor.
Ok...I'm getting way to off topic.