Hello, and thankyou for an help in advance... To start i have already completedmy main extraction which left me with more spice than i will ever personally need in my lifetime, so i have been storing it for a number of years. My original experience with dmt a few years ago left ne with an encounter with an entity that gave me some very solid and direct advice which sadly i shrugged off until the recent year and thinga seem to be going better for me. However i am at a point in my life that i could use the same sort of guidance so i tried to reach the same place again. It has been over a year since i took my last journey and that only took about 20mg to achieve... now i cant breakthrough or better said i cant remember anything once i do.... i have tthe normal fear reaction then calm myself i see the mendala and start to go... then wake up... i have a sense that i was somewhere and learned something but no real recollection of what... i have tried lower doses with either no breakthrough or the same lack of memory. I searched the forum's and couldnt find any sound answer to this.. any suggestions or advice would be appreciated... sorry for spelling or punctuation errors i on my mobile
... yes i tried meditation.... Ii am able to achieve a different state a mind with it but no memory recall
P.s.- i brought up the storage because i wasnt sure if it being a few years old would possibly change it in some way that might effect the lack of memory.
Humans are the only beings to change their entire universe in a heartbeat simply by changing their outlook on it...
I am prone to write fictional short stories as a release from the daily stressor's of life. Anything written here on these pages, is either the start of a new story, or a continuation and collaboration of stories i have already shared with ,You, my loyal readers
If you either enjoyed or managed to learn something from my fictions please remember they are fictions and may not be the best things to emulate...So please practice caution and know that i take no responsibility for your actions, but wish you all the best. Peace and love ^_^