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#1 Posted : 8/5/2009 2:01:27 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: I'm so close to remember....
...What is this place, guys? What's this feeling? You know what I'm talking about. The feeling that you are infinite, you exist in a perfect state, and that the game of life is just a "dim but nesessary interval", a mutual agreement between you and yourself, designed to allow your infinite self to rediscover its potential. Now doesn't that ring any bells to you?

I sparkled the lighter the other night, neared it to my self-righteous self-proclaimed DMT bong, and slowly inhaled. Drawing the vapors inside my lungs a couple of times, and on the edge of waving good bye to reality, I heard my brother -who was sitting besides be- calmly urging me to take "one more hit - just one more"..

Beginning to hear the fluctuating cosmic sounds of the tryptamine state, I opened my eyes just enough to observe for a split second the dancing caleidoscope projected upon the normal view of my environment.

...The next thing I remember, is me returning to my room and opening my eyes, still having a fresh image within my mind of dudes beating it, standing up from their seats, taking their glasses and stuff so to speak and walking away saying "OK lets go, lets go, he's coming up, let's leave him now". Friendly existenses. Brothers and sisters of sorts.
Opening my eyes, I saw my bro looking at me and smiling, and I loudly exclaimed
"You HAVE to get there bro, they're waiting for you. HOME!! It's Home!!"...

Now although I don't remember a thing from the places I've been during the trip, I know the feeling I brought with me. A very distinct feeling. When I was coming out of it, I was thinking "Ahaaaaaaa! That's it! So that's it! THIS is what we REALLY are! We Know it! We just have to remember it again, to realize it again! This is the name of the game!".

I have finally understood. We >are< Gods! >WE< are God! It is >WE< that is the thing that we are trying to become. I felt like I went to that place, the eternal home, the other dimension, the HOME. And I know this is the place that we are before we get here, after we leave from here, and SO many times during our lives, in our sleep.
We gather experience from life, we try to re-realize ourselves, to re-discover who we are, and we bring this knowledge with us to that place. And it is close. So damn close. All it takes to get there is flipping an internal switch. It is right next to us. It's like we are sitting there, meditating or sleeping, and we experience this reality. But all we have to do to get there is to intent it!

I remember the feeling of my true self. No masks, no ego, no fear, no petty thoughts and comical concerns. I remembered what a being I am, and we all are. Eternal!! Infinite! Original existence! I'm not sure I can transmit this very distinct feeling to you mates, but I know some of you know what I'm talking about. We are True Beings. Overflowing with love, and amazing humour -yeah, trully amazing humour!-, and aware of ourselves.

I remember the expression of someone I met there, I'm not sure if it was a dude or a woman, I don't remember any details or appearances, but I remember a facial expression. He/she had a tiny one-sided smirk, a small smile, looking at me from an angle, giving the impression of "heheh, you found the way here, huh? C'mon, you know the game, don't you? Yeeehh, ofcourse you do..."

...So what's to be made out of this, folks? What's to be taken out of this? I'd love to hear any thoughts on this extraordinary perception of the cosmos.

...WE are the elves, mates. WE are the aliens. WE are the light beings. It is WE that welcome us there, WE cheer on our arrival to the hyperspace. Our own brothers and sisters, all part of the same big consciousness!

THAT's why we try so hard to teach those among us that trancend the cosmic boundaries between the worlds all these things with the machines, and the crystals, and the true language, and the cosmic shifting abilities that we posess, and try to remind these things to ourselves , to take them with us back to our lives. To transcend to the next level! To progress. To evolve to a higher state of understanding!

I know it's gonna be hard for me to integrate this new knowledge into my everyday life. Whatever it may mean, whatever its validity may be, it has inevitably changed me. For the better. How worthless do all these petty conserns seem now. The only way is forward. Whatever we may do, invent, no matter how bad we try to screw everything up, the only way is forward. The only goal is to remember who we are, and what we are, and to rediscover ourselves.

"...And then, we will migrate into the future.."

~Anything I post online is fictional.
..Who said that?

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 8/5/2009 3:53:42 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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I think it is crazy that these transcendental entities incarnate to become we humoind creatures who then feel our wonderously beautiful world is so mundane and ordinary that we long for what lies over the rainbow. We might very well be over the rainbow already.

I want to try DMT, but the older I get, the more I realise that this existence is unbelievable enough. You don't need DMT if you can just learn to see what is before the eyes.
wake and bacon
#3 Posted : 8/5/2009 10:30:01 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Yes, Dug!! Thank you for writing that... it was beautiful to read. Forward, and forward with compassion and positivity, is truly the only way to go, the only way that matters. Never lose sight!
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#4 Posted : 8/5/2009 10:49:45 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Yes, thanks from me too... enjoyed reading this today at work, made me smile... especially "ourselves" !!

balaganist is a fictional character who loves playing the game of infinite existence. he amuses himself by posting stories about his made up life in our plane of physical reality. his origins are in other dimensions... he merely comes here to play.
#5 Posted : 8/6/2009 3:00:20 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Very awesome read Dug! Hits home in many different ways. Awe inspiring to say the least. Nice post and a million thumbs up!

#6 Posted : 8/6/2009 5:35:48 AM

Sun Dragon

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Always great to hear stories about someone who has woken up to their true identity! Very well articulated.

These realizations and understanding can be difficult to integrate at first, but it becomes easier. It is just the tip of the iceberg. Search. Ask meaningful questions. They will be answered.
What, you ask, was the beginning of it all?
And it is this...

Existence that multiplied itself
For sheer delight of being
And plunged into numberless trillions of forms
So that it might
-Sri Aubobindo

Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
#7 Posted : 8/6/2009 8:40:27 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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...So what's to be made out of this, folks? What's to be taken out of this? I'd love to hear any thoughts on this extraordinary perception of the cosmos.

I think its a false perception of the cosmos. That we in our 'egoless' state are gods or the meaning of existence is centered around our 'mind' thats connected to all other 'minds' instantaneously everywhere at the same time. Doesn't it sound familiar that a god like being would come onto this earth in human form? Sounds more like a modern mixed up version of Jesus to me except this involves shapeshifting aliens that only appear when you take powerful drugs.

Human beings have an intense desire to be important, to give their lives meaning, to not face their own mortality in this vast universe on this tiny speck of dust we call earth. Under the influence of powerful psychedelic drugs you can literally imagine up anything in order to fulfill that desire. DMT happens to be very good at that for whatever neurochemical reasons.

What makes you think that what you experience while on dmt is more real or more closer to the truth then what you experience in your normal everyday waking life that you evolved to survive in?

Don't take this as an insult or an offense I just think its important that people don't just use psychedelic experience to justify what they WANT to believe.

#8 Posted : 8/6/2009 3:14:16 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Australia
I appreciate your perspective Burnt. It brings soothing balance.
#9 Posted : 8/6/2009 10:50:15 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 20
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Last visit: 02-Jul-2024
Location: I'm so close to remember....
Thanks for your responses, guys. The opportunity to converse in such matters is truly invaluable.

A new subject arises from this thread, a pretty interesting one actually. Let me start a new thread to continue this conversation, as the scope of it has radically changed.

Come with me, mates: To a New Way of thinking...

~Anything I post online is fictional.
..Who said that?
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