Very early this morning I had one of the best breakthrough experiences I've had in a long time. I can honestly only remember fleeting bits and pieces of it now, so I'm thankful that I took to the pen and paper as soon as I began coming out of it.
It all started with me lighting a Nag Champa (not the best, but decent and convenient) incense. I lit 3 candles in the room and turned off all other lights. Before going in I sat Buddha style, took some deep breaths, relaxed, and asked for knowledge. The following is what I wrote when I returned. I hope you enjoy it. I certainly did! Please keep in mind that what follows is verbatim of what I wrote down upon coming back. It may sound broken and obscure, and that's because it is:
"As I write this I am a different human being (I mean I am NOT me), but am now slowly coming back. I was a very fat but friendly man, with very puffy cheeks and a tiny mouth. It didn't feel like me. It felt like my soul had entered the body of a different man.
They showed me multi-dimensional existence, I mean higher dimensional existence in a way I've never seen it. A young, child-like being came up and grabbed my finger, and pulled into time and space. I could literally feel the contact, his touch on my flesh. As he pulled and stretched and twisted my finger through seemingly impossible dimensions I could feel it, but it didn't hurt. It all made sense and it felt very comforting.
There is a world / dimension / realm that they exist in and welcome me into, and teach me about the higher dimensions than our human minds can comprehend. But god there was so much more...
There is a world there. A world I continuously return to. They are my friends. This place has a name but I can never pronounce it. I was in deep this time.
It's been a great while since I've been to this place, and I thank all in existence that I was allowed to return. I am truly humbled as always...
There are sounds and noises that speak languages while in this state, but I can only hear them, and it is impossible for me to repeat them.
No gooy patterns, no visions, just clarity in their world and "them" showing me how 3 dimensions is as make believe in this world as it is real in mine!
My hands melted off into a single finger that they could grab and stretch, and pull, and twist beyond three spacial dimensions.
I want more, but I think I have found what I've been searching for for a long time."
And That is what I wrote. The words don't do it justice, but the connectivity and interaction with these beings was something that I have been longing to return to for quite some time now. It was purely magical. I don't know what else to say...
I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.
…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna