Hello, I’m new to this forum and the world it represents. As of such a short introduction might be in order. When I was a young adult in early 2000 I started to receive intense and vivid visions in everyday life. Imagine my surprise at the time this was occurring. Initially I thought I was about to go insane but this idea quickly vanished. My visions intensified and on one particular day I saw 1000 eyes looking at me (I just closed my eyes and there they was). I could determine by the look of it how old they were simply and solely inspecting the skin surrounding the eye. I saw as if a “glory hole” and thru that a single eye peaked thru. There were 1000 holes – all with an eye peaking true.
I had countless of visions and I tried at the time the best to my knowledge to figure out what and why they appeared – and what they represented. Bare in mind this was early 2000 and things like youtube, facebook etc.. Did not exist. I think I used a search engine called Altavista at the time trying to find any sufficient answers – all in despair.
Fast forward a couple of years and I found an illustrated image of my 1000 eyes vision in an art piece made by Alex Gray (not the image I had in mind but similiar to this:
http://www.growabrain.co...013/07/infinite-eyes.jpg). I was astonished -Thrilled and slightly overwhelmed. Wohaa I thought. This is it. But what does it mean? Little to say it gave me little or no satisfaction at all. I didn’t find any answer to my question.
As time progressed I stumbled upon some illustrations true videos and whatnot and today I’m more confident in the visions and their meaning. I’m no way close to understand all of them – or why they even appeared – the way they did.
Long story short, random visions lead me to Alex.G, he in his turn lead me to Ayahuasca. 15 years later I’m here ready to go deeper into the rabbit hole.