So, I've been keeping a kind of journal to keep track of my experiences with the spice. I'll just copy and paste what happened. All of the names and places have been changed to protect those involved. I'm just after opinions on what may have happened and if it is "normal". This was my 3rd time.
Event #3
Date: 08/01/09 approx.12:30pm
Place: Steve/Chris House.
People: Myself and Chris
Environment: Chris's bedroom. Could hear the TV through the wall. Dark. Warm.
Mentality: Tired and happy.
Extract: Approx 40mg of my first extraction using a STB with a single freeze precipitation
So, only about a half hour since my 2nd event, I wanted to try going a “little deeper”. On hind sight, it may have been a bad idea. I had read about people doing multiple trips in one night but I didn't know how far apart. I decided to load approx 30mg into the pipe since this would be a “normal” dose. There was still quite a bit melted in the pipe from our other trips. Using my new technique with the pipe, I got 2 huge pulls right away. I heard the buzzing and felt my body go numb before I had a chance to exhale my second pull or even put the pipe down. I knew this was going to be way heaver than I've ever done. Chris later said I had a look of panic on my face. The light was turned off and I laid back. The sound of buzzing was deafening. I could see millions of reddish particles vibrating violently. Instead of a sphere, they formed the inside of a box with round corners. I could see flat walls with vortexes in the middle of each. The top, bottom, sides, and in front of me. I couldn't really control which direction I could look. Just strait ahead. I tried to relax and go with it but the vibration was so intense, I couldn't relax. I thought I would like to break through this “box” so I tried to relax more and concentrate on the vortex in front of me. I could see a white light speckled with black dots in the end of this vortex. Then I felt so overwhelmed by the violence of the vibration, I sat up, opened my eyes, and asked Chris to turn on the lights. I sat for a bit, looking around, and tried to get my orientation. Soon after, I could feel the vibration succeeding and I started to relax a bit more. Then I could feel myself coming down. I was surprised to learn that 8 min. had passed. It felt more like 2. I tried explaining what I felt and saw but I was lost for words. I was told that I was sighing and breathing heavy while I was under. We went to the kitchen and got some water and I felt fuzzy for about 15min. afterwards. Looking back, I wasn't in the best frame of mind. It was getting late, the TV was distracting, I could hear people talking, and trouble with my wife was on my mind.
Now, my questions are... Was that normal? Was my state of mind responsible for not "breaking through"? How close was I? I don't know if i could take much more without freeking out. The vibration was so intense. Was it just too much for a noob? Any advice?
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.