Hi ॐ, I've done so far a few extractions, and have always used Cyb's "Max Ion" tek, as you. I have also used similar equipment as yours, and went through the same problem as well.
What has really worked for me is a 25mL glass pipette with a graduated puller. It allows me to vary the pulling speed, and also it has a valve to pour the drop in the mouth, which is really helpful to get rid of the tinniest droplets of basic soup. I try to pull really slow in order to do it as clean as possible. When half of the original amount of naphtha (50mL) has been pulled, then I pull slower and more carefully, and keep decanting the pulled naphtha until the first tiny ammounts of basic soup start to get into the pipette.
Then, I put some d-H2O on a glass, decant the dirty pull on a clean glass, suck d-H2O in order to clean the inside of the pipette, and pull from the extraction vessel. this way you pull really tiny ammounts of clean solvent, maybe 2-3 mL each time, but this little ammounts are completely clean. When there is left 1 or 2 mm of the naphtha layer, I start the next pull, like there wasn't any remaining in the vessel. I pull ten times usually, and then one extra pull that I keep apart to check if there is any ammount of spice left in the soup.
When I finish pulling, there are 1-2 mm of naphtha layer left. To take this out, I pull it without any care, pulling maybe 22 mL of basic soup and 1-2 mL of naphtha, maybe less. I pour it on the glass I used to clean the pipette, with dirty d-H2O. I keep doing it until no more naphtha is visible on the vessel. Then I put the mouth of the pipette on the bottom of the basic soup glass, and start pulling only basic soup from it. I pour it on the extraction vessel, until there is more or less 5 mm of basic layer in the glass.
Then, I clean the pipette, and pour 10-20 mL of hot naphtha on the glass with the pippete, in order to make it collide with the bottom of the glass, and pass trough all the basic layer. I put then the glass in a 45º position, and try to suck the tiny ammount of basic layer left on the glass, until there is only one drop left. I clean the pipette again, and pull the naphtha from the glass, and pour it on a dish.
This way I believe to retrieve every tiny bit of solvent and make the pulls as clean as possible. It's a bit time-consuming but really rewarding. Hope it works for you!
Säure is the main character of a story that somebody has invented, and everything he says is part of that story, which does not refer to any real-life event, experience or activity. Any thing that may seem real is purely a coincidence.