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Posts: 11 Joined: 14-Feb-2016 Last visit: 04-Mar-2016 Location: India
Hi Friends, I am from Mumbai India, i was doing some research for my creative writing and reading drug induced hallucinations on humans as part of my project. This is when i stumbled upon DMT and got interested. Though i've never done any drugs before, not even marijuana i would like to try DMT just for experience, glad it's not narcotic i.e. addictive like cocaine or heroine so i am ready to take a chance. I am a fitness freak, treat my body as a temple, into creative profession and also a science graduate so have done experiments in chemistry labs etc... ( though was never my fav subjects)
I am looking to do an extraction myself using local ingredients which are easily available here in ayurvedic or grocery stores, also will be looking for basic info on security measures, harm reduction and few simple TEKs all at the same time, so please feel free to PM me if you think you can guide me with your experience and make it easy for me. it'll be highly appreciated.
I would like to thank the people behind this website, they are doing a tremendous job and all the good and helpful members for their contributions. Looking forward to be part of the group. Cheers
 DMT-Nexus member

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Hello krahul3, nice meeting you and thanks for your polite introduction. I like how you stumbled upon it by chance and it might very well present an opportunity to you. Still, i would not say that anyone can make it easy for you. I think it can be incredibly easy by itself but also incredibly hard. Your first few times might be the easiest, because you don't really know what to expect. That doesn't mean that DMT needs to be scared - it can be a really beauty-manifesting experience. But everything can happen really. Are you ready to give yourself over completly? Accept the experience for what it would like to manifest? Then you might be as ready as you can ever be. What plants do you plan on using?
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 11 Joined: 14-Feb-2016 Last visit: 04-Mar-2016 Location: India
hi obliguhl, Thanks for your reply, I intend to use Acacia Nilotica subsp Indica, its the most commonly available tree bark here, i can get it at local ayurvedic stores. but not sure if they do stem power or just bark powder. i guess it is stem and bark together which they sell. Can someone guide me if that can be used for extraction? or any better options or leads to other members who are from India and have successfully extracted DMT, as i can get direct guidance from them on what is easily available in here for a clean extraction. Cheers
 DMT-Nexus member
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Welcome to the DMT Nexus, the only DMT site officially approved by Hyperspace Elves? Don't believe us? Ask them! 
 it all fits so right, when i fade into the night....
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hello÷ let me direct you to.cybs max ion tek in the wiki. This is defi itely goimg to maximize your yields from the acacia variety you mentioned. i have used this tek with great results as3 have many on here. good luck in your travels!
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 11 Joined: 14-Feb-2016 Last visit: 04-Mar-2016 Location: India
thanks having a look now, have you done extraction with the same Acacia Nilotica subsp India ( babul tree)?
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1263 Joined: 01-Jun-2014 Last visit: 10-Aug-2019
There is probably noboday around who attempted indian babul exraction here, however, the good news is: many Australian acacia species have been introduced into In-diya during the british raj. All you need is to recognize the right ones. Unlike the Indian babul bushes, gatha and khair trees, the Australian acacias don't sport these palm like leaves, but have phyllodes (somewhat similar looking to eycalyptus leaves). If you have a smart phone, take photos and upload to the acacia identification thread to confirm. Also, acacia confusa may be native/naturalized in Tamil Nadu and Deccan. Better be 100% sure, there are some other acacia trees there that contain poisons, like nicotine (shikakai....etc) Alternative: one could get Rajasthani harmal seeds in India (from a unani dispensery). Then one could fast grow the grass phalaris brachystachys and press the juice with an Indian mosambi press and prepare one's fresh, potent soma in that way. One must study, is part of the process  ...also, keep an eye-ball on any dancing plants and some other funny ayurved herbs..
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 11 Joined: 14-Feb-2016 Last visit: 04-Mar-2016 Location: India
HI Intezam, Thanks for your reply, I guess there are couple of people who have confirmed Acacia Nilotica subsp Indica extraction. Can't remember their names but there are certainly 2 people who have confirmed it in the forum in 2 separate posts.
But to be honest i'd like to go with something that is 100% safe, so any of you guys have confirmed safe extraction with acacia Nilotica bark ( babul bark) in India or any other raw material that is available then please share your experience here, I've ordered Babul bark 250 gms which i should be getting in matter of days. Trying to get my hands on Naphtha or Haphtha or any other non polar solvent and caustic soda to do extraction. if someone has any experience in India can you recommend what can be the easiest and food grade non- polar solvent easily available here, Caustic soda NaOH is easily available here.
Thanks heaps
member for the trees
Posts: 4003 Joined: 28-Jun-2011 Last visit: 27-May-2024
welcome makes me happy to see more people from India here !  we see in this post from the acacia info thread and following, that Acacia nilotica (Babul) has a long history of medicinal use, in a number of cultures, so we would not expect to find anything particularly 'unsafe' in it, especially in the context of an extraction that is smoked...also we see in that post that Shakya et al. (2012) found what was almost certainly DMT in the species in India...and also, you are correct, there are a couple of other reports by nexians of positive results.. the main issue here is the variance of the species, which has umpteen sub-species, which likely vary in their content...seasonal factors also play a big role with acacia species.. i would see A. nilotica as a valuable species for further experimentation, though not a certainty for what you might be looking for, until an appropriate sub-species is located..i would suggest saving time, effort and resources by looking into a TLC kit (such as the ones endlessness made available) and, with a little practice, then less than a gram of fresh plant material can be used to determine if alkaloids are present, and roughly what kind.. on the path of plants there is always something new to learn, however long the journey has been but there should be a lot of DMT in various plants of India for those with the time and inclination to seek.. and of course the Hoama  .
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1263 Joined: 01-Jun-2014 Last visit: 10-Aug-2019
But was the spice in the babul leaves or was it in the stem bark ??? That's the big question... Also, have a look at smokable spice from p. brachystachys (pdf) and shal(a)parni root /desmodium gangeticum pdf (not the leaf or aerial parts!)If getting naphtha,one could try to look up for CAS Number: 8032-32-4 (same as V & P) and then order it at a local paint shop (if they don't have it). Or use zippo lighter fuel.
member for the trees
Posts: 4003 Joined: 28-Jun-2011 Last visit: 27-May-2024
Intezam wrote: Quote:But was the spice in the babul leaves or was it in the stem bark ??? That's the big question...
..i've found a new link for that post and attached the relevant paper (Shakya et al. 2012), which tells us: "The bark of the plant Acacia nilotica was collected from the local area of District Vidisha M.P., India. It was authenticated by the botany department of the Institute and a voucher specimen was preserved in the herbarium record in Pest Control and Ayurvedic Drug Research Laboratory, Vidisha (M.P.) for further reference." and would note that, in almost all acacia species examined to date, the alkaloid content of the stem/branch bark is the same as the trunk bark (which is higher impact to the tree to take) if i'm ever in that district i'll see what i can spot 
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 131 Joined: 22-Nov-2015 Last visit: 05-Mar-2018
Welcome Krahul,
I used to work in Mumbai and have many Indian friends there, it's a wonderful city, one of my favourites, so full of life.
Good luck on your travels. You've arrived at the right place.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1263 Joined: 01-Jun-2014 Last visit: 10-Aug-2019
nen888, do you think it's worth running a test extraction of a. nilotice ssp. indica inner rootbark? We understand, you don't like people harvesting rootbarks, but this tree is so common in western and central India, it's almost like a noxious weed - it grows everywhere, also in disturbed areas and often, near railway tracks and dry river beds, part of the roots are already exposed by erosion. Perhaps the wounds on the roots could be sealed with raw honey?
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 11 Joined: 14-Feb-2016 Last visit: 04-Mar-2016 Location: India
Guys , I am having difficulty finding xylene , naptha, or heptane in india, does any if you guys aware of any alternatives that are easily available in Here. Guys from india or have done an extraction here please share your knowledge. NaOH is not a problem, it's easily available here.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1263 Joined: 01-Jun-2014 Last visit: 10-Aug-2019
krahul wrote:Guys , I am having difficulty finding xylene , naptha, or heptane in india, does any if you guys aware of any alternatives that are easily available in Here. Zippo lighter fluid = naphtha. If you can't find zippo lighter fluid in Mumbai, then .... (then you may lack the required skills  ) Edit: ...try other companies' lighter fuels: rosonol, swan.....etc (UK lighter fuel) Always make sure the bottle is factory sealed and it's not repacked kerosene (!) you are buying.
Posts: 1808 Joined: 29-Jan-2010 Last visit: 30-Dec-2023 Location: in the universe
zippo lighter fluid is dirty as hell , especially the one sold in india , no way will it yeild anything worth smoking naptha is called petroleum ether in india , available at chemical supply stores , in two forms 60-80c and 40-60c , basically hexane and heptane however it does not matter , the naptha in india is good for re-xing but not extracting go with d-limonene (called orange oil ) , or distilled turpentine (camel) both need fumaric acid , so get that first if using turpentine , remember to clean the DMT-fumerate solution with vegetable oil a few times after the salting step also with enough rue+mimosa , ruehuasca is stronger than any smoked experience , so why extract good luck illusions !, there are no illusions there is only that which is the truth
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 11 Joined: 14-Feb-2016 Last visit: 04-Mar-2016 Location: India
Jin wrote:zippo lighter fluid is dirty as hell , especially the one sold in india , no way will it yeild anything worth smoking naptha is called petroleum ether in india , available at chemical supply stores , in two forms 60-80c and 40-60c , basically hexane and heptane however it does not matter , the naptha in india is good for re-xing but not extracting go with d-limonene (called orange oil ) , or distilled turpentine (camel) both need fumaric acid , so get that first if using turpentine , remember to clean the DMT-fumerate solution with vegetable oil a few times after the salting step also with enough rue+mimosa , ruehuasca is stronger than any smoked experience , so why extract good luck Please check your PM, thanks EDIT: I tried sending you a PM but as i am a new member i can only send PMs to moderators, can you please PM me, i have some questions, please get in touch. cheers.
Posts: 1808 Joined: 29-Jan-2010 Last visit: 30-Dec-2023 Location: in the universe
there is no need to PM just get a bit of mimosa and rue start with low doses , and increase kaboommm illusions !, there are no illusions there is only that which is the truth
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 11 Joined: 14-Feb-2016 Last visit: 04-Mar-2016 Location: India
Jin wrote:there is no need to PM just get a bit of mimosa and rue start with low doses , and increase kaboommm Is mimosa and rue available in Mumbai? I've never heard of it, though I know it's absolutely legal but where?? It'll save me from lot of trouble. Needs to be from credible source.
Posts: 1808 Joined: 29-Jan-2010 Last visit: 30-Dec-2023 Location: in the universe
krahul3 wrote: Though i've never done any drugs before, not even marijuana i would like to try DMT just for experience, glad it's not narcotic i.e. addictive like cocaine or heroine so i am ready to take a chance
ah forgot to read this before replying hey krahul , perhaps it would be wise to indulge with other entheogens before DMT also DMT is a religion , so use the info on this page and the internet to extract some , it should be easy considering that the solvent info has been provided or if its too much of a trouble then just forget about it and go on with life good luck illusions !, there are no illusions there is only that which is the truth