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plants containing DMT-list Options
#1 Posted : 9/6/2006 2:55:58 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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this is the most comprehensive list I've found to date. PLANTs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acacia complanata, confusa, nilotica, simplicifolia, tortilis, nerifolia, Phlebophylla (Leguminosae) Contains tryptamines. More reaserch needs to to be done in the Acacia species. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acacia longifolia Fast growing scrub with large willow like foliage and deep golden flower sprays. Found to contain 0.2% tryptamine alkaloid in bark region and leaves (2mg DMT per gram dried material) Tryptamines may possibly be a constitute of the flowers. (Gnostic Garden catalog) Picture of Acacia longifolia. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acacia maidenii Is reported ro contain 0.6% alkaloids of which 1/3 is N-methyl-tryptamin, and 2/3 is DMT. "Alkaloids of the Australian Leguminosae-The occurence of Methylated tryptamines in Acacia maidenii"Australian journal of chemistry, 1965, 18 433-434. Picture of Acacia maidenii In J.Otts "Ayahuasca Analouges"Acacia Maideniiis reported to contains 0.36% DMT in bark, Acacia phlebophylla contains 0.3% DMT in leaves, Acacia Simplicifolia has an high 0.81& DMT in stems, bark regions and Acacia nubica(leavea), Acaica confusa(stems) ,Acacia polyacantha(leaves) Acacia senegal(leaves). The above listed all has an trace amount of tryptamines (less than 0.02%). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acaica simplex( formerly A.simplicifolia) In this Acacia tryptamine has been found in a concentration of 3.6%, of which 40% is NMT. 25%DMT in the stem-bark. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acacia phlebophylla 0.3% DMT (leaf) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anadenanthera peregrina, colubrina, cebil, excelsa (Piptadenia macrocarpa) Contains up to 1-2% alkaloids in the black seeds/pods and bark (10-20mg alkaloid per gram dried material) How much of it is DMT or 5-MeO-DMT i havent been able to find. Active alkaloid is DMT, bufotenin and 5-MeO-DMT Indians tribes uses the grounded seeds in a entheogenic cohoba and Yopo snuff, which is blown into the nostrils through bamboo tubes or snuffed by birdbone tubes. Picture of A. peregrina ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arundo donax "giant river reed" (Gramineae) Contains up to 3% DMT. The flowers and roots contains DMT. The roots not only contains DMT and 5-MeO-NMT but also bufotenine. The flowers are free from bufotenine2. In J.Otts "Ayahuasca Analouges" Arundo donax only has a trace amount of DMT in leaves, roots and flowers. Christian Rtsch "The Dictionary of Sacred and Magical Plants" 1992 p.152 2Alexander Shulgin "TIHKAL" 1997 p.261. Picture of Arundo donax ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Banisteriopsis rusbyana or "Diplopterys cabrerana" (Malpighiaceae) leaves from one specimen in a ayahuasca admixture in Peru has been shown to contain from 0.17%-1.74% DMT (from 4 seperate studies)1 Contains a wealth of tryptamines with DMT as major alkaloid and NMT, 5-MeO-DMT and bufotenine. In "TIHKAL" this species contains 1.3% DMT. Jonathan Ott "Ayahuasca Analouges" 1994 p.38 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Banisteriopsis muricata (malpighiaceae) May contain DMT in stems!. DMT has also been found in Banisteriopsis argenta. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Delosperma cooperi (Aizoceae) A sprawling free branching subsroub succulent with bright green glacous leaves and silken purple or pink flowers. Analyses has indicated that many Delosperma sp. contains quite substantial amounts of DMT and N-methyltryptamine in the leaves and branches "River & Pilet 1971". This particular species often seeming quite rich (according to Gnostic Gardens catalog) Picture of Delosperma cooperi ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Delosperma lyndenbergense Has also been tested positive for DMT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Desmanthus illinoensis Contains up to 2% DMT per gram in roots. Alexander Shulgin "TIKHAL" In Jonathan Otts Ayahuasca analogues, the findings differs: DMT (root) 0.200% (dry material) DMT (root bark) 0.340% (dry material) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Desmanthus leptolobus Is said to contain higher amounts of DMT, than D.illinoensis. In both species, the bark from the roots must be stripped immediatly after harvest. When dry the bark is difficult to strip. J. Dekorne "Psychedelic shamanism" 1994. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Desmodium gangeticum,gyrans,pulchellum,tilaefolium,triflorum (Fabaceae) Some contains b-carbolines (MAO-inhibitors) others tryptamines. Desmodium gyrans (telegraph plant) Considered to be an ayahuasca, Yopo analoge, the plant is an extremely sensetive one with purple flowers.(Legendary Etnobotanical resources catalog). Leaves, root, stem and seeds contain DMT and 0.06% 5-MeO-DMT of wet weight Simple indole bases of Desmodium gangeticum. Aust. J Chem. 22, 275-277 Banerjee, P.K & Ghosal, S 1969. Picture of Desmodium puchellum ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- D. gyrans (leaves,roots), D.pulchellum (whole plant), D. racemosum (whole plant) and D. triflorum (roots).The above 4 species contains only trace amounts of DMT. Jonathan Ott "Ayahuasca Analouges" p.82-83 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dictyoloma incanescens (citrus family Rutaceae) 5-MeO-DMT 0.04% (picrate salt). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dutaillyea oreophila (rutaceae) Contains Hordenin and 2-methyl-6-methoxy-b-carbolines in addition to 5-MeO-DMT Alexander Shulgin "TIHKAL" 1997. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- D.drupacea (a shrub from New Caledonian) Contains only 5-MeO-DMT to the extent of over 0.4% In "TIHKAL" Alexander Shulgin writes:" from a kilo of powdered leaves, there was actually isolated 450mg of an alkaloid fraction that was 98% 5-MeO-DMT." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evodia rutacarpa (rutaceae) Contains 5-MeO-DMT in its fruits and roots. The rue plants of the genus Evodia, has been used in tea because the blossoms are extremly aromatic. This species is used traditionally from the Phillipines, through Southeast Asia and into China. Some of the Evodia species contains Phenethylamines and carbolines. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Echinocereus triglochidiatus, Salm-dyckianus (cacti) Is common in Mexico, where the Tarahumare Indians uses them in their festivals. Said to contain 5-MeO-DMT. "Hallucinogenic plants of the Tarahumara" J. Ethnopharmacology 1, 23-48 Bye, R.A. 1979. Picture of Echinocereus triglodatius ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Horsfieldia supurba (Myristicaceae) An Malaysian tree with 5-MeO-DMT in its leaves. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Justicia pectoralis var. Stenophylla (Acanthaceae) Used as an additive to entheogenic epen snuffs by various Waik Indian groups. Some Tests has indicated the presence of DMT. Schultes & hofmann "Plants of the gods"Picture of Justica pectoralis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lespedeza bicolor DMT, 5-MeO-DMT (roots and leaves) "Tryptamine and related Comfounds in plants". Phytochemistry 16 171-175 Smith, T.A. 1977. Shrub 3-10" with arching branches and oval leaves. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lespedeza thunbergii May contain tryptamines. More rescheach is needed to be conducted in this family. Grows larger than L.bicolor. In Japan Lespedeza has an important use as a medicinal. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limonia acidissima or L. crenulata or Hesperethusa crenulata (rutaceae) Contains substantial amounts of DMT. In Burma the women uses the powdered stems as a face paint known as "Tanaka." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Melicope leptococca (rutaceae)Also a bushy shrub from New Caledonia tests has shown 0.2% alkaloids with 5-MeO-DMT being only 35% of the total alkaloids. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mimosa hostilis, nigra, pudica tenuiflora, verrucosa, scabrella (Leguminosae) Mimosa hostilis contains 0.57% N,N dimethyltryptamin (DMT). M.pudica has the lowest tryptamine concentration. Low amounts of tryptamines and MMT has been found in Mimosa somnians "Jonathan Ott: Pharmacoteon s.174-175 1993" M. hostilis, M. niagra and M. verruosa were used as the basis of the entheogenic brew "Vinho de jurema" in Brazil. "According to Legendary Etnobotanical Resources M.tenuiflora has a very high tryptamine concentration in roots and stems."Picture of Mimosa scabrella ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mistletoe (Loranthaceae) The berries contains 1-ethyltryptamine (an true isomer of DMT with a 1-ethyl rather than N,N-dimethyl. Alexander Shulgin "TIHKAL"1997. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mucuna pruriens "velvet bean"(Leguminosae) Phytochemical research has shown it contains DMT, 5-MeO-DMT and bufotenin in leaves, stem and fruit/bean. The powdered seeds are used as an aphrodisiac in India. Also a source of L-dopa. "Alkaloids of Mucuna pruriens". Chemistry and Pharmacology. Planta Med. 19, 279 and "The dictionary of Sacred and Magical Plants" Dr.Christian Rtsch ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nectandra megapotamica (Lauraceae) Contains NMT according to Alexander Shulgins "TIHKAL" 1997 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Osteophloem platyspermum (myristicaceous plants) Possibility of DMT and 5-MeO-DMT. Analaysis has shown it to consist of only N-methyltryptophan methyl ester. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pagamea macrophylla Reports says that Barasana shamans of Columbia makes a entheogenic snuff from the powdered leaves. That could indicate a presence of tryptamines. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pandanus sp.(Pandanaceae family) The nuts have been analysed positive for DMT. On Indian Ocean Islands the sap is used as aphrodisiac. P.utilis has long leathery leaves sharply serrated. Seed pods look like huge pineapples."Legendary Etnobotanical Resources cataloge" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Petalostylis labicheoides(Caesalpiniaceae/Leguminosae) Mimosa relative. Known to contain several tryptamines in the leaves and/or seeds of some species as well as MaO-inhibitors in concentrations up to 0.5% with tryptamines being the major alkaloid concentrated in leaves and stems. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.cassiodies 0.4 -0.5% tryptamines, DMT and other alkaloids, in leaves and stems "Alkaloids of the Australian Leguminosae VI". Aust. J.Chem 19, 893. Phyllodium pulchellum Dried plant material produced 0.2% 5-MeO-DMT and small amounts of DMT "Indole-3-alkylamine Bases of Desmodium pulchellum". J, Org. Chem. 31, 2284. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prestonia amazonica May contain DMT"Smith 1977". ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Punica granatum (Punicaceae) DMT in root cortex. Once thougt to be the acient Haoma Christian Rtsch "The Dictionary of Sacred and Magical Plants"1992 p.207 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phalaris arundinaea (reed canary grass) Many Phalaris.sp contains 5-MeO-DMT and DMT in different amounts. Other species where tryptamines has been detected: P.tuberosa, P.brachystacys, P.canariensis. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phalaris arundinaea Source 1.DMT 0.060% Source 2.Alkaloids 0.004-0.121% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phalaris tuberosa Source 1. DMT 0.100% 5-MeO-DMT 0.022% 5-OH-DMT 0.005% Source 2. DMT 0.170% 5-MeO-DMT 0.060% Source 3. alkaliods 0.007-0.18% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Psychotria viridis (Rubiaceae), psychotriaefolia, P.expansa, P.insularum, P.forsteriana, P.carthaginensis, P.hirta, P.rostrata, P.nervosa, P. rufipilis and other unidentified species. leaves of P.viridis contains DMT (0.10%-0.16%). The major alkaloid in three samples of P.viridis from Peru was found to be DMT at a level of 1.02-1.58mg per gram of dried leaves. An analysis of an ayahuasca sample found 0.16-0.22% DMT from an unidentified Psychotria species. (possibly P.cart, P. alba, margineta, P.horizonta). Not all P.species has been analysed and some dosent even contain DMT. Experiments by J.Ott with ayahuasca analouges included 50 psychotria leaves combined with the MaO-inhibitor Peganum harmala seeds (4 grams ) and between 25-55 gram of Desmanthus illinoensis roots . With Psycotria Viridis one would need 20g of leaves (equals 40mg DMT) in combination with 3-4g Peganum Harmala seeds. Johanthan Ott "Pharmacotheon" 1993. Picture of Peganum harmala In J.Otts Ayahuasca Analouges a average DMT% is calculated from 4 alkaloid analysis with Diplopterys cabrerana1 and Psychotria Viridis. With the first plant (1) an average at 0.68% were shown and with(2) 0.20% DMT. Picture of Psychotria viridis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phragmites australis (Poaceae, Gramineae "grass"Pleased Rich in DMT which are found in the root system. Picture of Praghmites australis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Testulea gabonensis (Ochnaceae) A tree-shrub from Cameroon found to contain DMT as well as NMT (and its formamide) in the trunk bark. Alexander Shulgin "TIHKAL" 1997. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trichocerus terschekii (cacti) "cardon grande" DMT has been isolated from this species from North-Western Argentina. Schultes & Hofmann "Plants of The Gods" p. 58. 1979. and from Dr.Christian Rtsch "The Dictionary of Sacred and Magical Plants" p. 205. 1992. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vepris ampody (rutaceous plant) contains up to 0.22 % N,N-dimethyltryptamin J. Ott "Pharmacotheon" P. 246 1993. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Virola theiodora (Myristiceae), cuspidata, calophylla, calophylloidea, elongata, rufula, venosa, pavonis, peruviana, carinata, V.surinamensis. Used in snuffs like: epen snuff and paric snuff of the waik indians. The bark contains up to 0.25%DMT by dry weight, and the flowers twice as much. 5-MeO-DMT is also present in at sizeable levels,and both of the mono-methyl homolouges, NMT and 5-MeO-NMT has been found in various parts of the plant . Alexander Shulgin "Tihkal" 1997. In Peter Staffords "Psychedelic Encyclopedia" an analysis from an sample of Waik snuff made from V.theiodora resin had a unusually high alkaloid content of up to 11%, consisting mainly of 5-Methoxy-DMT (5-MeO-DMT). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Virola calophylla Origin: Manaus Brazil (dry plant material) Bark: DMT0.008% 5-MeO-DMT trace amounts Roots: DMT and 5-MeO-DMTtrace amounts Flowers, shoots: DMT0.185% N-Methyltryptamine (MMT)0.008% Leaves: DMT0.149% MMT0.006% Jonathan Ott "Ayahuasca analogues" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Virola rufula 5-MeO-DMT0.190% DMT0.008% 5-MeO-MMTtrace amounts 2-Methyl-6-MeO-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-_-carboline (6-MeO-TH C)trace amounts Roots: 5-MeO-DMT0.135% 5-MeO-MMT0.006% DMT0.001% 6-MeO-THCtrace amounts Leaves: DMT0.092% MMT0.006% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Virola theiodora Origin: Manaus Brazil (dry plant material) Bark: DMT0.130% 5-Meo-DMT 0.110% 6-MeO-THC0.010% N-Methyltry ptamine (MMT)0.003% Roots: 5-MeO-DMT0.010% DMT 0.004% 5-MeO-MMT0.003% Flower, shoots: DMT0.440% MMT0.033% Leaves: DMT0.044% 5-MeO-DMT trace amounts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Virola theiodora Origin: Tototobi Brazil (dry plant material) Bark: DMT0.033% 5-Meo-DMT 0.062% Leaves: DMT0.021% Methyl-THC&nbsp ;trace amounts Jonathan Ott "Ayahuasca Analogues" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Virola surinamensis May possibly contain large amounts of entheogenic tryptamines, due to its use as an ayahuasca admixture. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Urtica pilulifera (Urticaceae) P dansk Brndenlder. Contains bufotenin. The leaves are used to make herbal tea. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zanthoxylum arborescens, Zanthoxylum procerum. (rutaceous plant) Contains some DMT in leaves. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANIMALS Bufo alvarius (toad)5-MEO-DMT is a constituent with a concentration up to 150mg per gram of dried gland tissue, and bufotenin 5mg per gram. The multicellular glands concentrated on the neck and limbs of B.alvarius produce a viscious milky-white venom that contains large amounts of 5-MeO-DMT. If vaporised by heat and taken into the lungs in the form of smoke, an intense entheogenic experince is produced. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paramuricea chameleon (marine coral organisme) "Gorgonian Seafan" Contains DMT and NMT Alexander Shulgin "TIHKAL" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 9/6/2006 11:31:03 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Cool list, thx for this psilo. Smile
#3 Posted : 10/23/2006 11:30:29 PM

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Wouldn't Virola Theo. Bark, extracted down to pure 100% alks, be an interesting item? Would resemble deep redish crystals, and would be a combo of the 2 substances. Just curious... Peace
#4 Posted : 11/2/2006 7:37:05 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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if you can grow it,or live where it is grown. resin is scraped out before sale.
Tribal Dreamings
#5 Posted : 11/2/2006 11:07:21 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I wish i could get seed for virola! One day Very happy
'..with the cold sudden fury of a devine messenger...'
#6 Posted : 2/19/2007 1:32:04 AM

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Acacia phlebophylla 0.3% DMT (leaf) Please note that this is a highly endangered species and should not be used. I am sure you do not want to be part of a plants extinction. Thanks.
#7 Posted : 2/19/2007 9:35:27 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Source: http://hjem.get2net.dk/gaffri/page6.html ? So many potential DMT sources.. amazing Smile
#8 Posted : 2/23/2007 5:51:15 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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*BUMP* I have found a more complete list of plants and their alkaloids. It was posted by jerry3689 in rec.drugs.psychedelics on usenet/newsgroups. [quote:342360499d]Letters in square brackets refer to DMT and 5-MeO-DMT [5MD] in leaves [l], seeds [s], pods [p], stems [st], bark [b], roots [r], flowers [f], fruit [fr], root bark [rb], or whole plant [w]. ACANTHACEAE * Justicia pectoralis [DMT,l] AGARICACEAE * Amanita citrina [DMT,5MD,w] * Amanita porphyria [5MD,w] AIZOACEAE * Delosperma sp. [DMT] GRAMINEAE * Arundo donax [DMT,l,r,f] - ALKALOIDS Plant 5,000 ppm (0.5 % - propably dry material) - 5-METHOXY-N-METHYLTRYPTAMINE Plant, BUFOTENIDINE Rhizome, BUFOTENINE Leaf, DEHYDROBUFOTENINE Rhizome, DONAXARIDINE Plant, DONAXERINE Rhizome, DONAXINE Rhizome, ELEAGNINE Flower, FRIEDELIN Leaf, GRAMINE Rhizome, GRAMINE-METHOHYDROXIDE Flower, GRAMINE-N-OXIDE Plant 700 ppm, N,N-DIMETHYLTRYPTAMINE Leaf, N,N-DIMETHYLTRYPTAMINE-METHOHYDROXIDE Flower * Phalaris arundinacea [DMT,5MD,l,w] From the usenet (dry material): Source 1. DMT 0.060% Source 2. Alkaloids 0.004-0.121% * Phalaris tuberosa (= P. aquatica) [DMT,5MD,l] From the usenet (dry material): Source 1. DMT 0.100% 5-MeO-DMT 0.022% 5-OH-DMT 0.005% Source 2. DMT 0.170% 5-MeO-DMT 0.060% Source 3. Alkaloids 0.007-0.18% * Phragmites australis [DMT,r] LEGUMINOSAE * Acacia confusa [DMT,st] * Acacia maidenii [DMT,b] * Acacia nubica [DMT,l] * Acacia phlebophylla [DMT,l] * Acacia polyacantha subsp. campylacantha [DMT,l] * Acacia senegal [DMT,l] - CYSTEINE Plant, D-PINITOL Leaf, DIMETHYLTRYPTAMINE Plant, ERYTHRODIOL Plant, LEUCINE Plant * Acacia simplicifolia [DMT,b,l,st] * Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil (= Piptadenia macrocarpa) [DMT,s,p] - BUFOTENINE Seed, N,N-DIMETHYLTRYPTAMINE Seed, TRYPTAMINES Seed * Anadenanthera excelsa [DMT,s,p] * Anadenanthera peregrina [DMT,5MD,b,l,s,p] - 1,2,3,4-TETRAHYDRO-6-METHOXY-2,9-DIMETHYL-BETA-CARBOLINE Plant, 1,2,3,4-TETRAHYDRO-6-METHOXY-2-METHYL-BETA-CARBOLINE Plant, 5-METHOXY-N,N-DIMETHYLTRYPTAMINE Bark, 5-METHOXY-N-METHYLTRYPTAMINE Bark, BUFOTENINE Plant, BUFOTENINE-OXIDE Fruit, N,N-DIMETHYLTRYPTAMINE Fruit, N,N-DIMETHYLTRYPTAMINE-OXIDE Fruit, N-METHYLTRYPTAMINE Bark, HOMOORIENTINE Leaf, LEUCOANTHOCYANIN Plant, LEUCOPELARGONIDOL Plant, ORIENTIN Leaf, SAPONARETIN Leaf, VITERINE Leaf * Desmanthus illineonsis [DMT,r,rb] - DMT (root) 0.200% (dry material) DMT (root bark) 0.340% (dry material) * Desmodium caudatum [DMT,r,st] * Desmodium gangeticum [DMT,5MD,w,r,st,l] - 2'HYDROXYGENISTEIN Leaf Diffusate 14 ppm, GENISTEIN Leaf Diffusate 8 ppm * Desmodium gyrans [DMT,5MD,l,r] * Desmodium pulchellum [DMT,5MD,w,r,st,l,f] - BETULIN Root * Desmodium racemosum [5MD,w] * Desmodium triflorum [DMT-N-oxide,r] * Lespedeza bicolor var. japonica [DMT,5MD,l,rb] 5-METHOXY-N-METHYLTRYPTAMINE Bark, BUFOTENINE Plant, BUFOTENINE-OXIDE Fruit, N,N-DIMETHYLTRYPTAMINE Fruit, N,N-DIMETHYLTRYPTAMINE-OXIDE Fruit, N-METHYLTRYPTAMINE Bark, HOMOORIENTINE Leaf, LEUCOANTHOCYANIN Plant, LEUCOPELARGONIDOL Plant, ORIENTIN Leaf, SAPONARETIN Leaf, VITERINE Leaf * Desmanthus illineonsis [DMT,r,rb] - DMT (root) 0.200% (dry material) DMT (root bark) 0.340% (dry material) * Desmodium caudatum [DMT,r,st] * Desmodium gangeticum [DMT,5MD,w,r,st,l] - 2'HYDROXYGENISTEIN Leaf Diffusate 14 ppm, GENISTEIN Leaf Diffusate 8 ppm * Desmodium gyrans [DMT,5MD,l,r] * Desmodium pulchellum [DMT,5MD,w,r,st,l,f] - BETULIN Root * Desmodium racemosum [5MD,w] * Desmodium triflorum [DMT-N-oxide,r] * Lespedeza bicolor var. japonica [DMT,5MD,l,rb] * Mimosa hostilis [DMT,r] - N,N-DIMETHYLTRYPTAMINE Plant, NIGERINE Plant - DMT root 0.57% (propably fresh (=wet) material) * Mimosa scabrella [DMT,b] * Mimosa tenuiflora [DMT,5MD,b] * Mucuna pruriens [DMT,5MD,l,s,st,r] - GENISTEIN Leaf Diffusate 6 ppm, HYDROXYGENISTEIN Leaf Diffusate 14 ppm * Petalostylis labicheoides var. casseoides [DMT,l,st] MALPIGHIACEAE * Banisteriopsis muricata (= B. argentea) [DMT,st,l] * Diplopterys cabrerana (=Banisteriopsis rusbyana) [DMT,5MD,l] MYRISTICACEAE * Iryanthera ulei [5MD,b] * Osteophloem platyspermum [DMT,5MD,b] * Virola calophylla [DMT,5MD,b,r,l,s,f] - 5-METHOXY-N,N-DIMETHYLTRYPTAMINE Bark, N,N-DIMETHYLTRYPTAMINE Bark, N-MONOMETHYLTRYPTAMINE Bark - Origin: Manaus Brazil (dry plant material) Bark: - DMT 0.008% - 5-MeO-DMT trace Root: - DMT and 5-MeO-DMT trace Flow, shoots: - DMT 0.185% - N-Methyltryptamine (MMT) 0.008% Leaves: - DMT 0.149% - MMT 0.006% * Virola carinata [DMT,l] * Virola divergens [DMT,l] * Virola elongata [DMT,5MD,b,l] * Virola melinonii [DMT,b] * Virola multinervia [DMT,5MD,b,r] * Virola pavonis [DMT,l] * Virola peruviana [DMT,5MD,b] - Mainly 5-MeO-DMT [b], small amounts DMT and 5-Methoxy-tryptamine [b] * Virola rufula [DMT,5MD,b,r,l] - Origin: Manaus Brazil (dry plant material) Bark: - 5-MeO-DMT 0.190% - DMT 0.008% - 5-MeO-MMT trace - 2-Methyl-6-MeO-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-_-carboline (6-MeO-THC) trace Root: - 5-MeO-DMT 0.135% - 5-MeO-MMT 0.006% - DMT 0.001% - 6-MeO-THC trace Leaves: - DMT 0.092% - MMT 0.006% * Virola sebifera [DMT,b] * Virola theiodora [DMT,5MD,b,r,l,f] - Origin: Manaus Brazil (dry plant material) Bark: - DMT 0.130% - 5-Meo-DMT 0.110% - 6-MeO-THC 0.010% - N-Methyltryptamine (MMT) 0.003% Root: - 5-MeO-DMT 0.010% - DMT 0.004% - 5-MeO-MMT 0.003% Flow, shoots: - DMT 0.440% - MMT 0.033% Leaves: - DMT 0.044% - 5-MeO-DMT trace - Origin: Tototobi Brazil (dry plant material) Bark: - DMT 0.033% - 5-Meo-DMT 0.062% Leaves: - DMT 0.021% - Methyl-THC trace * Virola venosa [DMT,5MD,r,l] OCHNACEAE * Testulea gabonensis [DMT,b,rb] POLYGONACEAE * Erigonum sp. [DMT] RUBIACEAE * Psychotria carthaginensis [DMT,l] - Also N-methyltryptamine and N-methyltetrahydro-_-carboline * Psychotria viridis (= P. psychotriaefolia) [DMT,l] - Also N-methyltryptamine and N-methyltetrahydro-_-carboline Average DMT contents on leaves of different P. species is 0.2% (dry material) RUTACEAE * Dictyoloma incanescens [5MD,l] * Dutaillyea drupacea [5MD,l] * Dutaillyea oreophila [5MD,l] * Evodia rutaecarpa [5MD,l] * Limonia acidissima [5MD,st] - ESTRAGOLE Leaf 6,570 ppm, ISOPIMPINELLIN Root, MARMESIN Bark 160 ppm, ORIENTIN Leaf, PECTIN Fruit 30,000 - 160,000 ppm, PSORALEN Leaf, SPONARIN Leaf, STIGMASTEROL Fruit 150 ppm, STIGMASTEROL Leaf 120 ppm, VITEXIN Leaf * Melicope leptococca [5MD,l,st] * Pilocarpus organensis [5MD,l] * Vepris ampody [DMT,l] * Zanthoxylum arborescens [DMT,l] * Zanthoxylum procerum [DMT,l][/quote:342360499d]
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