hello all you out there.
i found this community only something around two months ago. this was the time i startet to research serously about how to get my hands on the molecule. well, i first tried to find my informations on german platforms. so as you can imagine, english is not my mothers tounge - so please excuse my english. but i'll give my best, without skipping to the translator tab every 20 seconds. i just try to keep on writing without worring to much about grammatics
well, i found alot of informations i needed, but now, as i'm a little more in this topic i really appreciate the way you guys share and exchange experiances on all those levels. now, after i had my first own experiances i really feel how important and helpful it is to have some kind of a platform or community regarding this huge topic of dmt. for me it's not just a sustance - more some kind of a path. or better a expantion of a path i was walking on ever since.
just some words about me - my pychonautic me:
i had my first psycadelic experiances something like 20 years ago. there was mdma, mescaline, lsd and shrooms. i this order. it was that time as a young adult where i was just mature enough and still had alot of youth fearlessness. we did those wonderful trip nights always in some kind of sessions with 3 up to 6 friends. we had alot of fun but took it always pretty serious and respectful. we were talking, writing, painting and making music together. we tried not to make it a rave or party thing. well of course there were some fiew festivals and clubs we tried the experiance. we had a big feeling of a huge togetherness.
this era lasted something like two years, after the whole bunch of us split apart in their own lifes. girl and boy friends, other cities, etc.
since then there was not much of 'doing drugs' in my life unless mdma or cannabis from time to time. maybe twice a year or less. but after those two psycadelic years i had a great feeling of being inspired, creative or just having a good feeling about how things work - or can work - and that there is more than just the 'normal' perspective. i've learned alot about myself, especially never stop to learn and keep an open mind. i think there was minimum another two years of 'thinking and talking alot' about that intensive time.
the following years were alot about growth. on many levels. profession, body/sports, mind, finding and working on love. i'm having a pretty normal but fullfilling live. maybe in the eyes of 'mainstream people' i'm a bit alternative - as dudes like me with tattoos owning a film-production company are. well we just have to be a bit 'different'
a basic way to extend my growth was kung fu. as i always believed that there is more then just the physical dimension, i really dived in deeply into a world of energy and body control. there in the kung fu family (about 20 important peoples in europe) i also met a instructor with a pscadelic past. something like 15 years ago he told me about dmt. that was the first time i heard of the 'divine moment of truth'. he told me (us) alot about this experiance. i already knew that if i would ever have the opportunity, i would! he told me to let us know, if... we still talked about it over the years but nothing ever came up.
alot happened in meantime. i had my own school for years, i startet to practice yoga, the organisation changed, i got a bit unhappy with what this work (kung fu means 'hard work' on oneself) could give me or help me develop my mental needs. so i moved on with something more mind or zen orientated. kendo, the way of the sword. now a whole new aspect came into my live: while doing kung fu the whole attitude was about paitience, waiting what happens, react. i got a little dull and lazy. the japanese way, kendo in particular is about reaching out and get what you want. no hesitation. now you know what happened next.
something around that time, maybe two years ago, i couldn't believe my eyes as i saw the documentry 'dmt the spirit molecule' on netflix. now i started to search for the substance with more effort. nothing. not even psycadellic peoples i know could give me a small hint. nothing. like if there is no market for dmt.
as two of my friends and me do a mdma session every chistmas since five years, we were planing the 2015 session. but i felt that i rather go for mushrooms this year, because md (and our md conversations) was kinda boring to me at that time. we all ageed and started to look out for mushrooms. well then the research on the internet began. on all those sites where you can order mushrooms you can order alot of other ingredients. ahayuasca here, ahayuaaca there. for me it was clear that i would love to try it once, but of course in a ceremony with a shaman. but would it be possible to put my hands on dmt now? pretty quick i found nexus extraction teks. woooh - whaaaat? so much work? so much effort? and do i really get it right? so much methods. i read about try and error and expierience and more try and error.
then i found david barlows method on youtube. so that was really something i could understand and just copy. i got me everything on a professional level: erlenmayer flasks, magnetic hotplate stirrer, mhrb, dishes, large pipettes, surgical spirits (naptha not available here), heptane, naho, deionisised water, etc. then i got startet. i loved the backflash i had to old times when i used to work in the laboratoy of the lithographic company i worked during my first psycadellic years. i know how to handle chemicals safely and i love to work clean and precise. i'm not the try and error type of guy. it has to work, but im open to optimize and find out what works better or best. since my day job is very brain and computer based i was so happy to create something with my hands again. im still giggeling with my wife when i put on my safety goggles and gloves. and it works perfect. my crystals are shiny white and theoretycally they must be pretty pure dmt.
so on that christmas mushroom eve we had dmt for the first time im our hands... i will try to share my expieriances in another thread, later. anyway, during my holydays i made my first steps into the dmt dimension. i realized that the consumtion has to be learned aswell and that reading, warching and listening to trips of others helps me understand, what exactly i've created and how to find my way to approach it. i begin to understand that my effort to do it myself and all the research i did had to be. i'm happy, that i never found it somewhere to buy. the descicion to make it came to me as the time was right for that. one year ago i had some other concerns, alot of things that i had to take care of during 2015 witch couldn't fit into a good set. it was like i had that wish to try dmt for so long but it only came to me as i had enough time to expose and a clear head.
now my research continues. as i'm learning how to take it, how to share, how to navigate, how and with who to talk about it, i feel it's a good idea to connect with you guys on nexus. i really like the attitude ideas here. i like the aspects of respect to eachother and to the molecule. safety, health and fitness (physical and mental) are very important to me. i hope that i can be a productive part of this community. i still and will always have to learn and here seems to be a good place to do so. i'm a rookie, i know, but maybe i have some years of live and social experiance to give.
btw. i'm working on my first changa blends. last weekend i had my first experiance! wow, that was by far the most beautiful psycadellic flight i ever had. now this is something i really want to follow...
thanks so much for reading and 'till soon!
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