Burnt, you should get into modern philosophy, it'll blow your mind!
I wonder if a proper philosopher may laugh at these books I love, and I know I've suggested these books before, but they're great primers for those of use that have only an amateur interest and don't have time to read an entire library of philosophical waffle. They're basically philosophical comic books. The series is called 'Introducing...' then the subject of the primer, by Icon or Totem books depending on your location, and I recommend these titles for psychenauts:
Philosophy, Postmodernism, Consciousness, Existentialism, Psychology, Evolutionary Psychology, Quantum Theory, Chaos...
(and also Nietsche, Foucault, Freud, Jung, Chomsky etc if you can)
Reading these gives you an overview of a whole field, so if you decide to start reading the actual texts of an area that interests you then you won't find yourself swallowing only what a few authors tell you, which can be a real danger in complicated fields. Please tell me if anyone else likes this series, because I'm starting to feel like an unpaid marketer for Icon books and that'd suck if no-one else is benefiting from my doing so.
As for the arguments over quantum, even the experts don't agree so no-one can say what is and isn't happening there. The important thing is that the experts do not condone any new-agey pseudoscientific claims (I assume) and it's good for people like Burnt to expose those who claim as true what cannot be known to be true (even what is known not to be true)... but make sure your own house is clean first!
Polytrip wrote:So you now know that your perceptions are at least as real as your own existence.
No they may not be as real- I may be perceiving incorrectly. Different people interpret events and things differently. I would say they are AT MOST as real as my own existence, not at least- my perception that I exist being one which is definitely as real as my own existence. This is reminding me of Kant's 'a priori' stuff, which I admit I didn't pay enough attention to because I found my Kant book very boring.
Polytrip wrote:So the question is then: does everybody agree that everything that exists has material/energetic properties?
I believe that everything we perceive is a product of matter in some way, yes, because consciousness is a product of matter, electrical impulses or whatever (actually that is an assumption, we don't know this to be true). Biological CGI mapping in the case of vision.
Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: www.survival-international.org Quick petitions for meaningful change: www.avaaz.org/en/
End prohibition: www.leap.cc www.tdpf.org.uk And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.