In this thread I'll be posting all the results of analysis that are relevant to us, done by nexians. This post will be added as more tests are done:
EDIT: This thread still has to be updated (19/06/2012), there's other analysis not yet written below, check the links in my signature for more info.
Mimosa hostilisDec 2011 - Analysis of Jungle, FASI, FASW, Naphtha freebase and limo freebase - GC-MS/TLC/Uv-Vis Photospec/NMR - Endlessness- Acqueous salted DMT (like FASW or vinegar) and evaporated xylene yields DMT + 2MTHBC + MTHBC + 1,2-Dimethyl-THBC + small amounts of NMT
- Fumaric acid precipitated DMT (FASI/FASA) yields DMT + 2MTHBC + small amounts of NMT
- Washing limonene with water, after having precipitated all apparent DMT with FASI, will yield a concentration of non-dmt alkaloids, plus a bit more DMT. These non-dmt alkaloids are 2MTHBC, 1,2-Dimethyl-THBC, NMT and 2 phenetylamines (
!!!) including N-Methyl-Phenetylamine and another one, potentially N,N,-Dimethyl-Phenetylamine. This is very surprising to find phenetylamines in mimosa!
Feb 2011 - Red vs yellow vs white spice - LC/GC-MS - BurntMostly DMT, small amount of NMT/2MTHBC, also some plasticizer found (from material used in extraction?)
Mar 2010 - Jungle spice summary - LC/GC-MS - BurntJungle is mostly DMT, with small amounts of NMT/2MTHBC, plus organic acids, a fatty acid, and phenolic compound
Nov 2009 - Jungle spice - LC/GC-MS - BurntDmt + unknown beta carboline
PhalarisDec 2011 - Phalaris analysis thread - GC-MS - EndlessnessWild phalaris arundinacea Autumn harvest BC CanadaHot limo pulls
16% 6-MeO-2-Methyl-Tetrahydro-Betacarboline
4% 5-MeO-NMT
1% NMT
1% DMT
1% gramine
AQ1:crude methanol soak
26% fatty/carboxylic acids
3% oleamide
2% DMT
2% phytol
0.x% hordenine
Big Medicine:crude methanol soak
20+% fatty/carboxylic acids
3% DMT
2% hordenine
Yugo redcrude methanol soak
20+% fatty/carboxylic acids
7% hordenine
5% gramine
1% DMT
test room temp limonene extract
33% DMT
10% limonene (crude separation)
2% gramine
Extractions:Extracting a gramine containing phalaris with limonene, salting with vinegar, evaporating, making paste with sodium carb and pulling with alcohol, will leave the gramine and hordenine behind and pull mostly only DMT.
AcaciasJan 2012 - Acacia analysis thread - GC-MS - EndlessnessAcacia acuminata:
51% Tetrahydroharman
32% DMT
16% Tryptamine
0.5% Harman
0.4% 3-Methyl-Quinoline ?
0.3% N-Methyl-Phenetylamine
0.1% Phenetylamine
Acacia confusa(both stem and root)
DMT, NMT and traces of skatole
Acacia obtusifoliaTWIGS
92% DMT,
0.8% 3 methyl quinoline?
83% DMT
0.4% 3 methyl quinoline ?
84% DMT
0.4% 3 methyl quinoline?
Acacia obtusifolia x maideniiDMT, traces of 2MTHBC, possibly some quinoline compound
Bufotenine / Bufotenine n-oxideNov 2009 - Bufotenine - LC/GC-MS - BurntNo bufotenine oxide found, pure bufotenine
LSD(accuracy 10%)
Nov 2011 - Red Buddha - TLC and Uv-Vis photospectrometry - Endlessness160 mics

Oct 2011 - Avatar (supposed new batch this year) - TLC and Uv-Vis photospectrometry - Endlessness120 Micrograms
Sept 2011 - Hofmann - TLC and Uv-Vis photospectrometry - Endlessness3 different hofmann blotters with 38, 40 and 45 micrograms
Sept 2011 - Liquid LSD - TLC and Uv-Vis photospectrometry - Endlessness3 different liquids with 50, 55 and 110 mics
Vasicine/Vasicinone/DeoxyvasicineNov 2010 - Syrian rue / vasicine, etc - GC-MS - BurntSyrian rue extracted without a manske step found with mostly harmaline, small amount of harmine, very small amount of THH, and vasicine/vasicinone/deoxyvasicine
HarmalasJan 2011 - Harmaline to THH reduction using vinegar and zinc works - GC-MS - EndlessnessUsing zinc and vinegar can turn all harmaline to THH.
Nov 2010 - Harmine/harmaline separation - GC-MS - BurntSeparation not pure by pH precipitation, harmine is reasonably pure but harmaline has a lot of harmine contamination, if the harmine was precipitated at pH 8.5
Nov 2010 - Harmala red - LC-MS - BurntExtracted and recrystallized (in ethanol) harmalas from syrian rue had harmine, harmaline and harmalol, plus traces of unknown components
Apr 2010 - Harmala red - GC-MS and ferric chloride reagent - BurntHarmala red could be some phenolic compound
Nov 2008 - Syrian rue manske - GC-MS - BurntSyrian rue extracted with manske has no vasicine/vasicinone/deoxyvasicine, only harmine and harmaline
Diplopterys cabreranaNov 2011 - Is there 5-meo in cabrerana? - GC-MS - EndlessnessNo 5-MeO-DMT found, main DMT peak. Other traces pending identification.
Phalaris brachystachys ? 2011 - Phalaris brachystachys - nLC-MS - Benzyme 90% DMT, 10% Gramine
Edit: im also attaching the mass spectra files of different substances for those wanting to practice identification with Openchrom and AMDIS/NIST