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#61 Posted : 7/10/2009 2:37:52 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Yea I have seen that. I agree that most cops are adrenaline junkies especially DEA agents. They get off on it. If you watch the joe rogan DEA agent thing on youtube. The DEA agent actual glorifies drugs by saying that the DEA show has everything you want "money, drugs, and guns"... or something like that.... Pretty pathetic. These leeches destroy lives.

Sometimes I forget about the drug war as it is so logically ridiculous and flawed and everyone I know does drugs openly with little to no problems (aside from legal). Then when I remember what these scum do and get away with everyday and I get sick to my stomach. I honestly can not believe how ignorant people are to support drug prohibition. They just do not even stop to think as there is not a single advantage to prohibition it is a counter productive nightmare run by a bunch of fascists power hungry business men.

People are brain washed and just have nightmares about HEROIN and CRACK that were imprinted in their heads from DARE class. WELL guess what it is prohibition not heroin that is destroying our society, corrupting our legal system, and killing our children. Prior to prohibition heroin was used by the same % of the population with no problems aside from mild constipation. It was available pure and cheap, no crime associated with its use, almost no accidental overdoses, less IV use..., people used it and went about their normal day. Due to prohibition heroin is a nightmare today but if you look at EVERY SINGLE DANGER about its use it could all be avoided if it was regulated. EVERY SINGLE THING (aside from addiction which is only problem in some cases) JUST TRY IT. (The question not heroin!)

We have just as much a right to enjoy this one shot at existence as anyone else does. So long as you do not interfer with any one elses pursuit of happiness you should be left the fuck alone.

Anyway that video by the Ex-DEA agent is pretty good but most is pretty common sense stuff but if anyone hasn't seen it they should check it out. I believe you can watch it on youtube.

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#62 Posted : 7/10/2009 3:32:19 AM

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Yea, the "hiding your stash" stuff in particular is totally common sense.

What really blew my mind was his candid, behind the scenes look at how these leeches think & operate!!
The absolute profiling, the violence-mongering, the out right lies to push their cause & the fucking freedom they have to reek vengeance for their childhood insecurities on people they know aren't going to fight back in 90% of the cases!!
It is just gross to me!!
Bullies & goons sanctioned by the gov'ts.

"Protect & serve"?...MY ASS!

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#63 Posted : 7/10/2009 7:11:19 AM

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Unfortuently they are considered "the government" which causes many people to believe they have our best interest in mind. In truth the DEA is a rouge bureaucracy of greedy power hungry business men that have manipulated our legislative branch into funding their psychopathic war crimes.

The small beam of light that comes through the cloudiness is the fact that there is NO QUESTION that this is how history will remember them.
#64 Posted : 7/10/2009 3:05:14 PM

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bufoman wrote:
Unfortuently they are considered "the government" which causes many people to believe they have our best interest in mind. In truth the DEA is a rouge bureaucracy of greedy power hungry business men that have manipulated our legislative branch into funding their psychopathic war crimes.

I couldn't agree more. I usually don't join in these conversations because of how ANGRY this topic makes me. Nothing but bullies.... I wish we could overhaul the entire agency and start from scratch.
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I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#65 Posted : 7/10/2009 5:37:01 PM

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I know it makes me both mad and sick to the bottom of my stomach to think how many people are rotting in prison or suffering because they choose to alter their consciousness or supply those who do (if there is a demand their will be a supply). So many unnecessary lives are being lost and destroyed every single day and not just the users but their families, friends, the victims of crime, all of this could be avoided just how it was with the end of alcohol prohibition. Sure some problems exist but they are minimized and controlled with science and logic rather by neanderthalish gun nuts who think the only answer is to lock everyone up.

People also do not realize how much science and the medical community suffers as a result of these draconian regulations. Many synthetic precursors for needed research are scheduled. Thus to synthesize a desired compound round about synthetic techniques are required wasting time, money and resources. In addition to publishing and funding bogus research and lies, they have made it so that to conduct legit research with scheduled compounds is a complex hassle and requires DEA approval therefore allowing them to selectively screen out projects who's hypothesis they disagree with. This has caused researcher to purposefully lie in their proposals and manuscripts making drug use sound bad without question for fear they will not be funded.

Human research is even more difficult even though millions of individuals are taking these chemicals willingly daily. Effective treatments and alternative recreational substances could be created to minimize adverse effects and addiction however this is now illegal in many cases as one could be said to be making designer drugs and thus violating the analogue act.

If the problem with the drugs is truly just the health concerns as they claim (most obviously NOT) then what if a drug was developed that got one high and was shown to be safe? Is pleasure synonymous with neurological damage? If the drugs that the pharmaceutical companies give out were instead street drugs what would the DEA have to say about their dangers?
#66 Posted : 7/10/2009 7:07:43 PM

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bufoman wrote:
Human research is even more difficult even though millions of individuals are taking these chemicals willingly daily

This is the kicker, huh?
They tell us they are doing this for the greater good of the population, & that the gov't represents the people's wishes & views.
But the majority of the population is using at least one of these illegal substances on a regular basis & living normal productive lives!!

The people want it!!
The only reason it is still (& probably will be for a long time) illegal is so they can freely make money off of you when you are busted!

Some people say, "well if it was legal it could be taxed & they would still make their money".
But then the money being made would have to be regulated & it would have to go to dedicated budgets etc...
Right now, the fines paid are basically taxation without representation!!
They can charge you whatever they want, when ever they want & that money is much less regulated & watched by the gov't. It can be controlled by the "justice & corrections" departments & kept there to be used how they wish, in a lot of cases.
If drugs where legal & taxed, that money would never reach them. There would also be less people being busted, which equals less people in jails, which equals less money being delegated to the people running those jails & on & on & on down the line!!

So don't look for legalization to happen anytime too soon.
If it did happen, how would the justice system support itself?
By dealing with serious crimes & criminals? C'mon now, that's dangerous!Rolling eyes

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#67 Posted : 7/10/2009 11:00:06 PM

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Prohibition is a BILLION DOLLAR industry that we the people fund. It creates thousands of jobs however it is at the expense of the lives, safety and freedom of society as a whole. Regulation would switch the hands of power and create new jobs that would rather than cost the atx payers billions actually pay for themselves and then some.

Taxing and regulating drugs would generate some income but the major money would be the BILLIONS saved that are being wasted on the drug war every year. This is serious money.

A major industrial sub-culture has manipulated their way into the government, They are really private contractors with their own agenda. They lie and spread propaganda to convince the public that they are the government and they have our best interest at heart. They are about money, power and jobs. They are not going to give this up and why should they from heir point of view. It is like putting the oil companies in charge of pollution laws. They are not going to admit that they are the true cause of the problems and thus resign. people need to be educated and demand that they resign and end this sick atrocity campaign.

The one good thing that will come out of this "drug war" is the fact that it is such a disastrous failure that no future society will ever attempt it again. There is no way, it is one of the most counter-intuitive destructive policies that we could have. You could not design a more efficient system to make drugs more dangerous, to increase crime, to deteriorate public health. This is ther business they create the thing they are trying to destroy it is a vicious cycle. The drug war is an utter disgrace, an embarrassment and that is how it will be seen. And all those who participated or sat back and supported it will be mocked by their own offspring. They will be looked upon as the ignorant fools they are.

The notion of drug free is a joke. 90% of the population in the US (including children) ingest caffeine daily. A large portion use other intoxicants such as sugar, alcohol, and nicotine. No human society on earth has ever or will ever be drug free. Why should they intoxication can be a wonderful thing if it is not abused. Most people do not abuse intoxicating substances and this is a supported fact even with drugs like heroin, crack, and meth. Sure some abuse these things but some people abuse working, eating or their children. Should no one engage in these activities then?
#68 Posted : 7/10/2009 11:11:57 PM

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bufoman wrote:
The one good thing that will come out of this "drug war" is the fact that it is such a disastrous failure that no future society will ever attempt it again.


All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#69 Posted : 7/10/2009 11:26:47 PM

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I am glad to see that there are other people who have taken the initiative to logically look at this situation. It is amazing how many people even on this site who still think that the so called "HARD DRUGS" should remain illegal. The point is that this does nothing to curtail use and only makes the use itself more damaging to the user and society as a whole.
#70 Posted : 7/10/2009 11:37:56 PM

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Yes... such a ridiculous falacy are our current drug laws. And it seems to be an almost global thing now. It was such a shame to hear how mushrooms recently got banned in Holland - they had such a good thing going on - they had government-run mushroom farms, all controlled and regulated, to supply the shops. Since they have a new right-wing government trying to ban them, they used an aparent 9 cases of "death caused by magic mushrooms" which on closer investigation was actually I think 4, all of which also involved other substances such as alcohol, weed and MDMA, and one of which was a suicide by someone who had a history of previous suicide attempts. In the end they admitted that they were looking for any reason to ban them. This is all from dutch people I have spoken to in recent months. The funny thing is, they tell me it is still really easy to buy mushrooms you just have to know where to go, be quiet about it and get them "under the counter"... what a joke!

I wish that in my lifetime I will see the laws changed, at least a bit. The whole drug dealing industry creates so many criminals out of decent people, and the law and public attitude to drugs/entheogens/psychoactive plants alienates kids from their parents and teachers, who could otherwise be taught how to use them properly. I mean, I read about master shamans from the Amazon who began drinking Ayahuasca at age 8, and old mushroom shamans from Mexico who also began eating shrooms at a very young age! These people went onto become powerful healers; it is ludicrous that our laws cut of or make such happenings very difficult. Where is the sense???? IT is pure fear and control.

I can feel things changing however, but no idea how long it will take.
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#71 Posted : 7/11/2009 2:46:46 AM

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I am confident things will change they have to. Many societies have attempted similar banns through out history and all attempts have eventually failed. It may take a while but things do seem to be changing. The new drug czar claims to want a more medical harm reduction strategy. Hopefully the ball will begin to roll. Once it does it is likely it will rapidly change and most people seem to want it everyone is just terrified to destroy their reputation and lose their jobs and such....
#72 Posted : 7/22/2009 2:10:03 AM
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We should all join LEAP! Google "Law Enforcement Against Prohibition". For a $5 donation you get a cool LEAP pin badge!
[EDIT: if it's safe to give these guys your address!?!]

Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: www.survival-international.org Quick petitions for meaningful change: www.avaaz.org/en/
End prohibition: www.leap.cc www.tdpf.org.uk And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.
#73 Posted : 7/29/2009 3:46:32 PM

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...and yet another dmt bust reported here.

It seems that they have been doing their google searches. They got some info about dmt yet they got it from the poorest sources ever.

They good thing in SWIM's opinion is that they do their internet searches. Even with some elementary intelligence they may even manage to realise a few things, such as:

1) it's difficult to find reports from people getting harmed from dmt. This is going to be tough, can you imagine them not being able to find enough bad press to demonize dmt?

2) the extraction process can be fairly safe to perform.

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#74 Posted : 7/29/2009 5:48:47 PM

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It is always interesting how they leave out the fact that it is an endogenously occurring chemical in the human body and brain. I would think that would interest people, but I guess they think it may make it sound "safe" or something.
#75 Posted : 7/29/2009 5:56:11 PM

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swim finds it humorous that almost every dmt related article, they have to mention its the business mans trip or whatever, and how its an lsd like trip! the differences between the two are night and day, cmon news people.
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#76 Posted : 7/29/2009 5:58:52 PM

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Here is the vid


Dude had a lot of bark
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#77 Posted : 7/29/2009 6:05:29 PM


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video doesn't work. how much bark?
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#78 Posted : 7/29/2009 6:17:55 PM

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slidewinder wrote:
video doesn't work. how much bark?
Should work now. Dude had pounds of bark.
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#79 Posted : 7/29/2009 7:14:46 PM

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While JPD officers continue to learn more about the drug, Chester says they want to share what they're learning.

"We're trying to just inform ourselves, and inform the public," said Chester.

Oh yeah...as if the public would care about it WITHOUT beeing "informed"..

Horrible, addictive...think of the kids..businessmens trip..blabla..60s..counterculture...destructive...blablabla...save...

Oh...and LOL @ "they found 1.5 grams of DMT which they believe is a large amount"


This makes me sad, really...
#80 Posted : 7/30/2009 9:40:26 PM

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Infundibulum wrote:
...and yet another dmt bust reported here.

Quote from that article:
"Chester says there are approximately 20 different plants that contain DMT. He says it can take up to a month or more to make a very small amount of the drug. While JPD officers continue to learn more about the drug, Chester says they want to share what they're learning.
'We're trying to just inform ourselves, and inform the public,' said Chester."

Well good luck Chester with the informing - you'll need it in bucketloads, your ignorance is shocking Shocked

Bufoman said it all... oh, maybe there's more: did you mention the pharmaceutical industry?
Free unpatentable natural medicines are made illegal, how convenient to the pill factories..

It's not just stupidity and ignorance (although looking at the Dutch government one is likely to think it is), there is a WAR going on! This war on drugs is active, fascistoid oppression. The comparison with alcohol prohibition is often made, but the situation nowadays is much more complicated, rooted deeper in all kinds of economical/geopolitical power games.
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