ive had a pretty good run the past couple times i went in. last nights was a unique one id like to share.
last night was one of the trips i call room aware. this is where i have defiantly broken through but i am most likley open eyed so the landscape of the session resembles my room. granted its way more colorful and strange but for the most part the walls are in the same place ceiling floor ext...
ive been visited by this being the past 3 times ive gone into hyper space. he has changed forms each time but im pretty sure its the same being. each session with him has been friggin HUGE on the information exchange. he is clearly trying to teach me some mind blowing things by first demonstrating his abilities in this higher dimensional place.
he came through out of the hazy colored lighting of the room rather abruptly. i felt all warm and happy to see him again because i know its gonna be a good one based on his past visits. all communication is telepathically. he begins by doing a gymnastic like routine, back flipping from one wall to the ceiling then the floor. leaping from chair to dresser in the most fluid graceful style not possible in our realm. he moved so fast it seemed to be the speed of light except he never turned into a moving blur, i was able to see every movement clearly.
when he noticed me smiling he really became quite a joker. he leapt onto my dresser and began humping it at light speed. i know i was laughing out loud because i could here my voice like an echo. he then did one last flip landing right in my face. heres where it gets good....
he informed me that these tricks of physical form are just the begining, "are you ready to see what i can really do?" yes i was.
his next series of gymnastic rountines was not through only the room, it wasnt just moving through space and time he added my consiousness and thoughts to his rountine. just as he was able to do these leaps through the room he was able to leap and flip through my ideas, memories, and struggles! i know this makes little sense but thats exactly what he did!
in this dimension there was no barrier between thought, emotions or physical matter. i was able to see with my minds eye my thoughts as he played around, it wqas like a river of alternating colors running into my forehead from very far away on the horizon. any thoughts that i had mixed feelings about would split off into 2 streams then re join. the void in between them was where dicotomy manifests. he was able to stand there and manipulate the stream into a wave, or have it twist in on itself. what ever he did to the stream had an appropriate change in my thoughts. in other words he would find a negative thought i was having about something and change it by making it swirl around instead of flowing straight. i would then feel good about that thing.
theres more but i dont want to keep rambling. you never know if these trips are interesting to others because they are so starnge!!!!
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!Troubles Breaking Through? Click here.
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