Hi there, also new and lurking
Probably not one of the best to give advice on teks as im fairly new to everything and have only done one extraction method so far.
With concerns to vapourising i was having lot of trouble with this originally. My first full breakthrough happened using a oil rig for cannabis concetrates, i found it very simple to do and since havent had any problems. I used a titanium nail in a standard glass bong with no water. i heated the nail till glowing hot and let it cool down for 30 seconds i then used a glas vial to empty my dose onto the nail though a folded piece of paper i imagine would also work as well. I was able to take a full dose in 2 hits which was very easy to d. If you have the equipment to hand then i highly recomend trying it out as even a beginer like me had no problems. saves wasting any on failed attempts aswell. i had originaly tried home a home made method with tin foil on a 2 litre bottle but i had problems vapourising it effectivly and think i may have burned it too much leading to 2 wasted attempts and one threshold trip before trying out my ti nail.
hope this helps