Where swim lives his friends like to freeze extract their goodies raw!
He believes this is the way.
His friend showed him how to use ice cold water to break the THC off its buds and filter through cheese cloth hash bags at different grades to making some of the finest hash swims friend encountered.
swims dog suggested to his friend to freeze and squeeze his san pedro raw.
now swims friend prepares his cacti leaving the skin on and freezes buckets of green and white flesh together. It has frozen buckets full. These bucket once ice blocks can take a few days to thaw. it leaves them in its shed by the chest freezer. its theory is that when the cells freeze they crystalize and when they thaw the cells break apart allowing the goodies to dribble out.. :-) it sometimes will use three big buckets which sit inside one another. bottom bucket catches juice, middle bucket hold cacky slush and has small holes drilled in bottom top bucket works as squeezerplunger. It can take a few days but the good thing is it can leave it to do its thing no worries m8. ;-) a snotty clear calcite looking juice will drain out this is the nectar of the gods RAW as fuck... it will do several freezensqueezes over a couple of weeks. Each squeeze is reduced at lowest possible temp with a double boil then left to settle in fridge overnight then decanted. Resulting tea will have a clear gold turning to a light amber colour, its noticable how much light travels through the tea showing its high in alkaloids and left behind a lot of the full flavoured jungle juice swims frined achieved from boilng for days. The flavour shows the expertise of this method as swims friends can sip on this all day and all night... over and over again..
These friends know how to party.
Swims can then choose how much they want to reduce through double boil, if the want to make resin the food dehydrator work well for the final drying and yields lovely light powdery resin. also swims friend has had its juice in the fridge to long where the began to ferment and start fizzing. this was also nice to have fizzy although it does lose some potency and will go off after a while. Its a slow process but very easy and mostly requires patience. usually four freeze n squeezes gets all the goodies, swims friend will still give a light simmer to the last freeze to get the last of the goods out as well as the flavour and some extra nutrients for the body :-) Swims friends always have great success with this tek as its easy to do and not mess up. good results and very vibrant end result. it is also nice to reduce each squeeze down separately as you will get different flavours and strengths come out. swim can squeeze lemons of the raw cacky if he/she/it likes it does help.
This is also very similar to how swims friends like to make their iced mushroom tea/cubes.
Swim hopes everyone likes this way and gives it a try as it hasnt seen anyone doing it this way yet, and swim likes sharing with his friend and would love to hear what they think. :-)
P.s. apologies for swims poor grammar and pronunciation swim is not thick he is just lazy.
“The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words. And if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish.”
– Terence McKenna