Burnt. I will get citations but until then: There was a doctor who was invited to investigate a problem with farm chickens. They were not producing and having some other problems. She concluded they had cancer, then proceded to cure them. Then she realized the same would work for humans and when she brought her results to those that hired her, she was barred and banned from the college she worked at, her work destroyed.
Cancer is a business. A cure would put that business to an end. Just like free energy would put an end to big-oil. If you are not as skeptical and paranoid as I am then great for you. But doctors are told what to do by insurance companies these days. Because it is ALWAYS about the money.
And as a chemist I am sure you know that an acidic body is worse off then a slightly alkaline one. The western diet versus an eastern diet shows a difference in this area. Not to mention that soy intake in the east is much higher. Green tea versus coffee.etc.
Anyway. You seem dogmatic about the point, so I will say this. Technology
has advanced to a great degree. The 'gamma knife' is a marvelous tool. Chemotherapy is a terrible choice for a person to have to make, but it
has gotten people through.
The point is, we go through life thinking, 'it will never happen to me' and so we do the things that are easy, like go through the drivethrough instead of eating healthy and it comes at a price.
'yeah, one McTumor to go and 'supersize' it'...I dont think anyone is changing anyone elses mind on this thread. So good luck with your respective views. Keep the info coming because I for one am a believer.
<sips green tea>
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung