I signed up for his emails out of curiosity and received this the other day:
Honor and Credence
This is a personal letter from Trinity de Guzman, co-founder of the ONAC – Ayahuasca Healings Native American Church:
There have been many leaders who have walked before me today, to be able to make what we are doing as an organization possible."
Then he goes on to name drop and ramble on about J Mooney, and then goes into this anecdote without any contextual reference-
And to give a clearer picture of James’ character: the same government officials who filed all these charges against James and his wife, like Utah ex-attorney general, Mark Shurtleff (who is now under federal indictment), when James was given the opportunity to give supporting evidence to throw these people in jail, James simply refused.
The same people who lied and corrupted our Judicial system in order to put James and his wife at great peril and risk for being thrown in jail for the rest of his lives… he forgave, and wouldn’t give the FBI the information they requested, simply because that goes against everything that James, the Oklevueha Native American Church, and the spiritual values of our Church, is all about. Talk about forgiveness, and standing in your truth.
The name dropping goes on with a short list of accomplishments and accolades for UDV founder Jeffrey Bronfman.:
If anybody’s name goes down in history for the efforts they have put forth to protect Native American Ceremonies and practices, it would be Jeffrey Bronfman.
A deep honoring and recognition for the path that Jeffrey paved for us, to be able to do what we are now able to in the world. Without him, without his courage, without the stand that he made, without his investment towards our religious freedom as a nation, we would not be able to do what we are doing.
Trinity does not state that they have any connection with or support of UDV or Bronfman, but the inclusion of several paragraphs right under Mooney's accolades implies that AA has their blessing.
He then goes on to talk about the blessings received from " Native American ancestors" and a rambling discourse that is full of new age no-speak and seems tailored to take advantage of white guilt:
It is only on the blood that was shed by the countless Native Indians, from North & South America, are we able to bring this medicine to you today.
There have been countless massacres, with many sanctioned by the US Government, for the mass extermination and genocide of Native Americans.
To extinguish their culture, their rights, their beliefs, their people, and force them, through threat and death, to follow the footsteps of those who wanted nothing more than control, power and land…
This went on for hundreds of years. More Native American died in the 1800s than ever in recorded history, by poisoned small pox infested blankets, supplied to them by the BIA (Beareau of Indian Affairs), which actually took place ON Indian Reservations. On top of this, they were killed, with bounties placed on their heads by the US army.
And it is only with these elders, these teachers, these people who stood for their beliefs, who would NOT bow down, who would NOT succumb to the threats made unto their people, who continued to hold sacred Native American Ceremonies, that this tradition lives on, and is available to you today.
We bow on our knees, humbly, with the deepest respect, credence, honor, gratitude and tears in our eyes for the blood that was shed, to make what we are doing today possible.
It is only with these above mentioned groups and brave souls, that we are able to bring Ayahuasca to America, publicly at large, and legally, to you right now.
Speaking of legality, on another page trinity goes on at length:
There are hundreds of pages of legal documentation for you to read and understand, and without having a law background, it’s really easy to get confused with this.
...and therefore it's really easy to mislead people...
(Italics mine)
But it’s my job to make everything as clear as I can for you. To bridge the world, between the legal verbiage and history, and to what you all care about most: are you safe in experiencing Ayahuasca with us at our Ayahuasca Healings Church in America?
Trinity sounds as if a legal precedent that applies to his operation as well as all participants has been achieved. I cannot figure out how he arrives at this.
We have 100% legal rights to use the sacred sacraments of Ayahuasca, Peyote, San Pedro – any plant that grows from the earth – inside of America, according to the laws of the land.
Anybody who is a member of our church, and our mother church, the Oklevueha Native American Church, has complete, 100% unquestionable legality to sit with this plant medicine and great teacher spirit of Mother Ayahuasca, and any other plant sacraments that grow from the earth.
And it appears that after all this, his legal footing is derived from a Wikipedia entry on the "law of the land", as that is where his link directs.
And after citing various resources, including a quote from jimmy carter, he states:
So the bottom line is:
There are 2 federally recognized laws (The RFRA and the AIRFA) that protect and allow the Native American Church to exercise their religion, without any interference from the government, and to continue to hold sacred ceremonies with these sacraments & plants that the Native Americans have honored and worshiped as sacred teachers, for thousands of years.
And more on James mooney follows:
All we need to do is look at the lineage of authority that has been passed down to James ‘Flaming Eagle’ Mooney, the Elder Medicine Man of the Oklevueha Native American Church.
First a note on James:
There is no higher elder in the Native American Church than James ‘Flaming Eagle’ Mooney. All elders are deceased. He is the highest order of authority in the bloodline of the Native Americans that exist in America today.
Wait, what?
That means there is nobody that has higher authority than he does, to declare who has the legal protection of The Native American Mother Church
Others can speak to the veracity of this better than I. Here for the sake of brevity are the precedents cited for that claim. ( at least there are some!)
Quote:The Rosebud Native American Church legally established their authority with the government to be a federally recognized Native American Church on July 26, 1924.
On March 20, 1998 the authority to start a new branch of the Native American Church was given to James Warren ‘Flaming Eagle’ Mooney of the Oklevueha Earthwalks Native American Church of Utah Inc by Blessing of Chief Leslie Fool Bull the Head of the Rosebud Native American Church...
On August 19, 2007 the authority and rights of the Oklevueha Earthwalks Native American Church of Utah, Utah Inc by Leslie Fool Bull was verified and sustained by Richard ‘He Who Has The Foundation’ Swallow the following President of the Native American Church, Rosebud Reservation of South Dakota and Oglala Sioux Chief of the Eagle Clan.
Stating, “I verify and sustain James Warren ‘Flaming Eagle’ Mooney to be the Chief Executive Officer of Oklevueha Native American Church for the remainder of his life.”
...Fortunately, we have personally received James’ blessing to create an Independent Native American Church, and therefor, receive all the legal protection that any Native American Church has the right to..."
After gleefully outlining Mooney's peyote case in Utah:
Quote:The bottom line is: the Supreme Court said that although Peyoteis a controlled substance, all members of the Native American Church are protected by the AIRFA, which means, we may continue to have religious ceremonies with Peyote, or other sacraments (which is defined in our Native American Church, as anything that grows from the earth) without putting ourselves in any harm’s way of criminal accusation or prosecution.
In other words, anybody who is a part of the Native American Church, may continue to sit in these sacred Native American Ceremonies, legally.
Yes, exactly.
peyote, right? Is not the for profit distribution of a DMT containing South American sacrament a separate legal matter? Some may call it splitting hairs, but that's with the legal system is all about.
Asking and answering his own question:
Quote:4. Does the Ayahuasca Healings Church have the same legal protection
as the Oklevueha Native American Church?
Absolutely, 100%.
Through the public Blessing that James ‘Flaming Eagle’ Mooney has given us as the ONAC – Ayahuasca Healings Church, on Dec 10, 2015:
This blessing passes on any legal protection that the Oklevueha Native American Church has to our Ayahuasca Healing Church, and all of our members. That means all of our members have the exact same legal rights and legal protection of the Oklevueha Native American Church.
Again, others can analyze this claim better than I.
Quote:Additionally, as quoted in Bullet C of the Declaration from James ‘Flaming Eagle’ Mooney:
(Which, as James ‘Flaming Eagle’ Mooney states at 42:33 in the Blessing above, we will receive in the mail most likely within a week. We will upload this Declaration as soon as we receive it)
(This appears to be that declaration, or another, it appears a paragraph below the above statement- null)
“As an American Native Indigenous ‘earth’ based ‘healing’ religion that is known as Oklevueha Native American Church (Native American Church and / or NAC) I, James Warren “Flaming Eagle” Mooney, solemnly swear and declare Ayahuasca Healings Church will receive all rights and protections that the spiritual and incorporated trunk of Oklevueha Native American Church receives. Federal ID Number: 841-402-813”
That means, whether you’re a part of the ONAC – Ayahuasca Healings Church, or the Oklevueha Native American Mother Church, the identical legal protection applies to you, so you are completely safe to sit in any of our Native American Ceremonies, at our Ayahuasca Retreats in America.
Mail order?
I thought that went out with the old AMORC ads at the back of fate magazine in the 80's.
It seems to me that the Trinity has a lot of faith in James Mooney. Perhaps he is sincere in his intent, but it seems wholly ignorant to me. He seems to think that his prayer beads are sufficient to ward off the big nasty beast that is the federal and or state and even local government. And that his stance between them and his congregants will keep them safe from harm, and a drug charge is serious harm.
With the type of media blitz that he's been doing, I have few doubts that his ceremonies will be very well attended. And even though his email list gives off the impression of being "safe", I fear that many of the people that are joining him and he will attend our people who themselves are ignorant of any type of drug subculture. The mainstream face of ayahuasca is, from what I've observed, made up of a majority women between the ages of 30 and 60, who may have some cursory experience with drugs but have otherwise led fairly 'normal' lives. I may be entirely off-base with that observation and my concern is not based upon a gender observation so much as a lifestyle one, but I feel that some of these people may put their well-being into the hands of somebody like Trinity all too easily. While a raid upon a ceremony may reveal that face of the entheogen to be the one in the mirror which would be good for us as a whole, it would really suck for the ones who experience it and there's much better ways.
And it's the kind of language like that that follows that if one did not have any knowledge whatsoever of these entities (UDV, et al) that one could take it for granted that they somehow also offer their blessing to this endeavor:
On February 21, 2006 the United States Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision affirming Religious Liberty in the case of Gonzales vs. O Centro Espirita Beneficente União do Vegetal.
That means, not only did James ‘Flaming Eagle’ Mooney and The Oklevueha Native American Church face the Supreme Court and win, but so did Jeffrey Bronfman and the UDV, both winning their respective court cases unanimously and unquestionably.
This sets a legal precedent, for everything that we are doing, and the bottom line is, there is no question if what we are doing is legal or not.
You and I are unquestionably protected with our Ayahuasca Healings Church, and our Mother Church, The Oklehueva Native American Church.
Nobody has ever been arrested inside of the Oklevueha Native American Church for sharing the sacramental tea of Ayahuasca.
That last statement isnt true at all is it?
Now, on why their legality is questioned and why those claims are not legitimate, which rests entirely with James Mooney's ( ha my auto spell was just fighting me wanting to spell moneys instead...) authority.
Quote:We were initially under the impression that we had full legal protection under the New Haven Native American Church, previously known as the Oklevueha Native American Church of Missouri. For months prior, we had been in communication with the NHNAC Chief and President, Paul ‘Man Found Standing’ Dean. We followed all of his guidance, and received the full declaration and protection of his Independent branch of the Native American Church, which had also received the same blessing from the Oklevueha Native American Mother Church.
However, in the beginning of December 2015, we found out there was a political dispute between Oklevueha NAC and New Haven NAC. As a result, we immediately made contact and were advised by James ‘Flaming Eagle’ Mooney that we would have the strongest possible legal protection if we followed his guidance, to re-organize our public image to come into total compliance with the Oklevueha NAC Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct, and in doing so, earned James ‘Flaming Eagle’ Mooney’s respect and the full blessing from the Oklevueha Native American Mother Church.
This unfolding of events was a huge gift, and eventually led to this beautiful partnership between Oklevueha NAC and our Ayahuasca Healings Church. We now have the full blessing, support, recognition, and legal and energetic backing of James ‘Flaming Eagle’ Mooney, the Oklevueha Native American Mother Church and their Council of Elders.
Any statements made about our legality by ONAC, or James ‘Flaming Eagle’ Mooney, prior to Dec 10, 2015, have been recalled when we received our blessing.
2) The second reason people will still say this isn’t legal is because:
People don’t want this happening. It’s simple.
Our world is just starting to really be ready for this depth and level of Spiritual Awakening for the masses.
But there are so many people, organizations, and energies that are out there that want the world to stay asleep. Stay stuck in th...
Bla bla bla, conspiratorial minded new agey drivel. Goes on to co-opt the legitimate concerns of the cognitive liberty movement in a cheaply contrived "us versus them" context.
So. That's what it is. Caveat emptor. You have $2000 and a lawyer on retainer in WA? Go for it !
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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