the xmas season and general winter fest is a primal thing indeed.
above and beyond the treasure thing,
its really about who your peeps are.
most treasure i rake in, i could have had if i wanted it anyway.
so its not about treasure.
its about where your people stand, gifts are a common thing indeed,
but, over the yrs ive seen some not so common gifts, that exceed treasure.
sure at face value , its about raw swag and popularity,
but on a deeper level, its hooking up your people.
whats odd in my case, is for me to give a gift openly.
it would be brazen playing public favorites anytime /yr round.
social suicide in my circle,
and ,then every xmas i always say, i dont want anything , cuz i dont,
so dont expect anything......... i actually step away from it every yr.
and then every yr , peeps shower me with stuff to a shameless degree anyway.
and it appears to be xmas,
but ,for the most part its more like thanx goodies cuz i "saved" em all last yr........
and, peeps trying to treasure shock me for favor. wich cant be done.
the result is,....
maid winds up with half the crap anyway. my bedroom is only so big,
the reason she got a tab 4 is cuz i already have a twin set of black and white ones.
i was born re-gifting , its genetic.
the irony is re-gifting good stuff seems to fuel it all even more.
so theres no winning even trying to have good karma on this,
its a test of grace really.
my offering is,
the winter fest should be heart warming and social bonding,
treasure is fun, but it really never matters anyway.
like take care of your peoples everyday year round.
let em throw treasure at you on holidays if they want.
sometimes its the only way peeps understand to say thanx.
accept it with grace, cuz its ancient and primal for people to share treasure mid winter.
spread good will all year,
and ya have to expect material backlash on the xmas time.
thats said, if its about treasure, xmas is nothing,
its all about valentines day.
all the love to everyone 2015.
lets see what everyone gets next yr.
"loph girl incarnate / lab rabbits included"
kids dont try anything annie does at home ,
for for scientific / educational review only.