I like what you've said about how words can become disgustingly hollow, and end up being more an indication of the absent-mindedness to realize it on the part of the person using such language. But i must disagree with you on the point about intention being synonomous with "decision without act, i.e. a plan". It is because you intend that you act without a plan! And this would be equally true even if you were acting with a plan!
Without intention there is no action. Where there is no intention there is stillness, because you see with total clarity that there is no you to act in the first place - therefore, no other place you could be or any activity you can imagine can possibly be any different from this immediate moment, and therefore, why move? why do anything at all? what can do you do? well, you watch. you become this watching. you become this do-happening, in a fashion similar to the undulation of the breath.
Without intention there is no action. Where there is intention there is stillness. This stillness can be imagined as the temple of the great void which houses the blue and red incredibly alive fires that intertwine each other like a double helix of dna. This is the mysterium tremendum. This is nothing!
Where there is no intention there is stillness, because you see with total clarity that there is no you to act in the first place. For this simple reason there can in reality be no future, because there doesn't exist a thinker in the first place to imagine a symbolic concatenation of sounds we have invented that correspond to concepts which correspond to activities in the real world (that we have mistaken for nouns, for things - we classify, simplify, simplify - in order that we are able to communicate with each other. Language is like an entity on its very own. I understand why Mckenna pointed out that the world is, in fact, made of language. It's that powerful of an illusion. Language almost exactly corresponds to the very idea of ourselves that we are guilt-cycled into thinking we ought to get out of - the ego. In other words, my idea of myself is limited to my ability to express it in language, be it verbally, or subvocally in the mind. But! in the same way that you haven't the faintest idea how you beat your own heart, or grow your hair, or shape your bones, and yet your body functions on its very own! without your having to monitor it. So, if I ask someone to tell me who they are, they will actually tell me who they 'think' they are, which is this series of thoughts which correspond to symbols of the world and also what emotional ties are attached to those ideas in that particular person's memory system. Who I 'think' I am, I am not!
Therefore, it is not "I think, therefore I am", but "I think, I am not. "
And bodhisativa, come off it. I know you're a bodhisatva! Ahahahah. Don't give me that "i dunno, i'm only human" garbage ha! We are not merely human beings undergoing spiritual experiences; we are spiritual beings, angels divine, having in order to learn on the vastest scale a human experience.
On the subject of intention and expectation. I very much enjoy the points you are making. You have helped me close the loop on a lot of topics i've been thinking about. I love how the universe works like that - we need each other to complete each other. If i exterminated every last human being on the planet save for myself i'd at the same time be committing suicide. And when I shot the last man, the bullet jumped in my brain too. And suddenly, that was the end of us, we, the human race - we failed to see each other in ourselves, and ourselves in each other. Welp! Maybe next time 'round guys! Bang!
whahhhhhh... whah-whah
Outward intention : the force I'd personally identify as Intent, which I'm defining as the currency of energy. The greater your monies of energy, [Intent], the more likely you are setting yourself up for a case of what you will first call synchronicity but will then realize it is as if the universe simply handed it to you, and you're suprised it actually worked, and then you start seeing that whatever happens you will get always get exactly what you asked for, and all you've got to do in order to achieve whatever thing you can possibly imagine (can be positive or negative) is wish for it, yes, pray for it, imagine it in complete detail, remove all problems (which are mental blockages) that stand in the way of the manifestation in the world of the object of your Intent. I tell you; Intent is a force in the universe as equally real as gravity, whatever the hell THAT is.
Inward expectation : the force that I would suggest is a 'form' of Intent. Because, if inward expectation can be imagined as a force which draws to it the attention of others, then when you actually have their attention, and there attention is on you, well, there attention on you is from their point of view - you guessed it, their intention. In this way then intention and attention are like yin and yang - they go together, and one can not exist without the other. Hence my earlier last man scene. Therefore, I must disagree with you on this point, that expectation cannot be observed by another. Just think, could I have expectation with intention? or intention without expectation? This is the special clue that they go together, because you can't have one without the other.
Just like the ability to think about the future goes-with our ability to think about the past.
We would have no memory if we did not have imagination.
We would have no imagination if we could not remember the past.
And to the degree that you remember two seconds ago,
and identify yourself with who it was that you think existed two seconds ago,
you are being reincarnated, because you are living in a mental model of the past, two seconds ago. If you are liberated, you realize you are not being reincarnated, because there is no you being reincarnated. I'm so sorry, language breaks down here.
Anyhow, "where did the (4+) intention really go?"
Who knows, but one thing I am growing surer of every day,
is that thought is never lost in the same way that energy apparently is neither ever created or destroyed but only transformed and transferred. Thought is never lost. Intent is what powers that thought. Therefore, the effects of intent always have consequences. They may manifest in different ways. But until all blockages, that is to say, problems that we still keep mentally to ourselves, are solved, then there will be this continous cycling of thought impressions. As we think, so we will speak. And as we think, so we will eventually do.
As jesus rightly pointed out, that as soon as man lusts after a woman in his heart he has already commited adultery, even if he never actually in the act sleeps with the woman. What he means by "in his heart" is what we in our day would equate with "in our thoughts". They're really the same thing. You might say it's a feeling, but you would be using thought! thinking to yourself how guilty you feel for having this feeling, lusting after women. It doesn't make a difference. We all know what we mean by "in my heart" i know "this".
I love your analogy. I read once that one person vibrating on the frequency of love, broadcasting outbound radially like bullet rays that are intentionally charged thought-light, has the power simply by this measure of intending love,
to raise the entire atmosphere of thought taking place in a whole city.
Numerically, this person equated that one person whose consciousness was love-tuned, a sine wave of love, and projecting out that frequency, could raise 750,000 people to that level.
God i only imagine what we could do on this planet by tomorrow if we recognized taking responsibility not only for what we do, but for what we think. Mind boggling.
Your intention, which is your organic intelligence, is how you keep your six trillion cells together. It's perfectly alright man, you can't buzzKiLL me! ha! lol
Now for egg stew. I can intend me some of that!
Genesis is Now, the Mind is Incarnate.