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Mushroom Blackouts Options
#1 Posted : 7/19/2009 5:03:14 AM

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I'm wondering what is up with blacking out on mushrooms. I took psilocybin mushrooms while camping in the Kentucky wilderness and blacked out. A moment later I regained consciousness about 15 feet down the side of this large hill (small mountain) I was walking on completely delirious. I had been running up a set of stairs on the trail I was on and hadn't eaten much. I simply attributed it to those factors having experienced blackouts under similar conditions, but sober. However, a couple of my friends have had blackout experiences on mushrooms under much less stressful conditions. Any experiences or opinions on this?

My avatar is from that forest. LSD, mushrooms, and an ounce. Best week of my life.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 7/19/2009 6:28:41 AM

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low blood sugar.
Long live the unwoke.
#3 Posted : 7/19/2009 8:52:32 AM

The Root

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or low blood pressure from smoking ganj.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#4 Posted : 7/19/2009 5:08:05 PM

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The only kind of "Blackout" I've experienced with mushrooms was an extreme loss of memory. I simply could not remember where I was, who my friends were, where I lived, or what I had taken. I also had some LSD in my system. Every time I tried to bring a feeling of familiarity to mind, it was just not there. I've never lost consciousness from mushrooms though... that sounds like a very confusing experience.
All posts are fictional.
#5 Posted : 7/19/2009 5:12:45 PM

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I blacked out once from after smoking lots of cannabis. My doctor told me it was low blood sugar..caffine can do it to me as well..I always have juice with me now, my doctor told me I was hypoglycemic.
Long live the unwoke.
#6 Posted : 7/19/2009 6:04:32 PM


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on high doses of fungus iv had tunnel vision
"once youve locked yourself into a serious drug collection the tendency is to push it as far as you can..." - hunter s. thompson

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‹maxzar100› YOU are like acid
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#7 Posted : 7/19/2009 7:02:12 PM
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I had this happen too one time. It's pretty 'lol'.

I took a few dried hawaiian mushrooms.
I was temporarily living with my parents since I lost my appartment and was looking for a new one.
So I was extra careful to take them at night after they went to sleep.

When the mushrooms started to act, I could find no better thing to do than to wake them up and tell them I was going to die. (Yeah...)
Now they're both in their 70s... and it gets better.

I go downstairs, sit at the table, and try to count 1 + 1 in my mind, but I just can't seem to count up that simply math. It just doesn't want to happen. I lost all sense of math apparently. 1+1 wouldn't work.

I remember sitting at the table, trying to add up 1 + 1, and shaking my head left right something like that.

And my father and mother in their pyamas sitting in the sofa or standing talking to me, especially my father, in french, saying things like "yeah, you're gonna end up in your tomb". Literally. Seriously, not jokingly. Perfect setting for a good trip Smile

I must have been sitting there all night at the table or something, but next thing I know, I become sober again, it's daylight and morning, and realize I'm sitting in the sofa. Almost end of trip and the rest isn't lol anymore.
#8 Posted : 7/20/2009 12:41:49 AM

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I had a blackout after eating 90g's fresh, then being obesessed with going to the shop to get cigarettes, like my mind was sooo focussed on these cigarettes, once I had them, left the shop life had very little meaning after that, so I lay on a bench.

Next thing I know I'm in the middle of the road somewhere talking to the police. It's cool, they just drove me to my house. Bless. Smile

Is this what you mean by blackout? Like a lapse in memory?
#9 Posted : 7/20/2009 10:48:49 AM

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I think it has something to do with the vagus nerve, the nerve does this big loop around the body and when aggravated can be the cause of vasovagal syncope (fainting). This can be triggered by emotional stress or a digestive irritant. I also think blood sugar plays a part. My last excellent journey started after some dinner and vodka, empty stomach before traveling doesn't seem to work well with me at all (Ayahuasca excluded).
I am yet to try digestive enzymes to break down the lignin prior to a journey but I think the idea has some merits.
I am a leaf on the the wind, watch how I soar!
#10 Posted : 7/20/2009 3:52:57 PM

The Great Namah

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blue_velvet wrote:
I'm wondering what is up with blacking out on mushrooms. I took psilocybin mushrooms while camping in the Kentucky wilderness and blacked out. A moment later I regained consciousness about 15 feet down the side of this large hill (small mountain) I was walking on completely delirious. I had been running up a set of stairs on the trail I was on and hadn't eaten much. I simply attributed it to those factors having experienced blackouts under similar conditions, but sober. However, a couple of my friends have had blackout experiences on mushrooms under much less stressful conditions. Any experiences or opinions on this?

My avatar is from that forest. LSD, mushrooms, and an ounce. Best week of my life.

I have found that mushrooms and a few other psychadelics can lower blood pressure...so standing up quickly can cause one to black out and fall down.

However, in your case, you hadn't eaten much, you had been over-exerting yourself, and you were on mushrooms.

This seems pretty clear to me. High doses of mushrooms + physical activies don't seem to go really well (at least for me). Even on lower doses, I have notices that if I take a long hike I usually have to sit down part way through because I am getting dizzy, a sign that I will black out if I keep going.

The Spice extends life
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Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#11 Posted : 7/20/2009 4:23:23 PM

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yep, they can cause lower blood presure especially if one has not been eating or sleeping much. for swim, the blackout manifests itself more as falling asleep and then waking the next morning or alittle later on than passing out/blackout. SWIM says that this sleep is some of the most restful that they have experienced. SWIM would mostly attribute it to a low blood sugar/pressure, high dose trips require energy aka food to manifest.
all of my posts are fictional. please interpret them as such.
#12 Posted : 7/22/2009 10:22:23 PM
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SWIM has seen this happen to several people. They will get dizzy and fall over and start twitching for a moment then forget they even felt wierd and wonder why they are on the ground!!!

SWIM has gotten dizzy once and "whited" out, everything turned white not black. Started swaeting like crazy and tore swims shirt off. then was cool. Man shrooms are wierd
#13 Posted : 7/23/2009 1:34:43 AM

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one time SWIM ate about 2g dry mushrooms..and then sat inside(was like 10 degrees F outside) and smoked lots of weed all day...bong hits after bong hits...then about 5 hours after eating the shrooms..basically done tripping..SWIM and his friends went to go eat some food...SWIM took one more bong hit and then he started to get very uncomfortable...a ringing rising in the ears...SWIM had been sitting on a stool...he stood up and looked at his friend and said that he was ok..then proceeded to fall over...right in the kitchen...after SWIM woke up after a few seconds he passed out again...and then walking down the hallway he did it again..

the crazy thing was..when it first started happening he now thinks it was some sort of natural dmt trip...the initial effects were extremely similar to smoking dmt..or maybe 5-meo-dmt...after he passed out he drank some water and felt ok...he went to the hospital the next day because SWIM's friend told his mom..and the doctor just said that he was dehydrated...and probably low blood pressure and whatnot
it's a sound
#14 Posted : 7/23/2009 2:53:12 AM


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Jorkest wrote:
one time SWIM ate about 2g dry mushrooms..and then sat inside(was like 10 degrees F outside) and smoked lots of weed all day...bong hits after bong hits...then about 5 hours after eating the shrooms..basically done tripping..SWIM and his friends went to go eat some food...SWIM took one more bong hit and then he started to get very uncomfortable...a ringing rising in the ears...SWIM had been sitting on a stool...he stood up and looked at his friend and said that he was ok..then proceeded to fall over...right in the kitchen...after SWIM woke up after a few seconds he passed out again...and then walking down the hallway he did it again..

the crazy thing was..when it first started happening he now thinks it was some sort of natural dmt trip...the initial effects were extremely similar to smoking dmt..or maybe 5-meo-dmt...after he passed out he drank some water and felt ok...he went to the hospital the next day because SWIM's friend told his mom..and the doctor just said that he was dehydrated...and probably low blood pressure and whatnot

very interesting you mention this
a long time ago i have had this from smoking weed.
i had drank earlier in the day if i remember right and hadnt ate much..likely dehydrated
i cant quite recall it was god over 5 years ago Sad... anyway
i remember we went down into the woods to smoke a bowl real quick of this really good weed i had
crystallys all over it.. we smoked a few hits quickly then the other person didnt want anymore.. so i finished it power smoking.. then we walked back to where we were... i remember standing there and all of a sudden felt realllly stoned and got like disco checkboard neon colors across my visual field i then apparently fell backwards gave a shake or two stood up then fell again then stood up like weird what happened the whole time it was happening i had intense neon patterns and colors i couldnt see anything around me besides the visuals i was blinded with... weed has never since or before had such an effect on me.. it was before i had ever tripped but when i think back to it now it did feel very much like dmt!.... odd perhaps a triggered release of indigenous dmt is this really possible?
"once youve locked yourself into a serious drug collection the tendency is to push it as far as you can..." - hunter s. thompson

~~~~~~~~...You are me and i am you, i will always be with you...~~~~~~~~IAmUsWeYouMe~~~~~~~~
‹maxzar100› YOU are like acid
‹mattimus› dosesdosingdoses
#15 Posted : 7/23/2009 1:09:15 PM


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I would like to figure out this problem. My brother has had problems blacking out a couple of times. The first time was over 3 years ago and he was on a low dose of mushrooms. He might of smoked some weed too, but those were the only two drugs in his system. One minute he is standing there fine the next minute he was lying on his back.

This happened again this weekend at camp bisco. We were all on mushrooms standing there watching the last Disco Biscuits set of the weekend and next thing I know he laying down in the mud next to me. IT really freaked all of us out because we were tripping pretty good. I guess what really made me freak out is I had seen a lot of people have seizures over the weekend and I was thinking he had one. BUt he just blacked out for a minute. We took him back to the tent and he went to sleep.

Right now he feels like he never wants to do mushrooms again, because that isn't a fun experience. I myself have never black out.
#16 Posted : 7/23/2009 3:00:02 PM

The Great Namah

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kungpow wrote:
I would like to figure out this problem. My brother has had problems blacking out a couple of times. The first time was over 3 years ago and he was on a low dose of mushrooms. He might of smoked some weed too, but those were the only two drugs in his system. One minute he is standing there fine the next minute he was lying on his back.

This happened again this weekend at camp bisco. We were all on mushrooms standing there watching the last Disco Biscuits set of the weekend and next thing I know he laying down in the mud next to me. IT really freaked all of us out because we were tripping pretty good. I guess what really made me freak out is I had seen a lot of people have seizures over the weekend and I was thinking he had one. BUt he just blacked out for a minute. We took him back to the tent and he went to sleep.

Right now he feels like he never wants to do mushrooms again, because that isn't a fun experience. I myself have never black out.

Next time he decides to use mushrooms, make sure that he has eaten a good meal in the AM, and least something for lunch. Snacking once the mushrooms kick in is a good idea as well...also KEEP HYDRATED. Make sure that he drinks at least a bottle of water during the experience, 2 would be better.

I believe that the food and water will help keep the blackouts from happening, also maybe cut back on the weed a bit.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
wake and bacon
#17 Posted : 7/24/2009 4:19:51 PM
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Unless you really like the ganj Pleased

In SWIM's experience, any fellows that get innately paranoid when toking if things aren't 100% controlled and safe (i.e. smoking in the woods) should certainly not do so on mushrooms. That paranoia skyrockets. Seems like common sense, but many people often forget this once they are tripping and they want to smoke. This type of emotional distress could likely cause someone to blackout if it gets severe.

Water is a very good idea.
DeadLizard wrote:
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BTW wheres the "Donate" button traveler?

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#18 Posted : 9/23/2009 2:22:50 PM

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I tried some digestive enzymes before my last mushroom journey and I had no digestive upsets at all, fantastic night. I will definitely be incorporating them in the future. I also took some GABA to quell any anxiety, it works great too.
I was smoking some spice but I always avoid the weed on mush.
I am a leaf on the the wind, watch how I soar!
#19 Posted : 9/23/2009 6:13:53 PM

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^^wow, I take digestive enzymes in the morning, but never really thought about it when I take mushrooms..thanks for the tip!
Long live the unwoke.
#20 Posted : 6/6/2012 7:09:17 PM


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This thread blacked out for a while but have no fear I have revived it once again!!! (I know you all hate me but I love doing it)

I've had one experience where I went camping and planned on tripping with two buddies while my sis and her bf met up with "a couple friends" In reality it was about 30 drunk teenagers and my friends and I where the only ones over 21.....

Anyway we got some mush from a buddy and he threw in a couple really dark red almost purple capped tiny little pins, he told us to be careful and only eat two of them. Heeding his caution we each took two little purple ones and a handful of regular caps Pleased

While we were waiting for them to kick in my sister was introducing me to some of her friends and I started to come up. All of a sudden my vision went really dark and my hearing became super muffled. All I could see was shadows of people and the campfire made it look like every one of those 30 people had two flashlights each and were waving them madly. I became extremely hot and started sweating and freaking out, I grabbed at the shadows asking for water until someone placed a bottle in my hands and I chugged it.

After drinking water I went into the woods, stripped off my shirt and lay on the sand by the river. I was fine after that but had a really rough trip all night.

More recently my wife took some mushrooms at a festival and while we were walking around she said she was going to black out and needed to sit down. After sitting for a while she said she was fine and that everything had started to go black for a minute. This was the only time it had ever happened to her in her history of mushroom use.

I have been thinking about it and I can only come to the conclusion that the blacking out may have been caused by extreme anxiety similar to a panic attack or something. I had never thought of the empty stomach variable though. I'm not sure about my food intake when it happened to me but my wife was probably low on food considering we were at a four day festival running on pb&j and chips.

I'd really like to know of any further research on this, it's really scary and sets a bad mood for the trip.
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
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