[quote:5e812ba20d]The anxiolytic idea is interesting - i wonder if any studies will be done along that lines. You'd think they'd have tried DMT suppression experiments to see what effects that has on a person...[/quote:5e812ba20d] Hopefully more research will be done, it's just a matter of getting permission from the government. DMT suppression experiments would be interesting. Deffinately test it on animals first though, because god only knows what might happen. [quote:5e812ba20d]I was a bit lost with some of his speculating (dark matter, other dimensions, etc.) .[/quote:5e812ba20d] IMO when it comes down to it, your own personal speculations are as good as anyone elses, simply because nobody really knows anything about DMT at this point.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove that what is good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2