Sorry for a late answer. The system didn't notify me of a reply.
But I did go the 20th of okt. for an Aya ceremony with this guide from Peru I talked about.
There were around 20 people there in the circle.
I had a good friend with me that was doing it for the first time too and a another friend, a girl that's not as close to me
that was also doing it for the first time. She heard of the session from me and decided to go and I really didn't like the
idea of her being there. I thought she had not much idea how serious this can get and I thought she was just not stable
enough to do this. But I also knew it was not mine to decide so I didn't try to get her off the idea. Just hoped she would opt out. She had been very uncertain and sounded like she would opt out but she didn't.
And then she brought another friend with her that was this guy I had never met before and looked and sounded a bit doobious. Came out of jail just two weeks prior.
But I was not going to let that stop me. The four of us were the last people of the group to arrive at the house so there wasn't much space left so my friend and her friend ended up being kind of outside the circle in a dark corner just beside me and my other friend. This looked very bad to me and I pictured them in my mind totally loosing their wits and causing havoc there in the middle of the ceremony. In my mind I saw police and ambulance there and things really messed up but I didn't let that stop me. I WAS NOT OPTING OUT, I WAS THERE TO OVERCOME MY FEAR.
And God am I happy I did!
I had one cup. The taste was a surprise. I had years before on two occasions drank caapi only brew that tasted so bad that
I could hardly get it down. But this tasted kind of good. Very bitter but with strong taste of licorice which was a surprise.
Nothing happened for maybe 15 min. but then it came on fast and strong. I'm very skinny with extremely fast metabolism.
I started sweating a little and fear tried to lock it's claws in my mind, but it was like I had already overcome most or all of it.
It just didn't get a grip on me. So I kind of went straight into this world of very beautiful sacred moving geometry. It was a bit dark at first and I thought "yes it's dark but it's going to light up". And then what happened was like I was taken and plugged into the universe and just pumped up with endless amount of light, love, gratitutde and joy!!!! It was overflowing and I just cried and laughed both at the same time for what seemed to be hours. And my visions were all of the people in my life. I was just shown how much good people have been around me to support me through very hard times in my life.
First my parents one by one. I just saw them and what amazing people they are. And my three sisters, all so different tending
to me in different ways for my different needs at different times.
And then my wonderful wife and other family members and friends and at last my 8 year old daughter
Hahahahaha when I saw her smily happy face and her brown eyes and messy hair hahahahaha
I got confirmed she is an angel sent from above to bring my light, to bring me love
She's known in her school and our neighbourhood for being always laughing and being good and nice to all the other kids.
And she's so funny and such a character. She's my best friend. And she begging for an electric guitar now so she can learn to play this
haha the final message I got is that nothing matters but to be a good person. That was my message. The past doesn't matter. It's done. The suffering doesn't matter. It's done. It's in the suffering that our love and compassion grows the most.
Just be a good person and love all. Do your best. That's what it's all about
DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!