travsha wrote:The first legal Ayahuasca churches in USA are Santo Daime and UDV and they are the only legal churches here. I know you are probably talking about some branch of the ONAC group (there a bunch now since anyone can open a branch for the high price of $7000!) but they only have rights for peyote at the moment. I keep seeing them claim they are the first legal church even though two churches already did it and ONAC has not sued for rights to use other plants yet.
They are claiming rights that they havent gotten approved by courts yet. This is based on the 1st amendment which gives rights to anyone (doesnt have to be a church - can be an individual) to practice religion how they see fit. In the past this doesnt always work though - for example, rastafarian church and pagan churches have been claiming this right for years and have still been prosecuted and even ONAC lost a cannabis based case with the DEA a few years ago (NAC even testified against ONAC in that case!).
So any individual has the same rights as ONAC though ONAC charges membership fees which individuals wouldnt have to pay at all. I appreciate that they are fighting for protected religious freedom, but I dont like how misleading they are to their members and the public about it.... I would have more respect for them if they were more honest and up-front or if they took initiative and sued the gov for rights like SD and UDV did. I am much more hopeful about the ICEERS program to offer legal protection and community for people prosecuted over sacred plant use.
Right now not a single person in USA has been charged for Ayahuasca related crimes (Alan Shoemaker was charged once but the charges were dropped). I think this is because of SD and UDV setting a precedent in court which makes others likely to win as well and the gov doesnt want to waste money prosecuting if they dont think they can win.... So I think the gov is waiting for someone to fuck up and make the plants look dangerous - so they can prosecute that person and have a better chance of winning. This puts a lot of pressure on any facilitators to have incredibly high integrity because the future legal status of plants rests on the communities integrity.
I hope you have the best results with the mushrooms and Ayahuasca though! Remember - you can always eat more if you initial dose is not as strong as you want.... So you can start moderate and keep eating more till you get to the desired level.
Thank you so much for the knowledge and kind words friend, much blessings,
I am well aware that the Santo Daime and UDV are the first legal churches. But they are very hush hush about the situation, for you to go and partake in a ceremony there are many trap doors to go through (I say that in the best way possible)
This is indeed a branch of the Native American church and here is the website
https://ayahuascahealings.comThis non-denominational "church" focuses on anyone being able to come and participate as long as they are in need. And it's donation based. Really the vision is to bring Madre Aya to as many people as possible.
Don't know if the other centers are public like this. But just putting the information out there
Anywho, the consensus I have been getting is cut by half, so say if I'm looking for about ~5 g without MAO inhibition
Then I should go with 2.5 -2.7 and of course I will slowly increase the dose as needed. I won't pound lol, in past experiences 2.7 has indeed taught me so much, it all depends I guess as how the fungi wants to teach you.
But I would mainly work with the Aya and use the Fungi as a synergetic twin flame of sorts.
The black vine is on its way , so I will prepare accordingly. Blessings
And of course any other information or experiences would greatly be appreciated.