Hooray I'm here, how wonderful, and so delighted to see you... @pitubo
Thanks for your righteous thoughts. I'm happy about fellows asking after me and my welfare. And the good thing about what Keshe students all over the planet are claiming, is that one doesn't need any money to do this stuff and check it out! We can make it all out of wasted debris. One can make it with bought material if she or he wished to but no one has to...
In my opinion Keshe did no blasphemy, because his statement was not to be the messiah rather than to act as "the messia", "today and with his pen" calling up on humanity "to lay down all arms and all thoughts of greed and misconducts and killings". And what's about it? "Messiah" means 'to be antoined'.
As a child I had a dream, or memory, where I has been antoined by a high priestess. I was lying on an altar in a temple under a pyramid or other templecomplex and I strongly felt that this was a preparation for a task or mission - my earthly life in this world? - kind of a fine setting for that trip...
So if one chooses to act as an angelic force, what loving people did for me at least as many times I did for them and so did others, to stand for peace and therefore coming through for love then would this not be in the spirit of the creator? If an Iranian man talks in his language, what do we even know about whats about the messiah? Have you ever heard the phonetic affinity between the words messiah and messenger, quite resembling?
The rumors spread by Iranian Media about a flying disc technology ready and antigravity is heard many times since years now. I don't know much about that. But since I have seen flying lights and metallic looking spheres too with my own eyes, hovering in the air at stand and fulfill crazy maneuvers, I at least know that it is not only possible but also even exists. If you would have a company in a country threatened by corrupted groups, listed on top of "Oilcigarchs" Rockefeller, Kissinger and Co's WW3 conquering plans as holy grail, and you would have such a hot technology, would you come forward with it? Would you give it to anybody and let everybody know what's going on since people from all over the world are forces by media to hate your country?
Second thing about this is that: we know since a long time that free energy exists. Some call it zero point, other scalar wave vortex potency, orgon, ki, chi, prana, may the force be with you...
But the problem is the transition phase. Because our economy system can not handle free for all energy, it would collapse if everybody would have endless energy and from today on tomorrow all were independent and no one would pay money for energy any more at all. So what Keshe foundation and it's students are doing is not a new invention (they are not the first ones doing free energy research, but almost everyone in the past was made shut up or death by the oil and nuke lobby) but to let the thing slowly roll on, without being shut up or killed and without putting the task destroying the economy in one day. So they make it the way that every human being must choose for himself. It's like Terence McKenna said so, that there will be no solution coming upwards down, not from the government, not from the Spiegel, not from bbc or history channel - "there will be no political solutions, only technical ones."
About the Urzeitcode: The Swiss pharmaceutical group, todays Novartis, at that time called Ciba, patented the process – and then stopped the research in 1992. So, the discovery was soon forgotten, without the global scientific community taking any notice.
But there are research reports and a renowned German expert botanist Professor Gunter Rothe from the University of Mainz even had replicated the Ciba experiments in detail at his university in 2001 – and was successful afaIh.
After Guido Ebner and Heinz Schürch both passed away unexpectedly in 2001, Ebner's son, Daniel – himself a biologist – on a private basis now wants to export this electric field technology to Africa as soon as possible, as part of an aid project, with the assistance of the former assistant to the UN Food Representative, Professor Jean Ziegler, in order to make it available to local farmers – free of charge. A pitty that hobby grower like us would have to pay a lot of money for a so called 'Greenbox' that costs more than 450 Dollar! And what's in there, some electronic parts and two plates, one out of copper and one of aluminum or slt...
So I put my bet on copper and aluminum, shungit and magnesium. I'll go for magnalium and zinc and I'll produce GANS hopefully fruitful. And by practicing this stuff, my knowledge will rise and a may be able to prepare a Greenbox by myself. there are some YouTube Videos, but there are some electrical parts that are quite expensive and/or dangerous. For this I have do be much more aware of electricity and how everything works out.
So, maybe it works or I just produce a bunch of crap, we will see...
But before that happens, I'll rather put my 'Tao of Harmaline conversation to THH extraction tek' together. Yeah I read a lot posts and there seems to be a lotta ideas and testing but no "tek" as such at all. Let's see what we can do in the near future...
... let's cut to the chase!