Not feeling up to writing a full trip report but wow man. I dosed around 25mg of 2cb last night and had one hell of a ride.
Was kind of odd as there were barely any CEVS buy with eyes open everything was full of classic hallucikgen goodness , breathing, melting, swirling , patterns etc. Also time meant nothing and at certain points I felt I'd be stuck in the state forever.
The OEV were powerful to say the least. Swirling melting goodness coinciding with that mdma rush type of feeling. True bliss yet on the edge of total loss of self at the same time.
Great first experience. Can't wait to go back to this place.
I didn't see lots of colors as I hear in reports all the time. But it was as if I was rolling on Mdma and the more I let myself go into a rush that's typical of mdma the more intense the visuals would become. They were definatly more intense then any lsd visuals ive had.
My whole visual field would be spinning, melting, swirling etc all at once. Sometimes it was almost dizzying as if I was drunk. It was kind of disorienting at times. There were hardly any geometric patterns. More breathing and warping then anything.
As far as mental effects. They were very easy to maintain. Only once did j feel as if time was meaningless and pondered if is ever come out of the experience. However my girl got really mad at me at one point and it was very easy to keep composure u like had that kd happened on lsd I prolly would of lost it for a minute.
However only with open eyes did I really notice howuch I was tripping. If I laid down and closed my eyes I would just feel like I was on an mdma type of drug. But as soon as I opened my eyes I would realize I was tripping pretty hard.
All in all a great trip and I look forward to revisitnf this again. to hear others thoughts on this as 2cb ks rarely spoken of on the nexus.
That moment when you wonder if this time you went too far....
Obviously everything discussed here is the fictional accounts of someone with an out there imagination. I mean really could any of these tales be real?