This is an interesting paper from a few years back..the sample size is really tiny (only 8 people), but it is comparing inexperienced and experienced Zazen meditators and how they experience consciousness, both during meditation and their day to day lives, and it makes for pretty fascinating and inspiring reading if people are wanting a little motivation with regard to making meditation a regular practice.
AbstractThis phenomenological study into Zen practitioners’ experiences of zazen meditation is based on eight semi-structured interviews with four experienced and four inexperienced zazen meditators. The respondents’ descriptions were analysed using a five-step Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) process into thirteen super-ordinate themes. The phenomenological analysis revealed differences between the two groups. Some experienced meditators reported differences that might be interpreted as trait changes due to meditative practice. These included the ability to remain conscious in the dream and deep sleep state as well as greater clarity, greater serenity, and more compassion in the waking state. Supplementary quantitative data gathered by a questionnaire indicated that inexperienced meditators perceived a greater difference between meditation and a normal waking state than did experienced meditators. This finding might indicate that the experienced meditators have integrated the meditative state into their daily life as a normal state, an area warranting future inquiry.
Selected Highlights:
Dream states of consciousness
Inexperienced meditators. As a result of meditation, the respondents have had fewer dreams and more shallow dreams. In addition, the need for sleep is less marked than it previously has been.
Experienced meditators. It is possible to meditate in lucid dreaming as well as to continue working on Zen koans. The deep sleep state is experienced as a deep relaxed dreamless sleep.
Developing stages of consciousness
Experienced meditators. After many years of meditation, the state of consciousness has permanently changed towards a feeling of limitless clarity in mind and body. Meditation has become a way of life. A state freed from previous, different states or stages of consciousness.
Altered states of consciousness
Experienced meditators. Out-of-body experiences and lucid dreams at night were reported by all in the experienced group. One respondent experienced contact with dead people in his lucid dream state.
The effects of meditation on personal developmentInexperienced meditators. The respondents state that they have noticed several changes in their own development and view of the world, and their environment including the quality of social interactions.
Experienced meditators. These respondents state that they have noticed a number of personal changes through the process of meditation. Openness, expansiveness and non-attachment to the material world are examples of qualities and affects that have developed over time.
It is interesting to note that the inexperienced meditators all felt that the state of mind induced via meditation differed more from their mind state during waking life than the experienced meditators, which suggests the meditative state is becoming part of normal baseline consciousness, and it seems like this a long term change among experienced meditators.
The paper and a Zazen meditation guide are attached.
Kjellgren, A. & Taylor, S. (200
Mapping Zazen meditation as a developmental process: Exploring the experiences of experienced and inexperienced meditators.
The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 40, (2) 224-250.