Greetings Nexiuns. I take great pleasure in introducing myself to such a knowledgable, open and inclusive community. I look forward to sharing, learning and expanding with you all.
I'm in my early 40's and a new traveller in these parts. I dabbled with hash, mushrooms and LSD in my teens, MDMA in my 20's. These substances where for the most part used recreationally in social situations and were mostly positive, igniting and nurturing a degree of expansion and personal growth. Overall my experiences up to this point would not offer any great insight beyond that of any seasoned traveller, although I've had my share of audio/chemical induced spiritualized communion with sound and light type moments.
I fell into the nexus earlier this year while preparing for my 1st flight. I've been lurking and benfitted greatly from the knowledge and experience that has been shared and know that I have barely scratched the surface.
I've had a few flights now the 1st was an intense breakthrough and data dump resulting in a shift of perspective and renewed feelings of awe and wonder at the reality we share and realms within and beyond.
I have always felt that we are all connected at a deeper level, and now through a spice induced experience I know this to be true. I cannot provide any scientific evidence to substantiate my belief and can only relay a true and deep sense of knowing which some might define as faith, I prefer to sample the words of TMK as it was more a kin to a deeply felt presence of direct experience. I look forward to sharing flight recordings.
[color=red]Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness. To whatever degree any one of us can bring back a small piece of the picture and contribute it to the building of the new paradigm, then we participate in the redemption of the human spirit.