Greetings, Felicitations, Aves to all brethren and cistern.
I am rather late to the game with regards to working with plants.
I've been "psychonautic" since the early and on.
Recent reading led to an epiphany that I could "do it myself", under the radar, personal illumination only kinda thing.
Initially I was going to attempt the propagation of fungi, but alas my normally-liberal region prohibits the import even of spores for it goes.
That closed door led me to digging through Erowid. My disciplines include music, magick, and martial arts, and even though I'm a master of none, I still seek purity and, indeed, the "kernel", in technique, in tek/procedure, in results.
That ultimately led me here, to this august community. True heros in the psychonaut world are what I've found here, a balance of harm-reduction and empowerment.
Thanks to the tek resources at the wiki, SWIM (inexplicably switches to 'swim' mode here...) had wonderful success with a first ever LSA extraction from HWBR seeds to 192 proof grain alcohol, based on PanoraMIX tek. Even though swim fat-fingered and ham-fisted the way through it, the bioassays were luminous and nausea-free. Cannabis was consumed at intervals in an attempt to counteract vasoconstriction, and none was detected.
SWIM just received some nifty supplies, including more HWBR, as well as syrian rue, acacia confusa, and also (slightly OT) a OZ each of Artemesia Vulgaris (mugwort) and Artemesia Absintheia (Wormwood)...
SWIM also has been working a little with Anadenanthera (yopo), but is eager to work with the acacia. Adherence to "food grade" teks is important, as much as possible, as the more industrial solvents are difficult to come by, and at the end of the day SWIM's quest for purity is foiled by his lazy nature as well as a reluctance to raise flags by ordering too many things online...
So, tl;dr: This place rocks, psychedelics are important, and I'm grateful for the wealth of information, enough for the kitchen-alchemist to be safe and insane.
Your pal