daspaismusflo wrote:Any advice to the whimps who 'can't be bothered' to pour freezing cold water on themselves? Including myself
I take cold showers daily. In fact, it's how I amp myself up to exercise. I get excited about taking the cold shower, that I will myself to exercise. Both benefits with none of the laziness.
I don't believe in "wimps". I think they're people that don't know what it's like to take the plunge (or afraid of it). If you have taken psychedelics, a cold shower is nothing in comparison. Think about it that way. I'm a bit different mentally, so I always think "Hot showers are a luxury, and luxury is for the lazy".
It also helps me with my breathing technique. One thing I notice is that people are afraid of turning the tap on for the first time. Some people want to turn it hot, then gradually turn it cold (never turning it cold because it is too comfortable). Some people turn it on cold, and gradually expose their arms and legs one at a time. I don't like either of these methods.
My method works a treat for me. I stand in the shower without turning it on for about a minute. In that minute, I breathe properly (I breathe properly regardless, but that's from practice). I breathe like it's my last breath on earth. 50% physical breathing, 50% mental breathing (if that makes sense, I rarely do). I do full belly breaths. That does not mean frantic hyperventilation. I consider it as controlled hyperventilation. Once the minute is up, I do 10 last breaths, counting each one. On the tenth one, I turn the water on, full blast and the coldest temperature it can go. I let it hit my scalp first, and it flows down my body, invigorating everything it touches. Every time, I am in awe at how stupid I've been all these years with taking hot showers.
I am a guy with really long hair. Every girl I've met raves about how healthy and luscious my hair is and asks for my secrets. There is no secret. Healthy body, healthy mind and cold showers. I'm not one to care about appearances, but it really keeps everything healthy which is all I care about. I doubt this community is that superficial, but that is often a driving force in ordinary people, i.e. "Is it going to make be more attractive?"
Just do it. And you'll thank yourself later. Trust.
EDIT: I forgot to mention. Before you do the cold shower, do a small warmup first (if you didn't exercise beforehand). It gets the blood flowing, and you might not get a severe shock.
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."