My name is Ashley
I'm 22 years old and live in the Caribbean. Last night, I finally got the courage to try Salvia for the first time.
After seeing my uncle go through the experience a few weeks back, I've been so curious. Curious and scared of what he saw and what it could mean... Ive been researching, reading some subjects in different forums, a few youtube vids with college students just doing Salvia for the fun and wanted to experience it myself. See if I could maybe see something different or similar.
My uncle has a 30x vile of salvia and did the experience a few times. The way he explained it to me is that it's something he wanted me to witness myself but didnt at the same time. He told from the start:"It's a scary feeling at first, but whatever u see, hear, feel etc is going to end."
So I decided to do it late yesterday afternoon. I went by the same uncle with my sister, and we both decided to try.
At first, I was nervous because I knew a frction of what to expect. After my uncle's second trip, he explained that you see is similar to a 3D mesh fabric and the feeling was like being sucked/pulled in to a hole.
I went first then my sister.
We used a bong and filled it with 30x salvia. We already knew if it was mixed with weed or whatever that we would only get the "giggle" effect of it.
I made myself comfortable on the couch, let my aunt put some rainfall background music and took two big puffs. From then I passed the bong to my uncle, who was my sitter, and waited for the effect to come.
As I passed him the bong, I instantly started to feel like weird pricking sensation from my feet, to my legs. As I looked at my uncle, his face materialized into little atoms or almost. Like sand. I remembered to just let the feeling wash over me and let it go with the flow.
My aunt lowered the volume of the music using a mouse, and I felt the click of the mouse. I felt as if she clicked on me, like I was one with the click.... I tried to tell those around me that I felt the click , that I was almost one with room. But I think I didn't come out, from there the whole room became animated.
As I'm typing, I'm trying to remember the details but not everything is coming to me.
But from what I can remember, I wasnt in the same place anymore. But I was still apart of the couch, the walls, the room in general all while being detached. If that makes sense lol
I saw someoone or something, it didnt have a face really... it was a form filled with sand/atoms placing levels onto a tram. Like an assembly line tram.
The levels where stacked onto another initially in a very tall pillar. Like a very tall wall next to the form.
On each level, there was a version of the living room where my body was currently in along with my uncle, my aunt, my sister and cousin. I don't know if they were different versions on each level, but they looked like copies of the first level.
Everything was surrounded by infinite darkness, like in space. There were only the form, the pillar of levels and the tram. Nothing else.
Once the level, Im guessing I belonged to, was placed on the tram my vision seemed to zoom in on it. From then I felt the room put in place like batter on a rolling pin. Squished into place.
Then I started to see the room go back to hw I initially started. Everything was back to "normal".
Why I put the "" on the word normal? Because I honestly felt that wherever I was, was more real then the reality I'm used to.
In my mind, the whole experience only lasted about 12seconds tops... My sister, who was recording, filmed me tripping for a whole 8 min before actually started to come back.
Even after 15 min from coming back, I still felt the energy from whatever happened buzzing in me. Making it hard to talk and to remember what the hell went on.
After watching the vid, in which I didnt move from where I was sitting on the couch, I couldn't believe it lasted so long in their time frame compared to what I witnessed. Coming out of, I tried to stand up apparently. And I can't remember why, so from that I determined tht I maybe didnt take enough to have a longer experience.
I felt happy to come out of it, the detached feeling can be very overwhelming. But I would like to relive it to see what's more to see. I've ask myself if I could maybe see my deceased dad in a future experience..
My sister tried right after I did, she saw practically the same vision that I had and then some. The same levels, felt the same type of wave sensation overcoming you.
Will post again once I remember more...