I have a Gempro 250 which is very reliable.
It really a +/- 1mg scale and not like those cheap eBay-scales.
It has adjustable feet and a water compass so you can see when the scale is perfectly straight.
After calibration (I only use it about once a year so I calibrate it before use) it will always show my 10g and 30g
weights as accurate down to the zero.
Say that I want 30mg 2cb in a capsule.
I weigh one half of the empty capsule about six times. Sometimes it will measure an extra mg in any direction
so the more times you weigh the better the precision of the true weight.
Then you add the powder and do the same thing.
I dont "tare" the capsule but just add the weight. I don't know if this is necessary or just me having
to do this with cheaper scales from before so I just continued to do this.
So, if the capsule weighs 76mg I want the finished average to be 106mg.
It looks like this scale is a lot cheaper now then it was when I bought it many years ago.
I think I paid more than 300$
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