This is by no means a tek for 'Beginners', though not difficult either. The one who came up with this may be new to the Nexus but is not new to the process. It took a few trial and errors to perform this right but the end result is fantastic.
Pics will be placed in order of steps below, after tek is described.
Also, after the bark is used in this tek, it will then be put through a 'hot' tek, to show how much DMT/NMT is left after performing this 'cold' tek. It's been experienced that there are virtually no 'goods' left in the bark after performing this tek but for the sake of brevity, the bark will be put through it after for comparison and will be shown below in comments when completed.Please allow time for this and it will be posted. Thank you
This tek employed:
100 [ approx more or less ] grams of chipped ACRB
Citric Acid
Spring Water
Calcium Carbonate
Pure Lye
Bestine [ Heptane ]
1 Glass Syringe
1 Mason Jar [ Large enough to work with whatever amount of bark used ]
Glass Jars for reduced extract
Small Glass [ Baby Food ] jar for pulls
1 Empty Vinegar bottle, preferably with a metal cap
1 Glass Turkey Baster
Large plastic funnel
Ph Paper
Cotton balls
Leather Work Gloves [ They can be used during use of dangerous supplies and for shaking solvent/liquid mixture ]
After trying different teks with Naptha, which resulted in oil or 'Goo' too many times, other solvents were investigated and it was read that Heptane is selective in pulling mostly the desired alks, being DMT/NMT.
Also, after several attempts at 'defatting', it was found to be too much of a hassle. This tek has no defat step.
1) The bark is acquired
2) It is roughly chipped or cut into small pieces.
3) It is put in a mason jar and filled just over the top with Spring Water and half a spoonful of Citric Acid is added.
4) The jar is then closed and shaken and left to sit for a couple hours, shaking roughly every 15 minutes but make sure all bark is totally immersed.
5) The jar is strained into a separate Mason Jar and the step repeated 2 more times. All liquid is combined into one jar.
5a) Bark is then frozen and thawed twice in acidified water, shaken thoroughly after thawed and strained into the collection jar
5b) All liquid is then poured through a funnel packed with cotton balls to filter it, into a stainless steel pot to reduce to a little less than a quarter of the original volume.
6) Then it is placed in another glass jar and allowed to cool.
7) When cooled, calcium carbonate is added slowly. Once the liquid foams and begins to rise no more calcium carbonate is added. Dont do this too fast or it will potentially foam over the top. So, go slow.
8 ) Once it stops rising, a little more Calcium carbonate is added , slowly, bit my bit, until the foam 'Breaks' and goes down, returning to a liquid.
This is done to reduce the use of 'Lye'.
9) Now, just enough pure lye is added to bring it to a ph between 12 -14
10) It is now allowed to 'work' by letting it sit for a couple hours.
11) It is then transferred to an empty vinegar bottle
About an inch or two of Heptane is placed in bottle.
12) With cap loose but on the bottle, it is placed in a heated water bath.
13) Once hot, tighten cap and gently swirl [ With Gloves on please ] and release pressure by loosening then tightening cap. The bottle CAN be gently shaken but make SURE to release pressure by loosening then tightening cap.
14) Once the bottle stops hissing when the cap is loosened, the bottle can now be gently shaken. Loosening cap and tightening just in case any pressure does build but make sure cap is tight when shaking.
15) Bottle is then rolled on floor for a while to reduce emulsions. [ It was found that with each subsequent pull, emulsions become less and less but, just in case, the bottle is rolled every time ]
16) Bottle is slowly poured into another glass jar and layers allowed to separate. Sometimes it can be speeded up by placing in a heated water bath and allowed to settle.
17) When layers are separated, the Heptane is pulled off the top with a Glass Syringe and squirted into an empty, clean, baby food jar.
18 ) Remaining liquid can be placed back in vinegar jar, using a funnel, for more pulls.
Often, instead of performing another pull right away, the first pull is allowed to crystallize completely in freezer..
18a) Once that has happened and heptane is no longer cloudy but clear, the solvent is poured off and reused for the second pull.
This saves on solvent and it has also been found that for some reason, reusing the solvent pulls more alks out.
These next steps are after the first and second pulls:
1) The jar with crystals is placed upside down with a paper towel screwed on between cap and jar, to collect any moisture/ draining solvent and placed in freezer.
2) Once all solvent is drained, a dessicant like the one shown is taped to the paper towel and cap, screwed on and then it is placed in the fridge upside down.
3) After a day or so, the crystals become white and very dry. They will no longer look wet. Then the jar is scraped and crystals added to separate clean jar with dessicant taped to cap and placed in fridge, right side up, for storage.
locojuiceman attached the following image(s):
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(140kb) downloaded 259 time(s).Everything I say here happened in My own Imagination. The more fantastic it sounds, the more you can count on it being in the realm of Dreams,