Hello people,
About me: I'm a man in his 40s. I have great psychedelic experience from my younger days (surely over 100 trips on LSD and countless more on other substances between 1985 and 1995). I have always believed that psychedelics helped shape my spiritual being in a positive way.
It was about 6 weeks ago when I first tried DMT. There's so much to say, I am not going to try to pack it all into my introductory post. But I do want to say something about the nature of the ego, and duality. So, here it goes:
When I was a newborn, my eyes (still unable to focus) soaked up stimulus for the first time. My ears heard the first noises beyond the gurgling of the amniotic fluid. I drew my first breath of air. But I was not aware of myself as a baby, I probably saw the fluorescent lighting in the delivery room and thought that I was that light fixture! If I heard my mother speak, I thought that was my voice.
As time went by, maybe a few months old, I realized that things like the fluorescent light can come and go, but there was something rather constant: my mother. So I probably come to believe that i was my mother, or at least I identified myself as the combination of mother and baby.
As more time went by, I learned that my mother wasn't always there. I discovered that by crying I could make her appear. I also learned that by "being cute" I could earn the adulation of my mother and other adults. This is when my
ego formed, and if you are like most of humanity, you still identify yourself with that ego that you constructed when you were 1-2 years old.
Through my life experiences (including, of course, DMT) I have come to realize that this identification with my ego is as positively absurd as believing that I was the fluorescent light fixture in the delivery room.
That's all I've got to say for now.
I contradict myself? Very well, I contradict myself. I am large. I contain multitudes. — Walt Whitman