The database entry is obviously corrupt, a mixture of two entries, so I was ignoring it and the chembl entry, while matching the other, listed it as a theoretical value, so I figured even if the chembase pKb was for THH it was theoretical- which often doesnt match reality on these.
However! I had never found the chemicalize database before. I'm bookmarking this bitch
Thanks modern.
According to that graph the intersect where half exists as the freebase is pH 9.11, which is clearly not the value spat out by the theorizer machine the other sites used. Moreover its value for the deprotonation of that indolic hydrogen is 16.30 which is similar to the 15.6 in that older paper. Working at such extremes of pH it wouldnt surprise me if the paper from the 80's was off by that much.
I think you found the real deal.
It also lists the isoelectric curves for all 3 of our harmaloids. Isoelectric point being where the maximum percentage of alkaloid should precipitate from solution. From those curves it matches the nexuses experience that baking soda should crash out harmine quite well while leaving much of the harmaline in solution. In the next comparison pH of 9 or just above should crash out most of the harmaline while leaving much of the THH in solution.
Ideas for doing that: Borax buffers to pH 9.2 and saturated calcium carbonate is pH 9.4
Can a PhD verify that I'm interpreting all this reasonably?