In SWIM's tests a while back, he came across a bufotenine reaction of some sorts.
He had heard of "calcium bufotenate" and tried to make it.
He extracted bufotenine from Anadenanthera colubrina. It was extracted using a typical A/B extraction, with DCM as the non-polar solvent. I'm not going to go through the details of that extraction. There were lots of cleanup steps involved, and it's really not important. At the end he had some amber slightly sticky bufotenine. It was clearly bufotenine with the typical effects of bufotenine. The fact that it was amber and sticky indicated it was not 99% pure, maybe something like 85% or so.
Anyway, SWIM had tons of this impure amber bufotenine to play around with.
One day he decides to try to make "calcium bufotenate". He had read about this on another forum. So me measures out 100 mg of impure bufotenine and 100 mg of calcium hydroxide. They are mixed in a solution of 50% IPA, 50% water, for 1 hour. At the end of that hour, he dilutes the solution to 75% IPA and filters out the calcium. He evaporates away the IPA using a fan and no heat. He then scrapes up the material and dissolves it in acetone, filters the acetone to remove any remaining calcium, and then evaporates the acetone.
He smokes 10 mg of this material. It's VERY NICE, the nicest psychedelic SWIM ever had. Now SWIM is thinking he made "calcium bufotenate", but then he measures the calcium that was filtered out, and it comes to about 99 mg. So, it couldn't be "calcium bufotenate" because it seems all the calcium was recovered.
SWIM tries this reaction again many times. Sometimes it doesn't work at all and he's left with just bufotenine at the end. Other times he's left with a non-smokable substance. After many tests, he found that the reaction is unpredictable and that time is critical to the reaction. If the reaction is run for 24 hours, it always produces a non-smokable substance, which is likely dehydrobufotenine. But if the reaction is not run long enough, the end result is just bufotenine. But when run for 1-4 hours (it seems different every time) the reaction is successful. Sometimes 1 hour is needed. Sometimes 4 is needed. Sometimes 2, etc. SWIM has no idea why the time varies so much.
Why this reaction works sometimes and fails other times at 1 hour of mixing is a mystery. The reaction seems to always take a different amount of time to complete. The problem is, if the reaction is run too long, a non-smokable alkaloid is the result.
I would love it if some other SWIMs can investigate this. I think using pure white bufotenine would be best. Maybe with pure bufotenine the reaction will be more predictable.
I think what's happening is that the calcium hydroxide is forming calcium bufotenate (Ca + -5-O-DMT) in solution if mixed just long enough, but if mixed too long dehydrobufotenine forms. I think the trick is to add the IPA as soon as the calcium bufotenine forms, and then filter out the excess calcium hydroxide to prevent further reaction so that you don't end up with dehydrobufotenine. Once you dry the IPA, you have calcium bufotenine (Ca + -5-O-DMT), but unless its in an alkaline environment this compound converts to bufotenine (5-HO-DMT). I think it's useless as is because it just becomes bufotenine again, as soon as it gets wet. Anyway, then you dissolve it in acetone, and it reacts with the acetone forming 5-AcO-DMT or something similar. When you filter it, calcium filters off (possibly calcium oxide?). Then you dry it and you're left with 5-AcO-DMT. This is just a guess. I really don't know what the end product is, but it is definitely smokable, and definitely the nicest psychedelic SWIM has ever had.
At any rate, this reaction is repeatable, but unpredictable because the time needed for the reaction to complete seems to vary a lot. It takes anywhere from 1-4 hours to complete the reaction, and once complete, if it's run much longer, a non-smokeable alkaloid (most likely dehydrobufotenine) forms. Again, I don't know.
If anyone can investigate this and find out what exactly is going on, it would be fantastic.
SWIM still has some of the mystery alkaloid sitting in a vial. It's very distinctly different from bufotenine. The duration of action is the same, but the potency is about 1/2 that of bufotenine, but many times more visual. It's more visual than any other psychedelic SWIM has experienced. It's also extremely euphoric. It orally active as well at about 100 mg, but produces some nausea.
I would like to know what this alkaloid is. Is it 5-AcO-DMT? Is it something else? Whatever it is, it's nothing short of AMAZING. I think probably many people have accidentally made this compound by freebasing their bufotenine with calcium hydroxide and then dissolving it in acetone. A lot of techs out there use calcium hydroxide and acetone.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.
If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.