Old thread I know but I do not want to start another one on the topic. I don't really know where these 20-30g etc doses are coming from when it comes to dry peyote.
I have very little experience with cacti in general, but I have been working with it recently after falling in love with MDMA. Cacti was the next step. I am sensitive already but still..
I got to eat peyote last night for the first time in my life. It was one of the most amazing psychedelic experiences I have ever had. I only ate 3 grams! of dry buttons, with small puffs of cannabis through the peak and come down. I was able to have in my possession 14 grams of dry buttons, and research tells me that 4% alkaloids is common in peyote, and 6% is not unheard of. So I estimate I must have ingested 120-180mg of peyote alkaloids.
I really can not imagine 20g of this peyote. People say peyote is not visual like psilocybin or ayahuasca etc. This is not true IME. Peyote is every bit as visual and visionary as these other medicines, with extremely complex fractal glyphs and mandalas, and then also true visions. Some of the most deep, personal and profound visions I have ever experienced. Peyote is my teacher. I knew it instantly..it's what I have been waiting for. MDMA opened my heart and changed my life, and opened the road for the cacti to enter into my life. I am in absolute debt to these two medicines for the profound shift in my life I attribute to them.
Peyote is far more potent than any trichs I have eaten. I recently ate 25g of peruvianus at shambhala music festival and yeah at that dose it def becomes visionary and fully entheogenic, allowing for the full empathogenic MDMA like rushing that is unmatched for dancing(MDMA and mesc blow mushrooms out of the water for dancing) but with the deep deep mystical(MDMA is pretty mystical though) and visionary headspace that compares to any ayahuasca I have drunk..though the content of the visions with the cacti I think were more profound and personal.
I cant stress enough how amazingly visual peyote can be. It is the most colorful psychedelic I have tried, with complex geometric patters and visions I never thought this stuff was capable of.
It even talked to me. The voice of the peyote is very different from the voice of the mushrooms..but it really surprised me when suddenly this disembodied voice was addressing me in a dark room.
..oh and electronic bass music..yeah mescaline does that whole MDMA thing where the music just saturates your cells. This is important for me. I found my home in the rave culture and the psychedelics I have been using reflect that more and more.
Im going to eat 3g again at an earthdance festival next weekend..and then save the rest for a higher dose the next weekend. Then, I have some trichs ready to give me a taste.
Long live the unwoke.