swim likes strong drink. he likes his ethanol 190+. swim used ms paint and patched a few pics together best he could and is looking for comments on it
this is supposed to be a double distillation setup, something swim ms painted together from a few pics. Is this something that would work? Should swim just set up two separate stills instead. swim doesn't have a vigorx column so is kinda stuck distilling twice. swim'd like to re distill the first distillate as it comes out to save time.
swim was guessing the second pot would have to be drained of water once in a while which could be thrown into the wash for the next batch to be put into the pressure cooker.
swims thought was that he would use tygon tubing to go from his pressure cooker to a three way distillation adapter(which he has done to attach the 200mm liebig he used before) and use a 300mm reflux condenser on the vapors from the pressure cooker this time. swim would drain this into a west condenser. the west condenser would be attached to one top of a claisen adapter. the bottom of the claisen adapter would have another pot being heated to re distill the distillate. the west condenser would re condense the vapors so they could only go out the other top end of the claisen adapter. the other top end of the claisen adapter would have a three way distilling adapter with a 200mm liebig column leading to a final collection flask.
swim was thinking of using a Britta filter as a final collection flask.
fill the pressure cooker get the water running, heat set, and wait for the Britta pitcher to fill? Could the double still work? set then come back for a drink? should swim just setup two instead? swim's buying a vigorx column soon, he hears you can get 95% ethanol by using one plus they're great for other things too.
wash will be ready soon, swim doesn't have everything yet, not sure if it will show before the wash is ready. this was just some crazy dream he had. he was wondering if anyone has any info on what he'd like to do
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