So this might be sort of a long story, but I'm going to try and keep it as short as possible.
I had been seeking some sort of guidance from a shaman for the ceremonial use of peyote or ayahuasca. One can't really look up a shaman in the phone book, so I started poking around on forums and asking spiritually minded people if they knew of any such opportunities. I was pretty much limited to finding help in the N. American continent since I didn't have a lot of cash to throw around. The first two I found didn't give me a feeling of comfort, and one of them was trying to charge way too much $$.
My search was put on hold for almost a year, and I continued to journey with substances I was more familiar with in the comfort of my home or the forest. After many journey's with myself, I finally felt I had hit a wall in what I could face on my own. I was trying to get through some serious emotional and mental trauma/baggage, and something told me I needed a big dose of something in order to get through this block, but doing it on my own would be very risky.
Somehow, I came across a church that would put you in contact with people practicing healing work with plant medicines, and I was compelled to join, so I did. Once I joined, they gave me two contacts, and I emailed them right away. One of them got back to me the next day, and I intuitively felt that this person would be the right guide for me at this point in my journey.
I went through a single, one on one, aya ceremony with this person, and everything went really well. We battled some sort of draining energy that had been attached to me for over a decade, and were successful in getting rid of it. The best way I can explain it, is that is was some sort of energetic/spiritual parasite. Things dramatically improved, but I still felt there was more work to be done.
Later on, this person invited me to come to a group ceremony, and I happily accepted. The first night was quite manageable for me, but some strange things started to happen. I became aware of a negative energy or suspicion directed towards me from the healer. At first, I shrugged it off, thinking it could have been my own insecurity coming out, but later on this possibility became more apparent.
The next night I took an even stiffer dose of aya. One of the people in the ceremony was working with peyote instead of aya, due to medical contraindications. They were having a hard time gaining an experience, feeling nothing after a few hours. Then the healer grabbed another glass of peyote tea, and I saw them put a spoonful of something in it. When handed the glass, the person said "Did you put something in this? It tastes different." The healer confirmed there was something in it, but didn't specify what.
Another hour or so went by, then the person who received the glass started to moan and weep, and obviously started to have a very difficult experience. I was summoned to grab the older medicine man, and panic seemed to have taken over. I was under the influence of a stiff dose of aya at this point, and knew that the healer had put some ayahuasca in this persons peyote tea. Due to some things I've read about psychedelics, I thought this was a dangerous combination, especially for a first time journey. However, I was really new to ceremony, and didn't feel it was my place to bring any alarm to the situation. Besides, what was done was done.
Eventually the person who received the dose was okay, and ended up having a valuable experience. During this whole experience I was slapped by aya, but was also opened up to more possibilities than I could've imagined beforehand. I became the singular consciousness, then I was god. It was like a lucid dream. I could stop time, felt I could fly, etc. I truly felt omnipotent. I was completely overwhelmed with infinite possibility, and my human mind just couldn't handle it. I spent hours just staring at our alter in complete awe.
During both of these ceremonies, I was invited to come help other people going through their experience. I was taken totally by surprise that the healer felt I was ready for this. I've always thought I would become a healer of some sort, but I didn't think training would come so soon. It was only my second time drinking, but spirit moved right through me and told me exactly what to do. After the ceremonies were over, I again became aware of some sort of negative energy directed towards me from the healer.
For a couple of weeks, aya fucked with my head big time. I kept being told that the healer was jealous of me, and that the reason I had been treated so badly for most of my life was because people saw things in me they thought they weren't capable of. People were projecting their insecurities on me, and I was always wondering why. I kept battling the thought that all these people who treated me badly were just jealous, and that I needed to quit being so nice in return. I see now that my insights on aya were accurate.
Later on, I was invited to come help with another ceremony, but I said I didn't want to work with aya, I was being drawn to peyote. I went through with it, helped at that ceremony, and everything went fine. There was still some sort of weird tension between me and the healer. I started to notice inconsistencies in their story about the healing path they were on, and also some serious lack of knowledge about these substances. However, I was still new to all of this, and tried to look on the bright side and keep an open mind.
More recently, I was invited down again, and circumstances seemed to quite literally forced me into this situation. This healer was beginning to erect a new church, and people were starting to decide who had what position. I offered quite a bit of help processing medicine, and getting our new site ready for ceremony, but there was something telling me that I needed to keep my eyes open, and not be too quick to jump on this bandwagon. I could feel tension mounting between me and the healer, but I kept forcing myself not to judge, and keep an open mind.
As the next ceremony approached, bad feelings kept coming up. I had strange dreams, lots of visions in meditation, and unmistakable synchronicity. I had bad premonitions about the upcoming ceremony, but something told me I had to be there. It got so bad, I almost skipped out last minute, but continued to hold strong.
Finally the ceremony was about to begin, and the tension was so thick I had a hard time calming myself down enough to even breathe deeply. As the healer came to dose me, they seemed to have a shit eating grin as they fed me spoonful after spoonful of peyote paste. I had the feeling they were trying to dose me so hard that I wouldn't be able to sing and play my instruments later on. I didn't give into fear, and just kept eating all they could give me. I knew in my heart that I had nothing to hide, and that this tension was coming mostly from their fear and jealousy.
I went through two rounds of this spoon feeding, and still wasn't gagging on the medicine. I think peyote tastes pretty good actually. I also ate fresh buttons and drank a couple glasses of tea. I have limited experience with the medicine, but intuitively knew that I had taken a very stiff dose. Tension between them and I continued to mount, and I was just praying to my guides to protect me, and to allow the truth to come out. The healer and I had spoken earlier in the week, and agreed that I might not be helping with the ceremony as much as I had before, because I had already helped process medicine, needed to work on things in myself still, and had felt I earned the opportunity to work on things I needed to.
After a couple of hours, I was in a heavily induced altered state from the peyote, and all the sound in the room seemed to take on lower octaves. My voice, the healers voice, etc. I was laying down, and trying to pray and meditate on why I had so much misfortune in my life that I felt I never deserved, when the healer came by and kicked my feet/legs, and motioned for me to come help with healing people. I calmly told them I was working on myself, and then they did it again. This time I responded very seriously, and said I needed to keep doing work.
Then the healer came to me again, and said the spirits said I need to eat more medicine. I declined, and the person became more persistent. I know my limits very well, and still declined. I didn't care if they were the leader of the ceremony, I make my own decisions for my mind, body, and spirit. In prayer, I was instructed by my spirit guides to go to the bathroom because a sort of conflict was about to happen between me and the 'healer.' While there, they told me not to give in to the pushiness of the healer, and just go play and sing when I was asked to. That's all I needed to do.
So I got ready to perform, and noticed my instrument just didn't sound right. It wouldn't stay in tune no matter how hard I tried. After struggling for 10 minutes or so, I was told by spirit to ignore it and just perform. During the middle of my song, the healer came by and interrupted me, whispering in my ear, "I said play your songs," with quite a frustrated tone. I didn't let it stop me and told them that it was one of my songs and I wrote it. They immediately walked off frustrated.
My instrument kept sounding off, but I just performed from the bottom of my heart and ignored all else. I had the feeling that something supernatural was De-tuning my instrument, and that the 'healer' had put some sort of hex on it. The group still loved it, and kept asking me to do more. So I obliged. Meanwhile the healer is looking like they're about to blow. The healer even tried to get me to stop performing, but the group kept asking me to. I played a few more, then my spirit guides instructed me to sit down, and that I had done enough. So I did.
More medicine came around, and I decided to take more, as I felt a purge starting to come. I really wanted to puke, and still hadn't yet during the previous ceremonies. Finally, one last spoonful touched my tongue, and everything in my stomach came out. What a release! I felt better, and started to wonder if it was me who had created the tension all along, but still felt that something was up between me and the healer. Things calmed down a little bit, and I was finally allowed to work on myself again.
Days after the ceremony, there was still this tension between us, and I was finally accepting what my intuition was telling me all along. This 'healer' was threatened by my gifts, and knew that I could see through the front they put up about being all peace and love. They were more focused on profit and power than healing, and I was truly there out of the sincerity of my heart. I was guided to leave the area where the church was forming, and that I had done all that I was supposed to do.
Upon returning home, I started to realize that the power in this world of spirit is all so new to me and the other people involved, that we can't be sure of the true intentions of so called 'shaman.' A few days went by, and I kept getting strange messages online from the healer, and finally felt I had to say what what really on my mind. Then they made some very childish accusations about my behavior, trying to say I have various mental health issues, and that I probably shouldn't work with these medicines anymore. I chuckled at this, because I know myself well now, and I'm in the best health I've ever been in. In a long message, I told them exactly what I thought. That they were irresponsible, threatened, jealous, and hiding their true motives to do this work. I haven't heard a word back since, but don't really care to at this point.
I got my soul back that night, and now I have no doubts about my intuition, abilities, or gifts. I'm not going to let other people take me down a notch because of their jealousy or insecurity. I have nothing to hide or apologize for. I now think this person is more of a brujo than a shaman, and that I would do well to never take medicine with them again. I'm tempted to notify some people higher in the church of how this person has violated their own code of ethics, and those of the higher church. I don't really want to cause any more crap, but I also don't want to see anyone else get hurt. People with less experience than me could be really damaged by these sorts of risks and actions, and it worries me. I'm getting over it now, and just seeing 'shaman's' actions as childish, but also very risky.
I thought this would be a good place to get some outside opinions, and just air out the frustrations I experienced during all of this. I'm in a tough spot, but I feel that I need to do something. For now, I'm just going to let things play out as they will, because things like this have a way of working themselves out in time. Thank you for reading if you have read all of this, and I hope I get some valuable input.
Everything I say here is for entertainment and educational purposes ONLY. My words have no foundation in real life.
This present moment can only be conceived in terms of the past, yet is also the future constantly arriving.
The singular consciousness played a trick on itself to experience all from a subjective standpoint so it wouldn't have to feel so alone.